Ion hadn't noticed something was off when he woke up, until he moved to get off of the bed. The floor seemed very far down at he hesitated before climbing down. Now everything seemed too large, and he moved to the mirror to see what had changed...and it was him
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Reaching out, he laid a hand on Guy's shoulder, he shook his head slightly, not blaming his friend at all and knowing Luke wouldn't either. It was nearly impossible for them to always be there for each other here. "It's not your fault," he said softly. "But I know, because he changed his form not long after I couldn't escape."
His kitten joined them on the bed, sniffing curiously at Guy's knee.
((ooc: That was adorable!))
Guy appreciated his friend's words, but they did very little to take away his guilt. If he was able to find his friend in a place like Malkuth, he should be able to protect them here. (Never mind the fact the hotel made it damn near impossible for him to find his friends most of the time.) Guy looked at Ion sharply. "He wanted you to remember him?"
He looked down at the kitten and raised an eyebrow. Then he looked at Ion with a slightly amused expression. "That's not a cheagle, Ion."
Ion nodded. "He said that was his name...he intended to keep me..." Shifting just enough to let Guy see the scars he'd received: over his heart, the front and back of his left shoulder,, and "ENVY" on his back.
Picking up the kitten he smiled. "I know he's not a cheagle, but he's my friend." And was very cuddly.
"Keep you?" The anger evident in his voice grew when he saw the scars on his friend's body. Especially the bastard's name. "I know Tear is in the hotel somewhere. Maybe she can help with the scars." He wasn't a seventh fonist, he didn't know if it was possible.
He had to shake his head at the sight of Ion holding the kitten. It brought back a lot of memories concerning Mieu. He reached out and chucked the small cat under his chin. "I suddenly miss a certain blue cheagle that used to annoy Luke."
:It's okay Guy. I met someone recently who told me that he can take care of it." He left out the fact that this person also wanted to keep him and he'd agreed. But Lestat was kind and had at least asked.
He smiled though, watching Ajay attempt to catch Guy's hand. "I miss Mieu too. Maybe that's why the hotel gave me Ajay."
Guy peered at Ion. "I'd like to meet this man to both thank him and help him." But don't tell him about the "keeping part". That would probably send Guy on a search for Jade to help deal with Ion's savior.
Guy chuckled. "I wonder if that's why it gave me Cheagle ears before," he said, playing "keep away" with his hand. "Good thing I'm wearing gloves!" The kitten had managed to snag the glove on his hand and was proceeding to pull.
He laughed slightly at the memory, watching the two pull. He still thought the ears were rather adorable on Guy. "He's probably only using his claws because you have glove."
((ooc: Guy would likely tease to no end at hearing Ion turns into a cheagle. ^^))
Guy continued trying to get his glove away from the cat. "He's probably using his claws because he's a cat," Guy chuckled.
[ooc: Who? Guy? Never! >:D]
Ion scratched the kitty by his ears. "Do they usually? He hasn't really used his claws." Ion didn't count clinging to his sleeves.
Guy shrugged. "As far as I know, cats use their claws for catching things, and holding on to things. So, yeah, he caught my glove and wanted to hold on to it."
Ion rubbed the tip of one of the cat's ears. "I didn't know that that...but I'm glad he doesn't use his claws on anything that will hurt."
((ooc: I still want you to come back to play with us at 3step. <3))
Guy was a reader, as well as a fontech fanatic, and the cats around the manor and castle helped him learn that. "Nah. They only do that when they're hunting, and sometimes when they're playing."
[ooc: Awwww. *blush*. I keep forgetting to work on Sesshy's app...]
"Oh, since you're here, I might as well tell you why I've been looking for you," Ion said. "I met a girl who told me a little about her world's technology and I thought you might be interested."
His head shot up at the mention of the word "technology". If that didn't prove he was interested, the look in his eyes probably did. "Really? What's it like? What's her name? Is it like fontech? No, it probably isn't. Then again, it could be. Is she a mechanic?" The questions only stopped because Guy did to take a breath.
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