[ Continued from The Fuck or Die Meme ][ Locked to mjeevas ]

Jul 23, 2011 20:42

He hadn't thought this through past getting into a room so he didn't really care when the door shut and they continued, not even looking for the bed he assumed should probably be there. Mello wasn't sure when he'd realized how much he'd missed this--sometime between that first touch and the kiss--but now he couldn't take his hands off Matt's body, ( Read more... )

series: death note, pairing: m/m

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mjeevas July 24 2011, 05:18:50 UTC
The pause following Mello's wince had Matt pulling back enough to break the kiss. He didn't look at Mello's collar this time, tearing his shirt overhead instead. He could still feel where Mello's nails had scratched over his back and it twisted the excitement in him, a wild frantic need for the other man that led his hands back to the blond. Kicking his pants free when they were low enough, he took a fistful of Mello's shirt and started with a handful of blind steps into the room ( ... )


slavic_sinner August 5 2011, 08:58:55 UTC
Of course he'd smashed the pitcher. Mello shrugged and nodded, closing his eyes as he listened to Matt's footsteps moving away. The water ran, stopped, ran again, and it was easy to figure out Matt had cooled off first. Mello only opened his eyes to see the proof in his soaking hair when he heard Matt stop in front of him again ( ... )


mjeevas August 7 2011, 08:46:04 UTC
Matt took the glass without looking at it, surprised a moment later when he realized he was holding it, and then set it on the ground with his cigarette butt discarded inside. Shifting closer to Mello was easy and leaning against him made him lazy despite the fact that each observation wanted to prod motion back into them. He felt filthy too but then he always felt filthy here ( ... )


slavic_sinner August 12 2011, 06:25:00 UTC
Mello's eyes drifted up to follow Matt's on their linked hands for the moment, and his words caught up a little belatedly while he stared at the way their fingers seemed suddenly laced together. It was a nice sort of pattern, despite the blood on their skin, under Matt's fingernails. Mello blinked, looking back up as his hand dropped back into his lap and Matt's fingers brushed over his throat.

The flash of teeth as Matt grinned caught his eye and Mello laughed suddenly, the sound unconsciously strained. "Showering probably isn't a good idea with, y'know. Bandages." He leaned forward slightly, hand winding up on Matt's knee. "Don't care if you bring blankets or lick me though," he pointed out, suddenly quite amused. Or maybe it was just the lightheadedness. He wasn't complaining though. Mello tried to match that grin, pressing closer and hooking a leg over Matt's. He wasn't lying about being cold.


mjeevas August 19 2011, 03:50:06 UTC
They were suddenly very close again and he ran a hand over Mello's leg without a thought. "Yeah, I knew it was a bad idea. I don't know why I brought it up." They were such a fucking mess but if Mello was attempting to laugh, well, things couldn't be as bad as they'd felt moments back. There was a sense of unease still keeping his eyes on Mello's neck but he ignored it. It was harder to care when the other man's body was pressed to him and intoxication came into play.

And after a moment, he seemed to shrug to himself and leaned in to lick Mello's jaw. His tongue slid over the other man's skin, slowly, not thinking about blood or sweat or much of anything past this. He licked Mello's cheek next, kissing lightly down his neck, over the bloody bandages, and down to lick his clavicle.


slavic_sinner August 20 2011, 04:44:57 UTC
His body might as well have been soft clay under Matt's kisses as Mello let his tongue dictate where he tilted his head, how he leaned in or fell back against the couch. The pain was a dull, faraway throb that wasn't worth paying attention to and his body felt relaxed, almost liquid under the ministrations of Matt's mouth and the wet slide against his skin.

"You... really gonna lick me clean...?" he mumbled after a minute, completely unresisting. It was too much effort to move, and there was no need with the combined presence of Matt and the couch holding him.


mjeevas August 21 2011, 03:14:50 UTC
"I could," he said, leaving the possibility to chance while his hand moved to the blond's dick in the form of a caress before gripping it tight. Words were obsolete and he could find better things to occupy his mouth. Kissing and licking down Mello's chest was an automatic reaction to the idea and he couldn't get enough of it.

More because he could taste all the sharp edges of Mello's personality and the danger that kept inside him. It was like a confection all of its own, the thrill of something warm and alive but still capable of turning against him. "Should I?"


slavic_sinner August 26 2011, 04:17:55 UTC
A soft groan left Mello's mouth and he rolled his hips up slowly into Matt's fist around his cock. Everything but Matt felt far away and unworthy of giving his attention to, and the only reason he bothered to notice even himself was because of Matt's hand and mouth on him. Each touch felt like a small jolt of electricity just beneath his skin, making him twitch and shift just barely into the contact, while the rest of his body remained listless on the couch

"You already are," Mello pointed out absently, head lolling to the side so he could watch Matt's progress down his body out of the corner of his eye. "Might even be working." Which wasn't true at all, Matt's tongue dragging saliva along his blood smeared skin and just disrupting the mess more than cleaning it. He didn't care though. It felt amazing, floating and unreal and at the same time each brush of fingers felt seared into his skin. Mello breathed through parted lips, watching raptly.


mjeevas August 27 2011, 06:59:28 UTC
He wasn't sure of how long he could keep licking Mello like this, the taste of blood and sweat swept up with each taste before he moved away from the blood and just teased Mello's chest with his teeth. "What, cleaning you up? Not even close." There were too many distractions to be neat and even if he had been, he wouldn't have been able to keep going singlemindedly. Instead he bite Mello's nipple and let go of his dick to drag his hips against him with fingers biting hard into his waist. "I'm not any good at that, it seems."

