After The Party + Keeping It Sneaky | Medium-High Aphro

Jun 19, 2011 16:37

Fatima couldn't explain why she agreed to go to the party. Sure, there was plenty to celebrate, what with Elicia and her Beast Fiends defeated and peace restored to humans and Witches, but she couldn't really stand parties. There were always too many people, and the Shadow Frost Witch wasn't really one for crowded places. So many people . . . she ( Read more... )

pairing: f/m, series: luminous arc 2, series: luminous arc

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Comments 129

hauntssetsuko June 19 2011, 21:52:11 UTC
Asakim had stepped into the room, closing the door behind him. He stared at Fatima, bowing a bit, both mocking and honoring her. After their battle with the true enemy, it had managed to stir up some happiness in him. However, he didn't expect to be forgiven so easily.

"You and your friends have my thanks for your...meddling," he said, rising back up. "Figures you wouldn't be the party type though."


frozen_void June 19 2011, 21:58:29 UTC
Upon hearing that familiar voice, Fatima bristled and stood up straight. An ice spell began to form in her throat, a Freeze Dust spell that would most likely send everything in the room save her into an icy coffin. Surely Queen Sophia would forgive her for such a thing.

"I don't remember you being invited." she said, her voice laced with as much venom as she could muster.


hauntssetsuko June 19 2011, 22:06:20 UTC
Asakim simply smiled at Fatima. It was obvious she was still mad about their encounter, though part of Asakim was surprised given how she yearned for his touch. And without Roland by her side, no doubt she could use that company...maybe.

"I wanted to give my personal thanks," he said. "Besides, you seem a bit lonely now, no?"


frozen_void June 19 2011, 22:15:59 UTC
She didn't even bother hiding her distaste. Given the terms he left her on, Fatima was caught in an odd position. She hated him for what he did and why he did it, but just the sight of him and the sound of that evilly smooth and enticing voice had her feeling like a shy little girl. Her body certainly remembered him fondly, at the very least.

Her face turned a bit red, prompting her to look away and sidle away from him to stand closer to the balcony beyond the glass-paned doors. "It's none of your business. I just hate crowded places."


clawsandguns June 19 2011, 21:59:10 UTC
Alph winced a little. He probably should have knocked, but then, odds were all that would have left him with was harsh words and the door actually being locked.

"You looked a bit awkward all by yourself out there," he told her. "I thought I'd keep you company."

Of course, the fact she was fairly obviously jealous of the happy couple out there, and he had a long-standing crush on her, didn't need to be said.


frozen_void June 19 2011, 22:07:52 UTC
Upon seeing Alph, Fatima's tenseness vanished and she sighed quietly. It figured she would snap at someone who didn't deserve it. It was one thing to fire off a remark to a complete stranger, but Alph was no stranger. Far from it; he was an ally, and one who had watched her back often when the fighting became especially hazardous.

"Oh...sorry." she said, glancing away. "You didn't have to come see me, though. Everyone else is having fun, reason you shouldn't either."


clawsandguns June 19 2011, 22:16:22 UTC
Alph was always smiling inside when she recognized him. Their time as actual allies had been brief (both of them, on either side of a temporary and surprisingly reasonable betrayal), and Alph still wondered how much of an eye Gaston had wanted him to keep on her with the posting, but he had does his best to protect her as a member of the Tusk Squad. Even when it occasionally had drawn ire for 'getting in the way'.

"It's no big deal. I've been to plenty of military celebrations," he reasoned. "Besides, there's only so much of guests of honor looking at each other like that you can take at a time."


frozen_void June 19 2011, 22:26:02 UTC
"Well, that's true." she replied, letting a tiny and almost bitter smile appear. Even she couldn't resist a little chuckle at his last few words. It was actually refreshing to see not everyone raved on and on with "ooh"s and "awww"s when the new Master and his "Future Mage Queen" stole the spotlight. It was definitely something rare among the Witches present, and the way they expected her to do the same was far more annoying.

Fatima turned to Alph fully, and seemed to regard him a moment. "I suppose now your leader has revoked your mission of keeping me under a watchful eye, Alph?"


junes_scion June 19 2011, 23:11:14 UTC
Fatima and Yosuke weren't very familiar, really. In fact, they'd probably only even spoken a few times. But it was enough for him to consider her, if not a friend, then at least an acquaintance who might eventually become a friend. (Never mind how incredibly attractive she was- he was well aware she was out of his league ( ... )


frozen_void June 19 2011, 23:21:47 UTC
The Shadow Frost Witch raised an eyebrow as she turned around and got a better look at Yosuke. She recognized him, but only a little. Maybe they had shared a word or two in passing, and she didn't even know his name that well at all when she thought about it.

Well, if she was going to pass off her magical knowledge to the students of Rev Academy, as Dia very much insisted, she might as well brush up on her social skills. One couldn't teach magic properly without talking to the students, after all. Not to mention it was a good way to learn this young man's name and show she wasn't as rude and callous as everyone thought.

"Don't worry about it. I just hate crowded makes me feel trapped." she explained, shrugging and sitting down on one of the couches in the room.


junes_scion June 19 2011, 23:45:12 UTC
Well, that went better than he'd expected. Yosuke smiled a little, nodding. "I think I kinda know what you mean. I probably wasn't gonna stay much longer myself." Huge parties like this one were fun for a while, but he much preferred smaller gatherings with just a few close friends.

He fidgeted a little, stepping fully into the room. "Um, is it okay if I join you here? Just for a bit." Awkward as he felt, he still wanted to make sure she was feeling better- and maybe even cheer her up a little, if he could manage it.


frozen_void June 20 2011, 00:09:03 UTC
His words were comforting to her, to say the least. It was always nice to see other people who didn't much care for the hustle and bustle of the crowds, and it was always a pleasure to be in the company of someone who didn't try and push her toward other people. She just wasn't good around others, especially those in large groups. And if he got that . . . well, he might not be bad company at all.

"You might as well. I can't promise I'll be very entertaining." she said, shrugging her shoulders.


onlysanechimera June 20 2011, 02:20:25 UTC
Zelgadiss paused in the midst of closing the door as he was addressed. Of course, he should have checked whether the room was already occupied. At least he recognized her.

"Fatima." He sighed, brushing a hand through his hair. "Sorry. I was looking for somewhere to get away from the party; just my luck I found a room that was already occupied, but I suppose I should have noticed you were gone."

He smiled wryly. "I guess you were trying to get away, too, weren't you?"


frozen_void June 20 2011, 15:26:38 UTC
She calmed once she saw the familiar chimera, and even allowed a little smile to appear on her face. Sure, she wanted to be left alone for a while, but where was the harm in letting just him hang around? He was certainly better company than the other Witches.

"Of course I was. So many's suffocating."


onlysanechimera June 20 2011, 21:01:40 UTC
"I know what you mean." He sighed, leaning against the wall; he didn't want to crowd her at the moment, not if she wanted to be alone.

Once he noticed that little smile, though, he returned it with one of his own and started to come a little closer. "How are you doing, Fatima? Other than being stuck at crowded parties, I mean."


frozen_void June 21 2011, 19:47:26 UTC
She certainly didn't mind when he came closer. Company was pleasant in small numbers, as her past travels with Josie and Master Mattias had proven. It was just the massive numbers of people around her that usually caused so much discomfort. And the chimera had proven to be one of those few she could stand to be around more often than normal, so his presence was always welcome.

"Well, I can't complain I guess. I'm still in one piece after battling Elicia, so that's something to be grateful for." she said with a little sigh. "Not looking forward to the aftermath though. I'm not teaching material."


fateofafencer June 20 2011, 08:39:10 UTC
Attending formal parties such as this wasn't an uncommon thing for Leon Magnus to have to endure. Being the son and only heir to the head of a wealthy corporation like Oberon, it was only natural that he would be invited to such events. To refuse such invitations would only leave a bad impression on the guests and host, and bad business with potential allies was never worthwhile. So, much to his chagrin, Leon had dressed in his finest clothes and had mingled with the crowds, taking place in idle conversation he cared nothing about while eating food and drink that he didn't particularly enjoy ( ... )


frozen_void June 20 2011, 15:35:08 UTC
The Shadow Frost Witch had been prepared to send him packing with a few choice words, but upon hearing his reasoning for disturbing her, she decided against it. He escaped the party for similar reasons she did, so how could she damn him for that? If there was one thing she was not, it was a hypocrite. Fatima moved to sit down on one of the couches in the room, tired of standing.

"So I'm not the only one then." she said with a little sigh. "That's a relief."


fateofafencer June 20 2011, 18:45:25 UTC
So she had come to escape from the party as well? Well, at least she seemed to feel the same as he did about the event. He chose not to sit, but rather leaned up against a nearby wall, arms crossed over his chest.

"I don't enjoy being forced to attend these sorts of things." he said. "Personally, I would prefer it if I could avoid it altogether."


frozen_void June 21 2011, 19:44:09 UTC
It was rather funny, she thought, that they shared sentiments about the party. Rather refreshing too, since all of the others she knew kept insisting she try to be more social. It just didn't work that way for her.

"It's the same for me, I assure you. Being crammed into a crowded place and thank you." she said with a little sigh in her voice.


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