The decadent way Mello draped himself over the couch made him feel a little out of sorts. There was an urge to just pull him to his feet and tumble into bed but it'd taken work to get Mello on the couch to begin with.


slavic_sinner August 27 2011, 07:06:51 UTC
A soft, breathy chuckle left Mello's mouth and he let his eyes slide half-shut, staring at nothing absently. His chest arched up with a small jerk when Matt bit him and he groaned again shakily, squirming weakly against the fingers digging into his skin, though not to get away. "Seems to be working, to me," Mello murmured with a soft sigh as he fell still again, rolling his hips up into Matt's with slow, lazy motions. "I'm not cold anymore, at least," he realized, noting the change absently rather than with any real interest. He felt pleasantly dizzy, but no longer cold or clammy. It felt nice, like the wave of drowsiness after a strong buzz, though with more of an edge as the pain hovered just out of the range of his caring about it, but there enough to be felt.


mjeevas August 27 2011, 07:28:36 UTC
It sounded like good news. He almost reached up to the bloody bandages again, just to see if the bleeding had stopped too, but he ended up grabbing the back of the couch instead. Their faces came close again. "Cleaning you up with my tongue and keeping you warm are two different things," he pointed out, leaning in to kiss the other man slowly. Slow like their hips grinding against each other, tortuously, deliciously, the memory of sex still coating their skin like dried sweat and he could taste the sloth on Mello's lips in the kiss. He didn't know why it wouldn't infect him and leave him twisted around the other man with the contemplation of settling but his mind was still racing.


slavic_sinner August 27 2011, 08:10:34 UTC
"Not really," Mello argued in a whisper against his lips, pushing his tongue against Matt lazily and letting him control the kiss for the most part, not willing to put in the energy for anything more fervent right now. One arm lifted up to drape haphazardly around Matt's neck, hanging about his shoulders listlessly as they kissed and neither pulling him closer nor pushing him back.

His hips continued their slow grind against Matt's as well, mindlessly, caught up in the rhythm of motion without giving it any thought. The world was a swirl of pleasant sensation and dim lights through his eyelashes and the copper taste of blood still in Matt's mouth. Mello licked it up slowly, arching forward with the barest motion.


mjeevas August 29 2011, 04:35:09 UTC
He felt the way Mello arched forward and used his hips to force the other man's down. Their mouths stayed close for a moment, lingering in kisses, and then he pulled away completely. "If we don't stop I'm going to want to keep going," he muttered, and even if the idea was attractive, the way Mello was settled on the couch looked like he was incapable of considering moving.

The feeling of closeness that'd been there was still enveloping him. His hand crawled up over the other man's knee to drag knuckles along his thigh. "I should probably check your bandages to make sure the bleeding's stopped or your guard dog will think I hurt you."


slavic_sinner August 29 2011, 06:04:05 UTC
"My what?" Mello murmured, distantly, and shifted his thigh slightly beneath Matt's hand. The rest of the words had washed over him, unimportant. His bandages were probably fine. He was too lazy to check, but if Matt wanted to, whatever. He didn't see anything wrong with going on, either-- though he found he didn't care either way. He was warm now, with Matt on top of him like this, soaking up the closeness of the other man's skin against his. All he wanted was to stay like this, whether anything else happened or not, and he wanted Matt to keep licking him or petting him because it felt good. Touch, right now, was intoxicating, especially combined with the vague dizziness still buzzing warmly in his head. Mello blinked open hazy eyes after a moment to look at Matt curiously.


mjeevas August 30 2011, 04:47:52 UTC
"Your guard dog," he repeated and then shrugged. It didn't matter to him if Mello got it or not. "It doesn't look like it's still bleeding though," he said with another glance at the man's neck. He was too lazy to check them either and if Mello thought he was fine then he wasn't going to move to prove it wrong. The couch wasn't very comfortable, it was cramped but it wasn't awkward and they were pressed so close together that it didn't matter how much room there was around them. He shifted, a finger dragging down Mello's chest before he lowered his head to follow it with his mouth, lips wandering lazily before coming back up in light kisses. "I need a cigarette," he mentioned, following it with a mock bite on Mello's shoulder.


slavic_sinner August 31 2011, 04:32:39 UTC
It dawned on him slowly, as Matt was just lowering his mouth to his chest again. Mello let out a soft grumble, raising a brow, though he still looked halfway between drunk or utterly exhausted. "Nakago isn't my guard dog," he grumbled, the words tinged with distaste. He shoved Matt's face away from his shoulder, but gently, the annoyance mild. "That's your problem," he pointed out. He wasn't about to jump up and help Matt find a cigarette, even if he hadn't been draped over the bloody couch like a half-dead thing.


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