Possessiveness // Varying Aphro // Please Read Note

Jun 14, 2011 20:14

Kia knew what he usually felt like when the drugs in the hotel got to him. By now, he was all too familiar with the heat flowing through him, the slight dizziness, and above all the need to take care of his arousal soon and often with someone usually just as drugged and eager as he was ( Read more... )

series: absolute obedience

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Comments 243

hey, it's Steph, if you had any questions you know how to contact me withyourhelp June 15 2011, 02:32:10 UTC
Tynan just needed to walk. Sure he could use his powers... maybe, if the hotel saw fit to allow him to use them, but when he needed to think he couldn't just sit still in his room. He had been at the hotel here for a few months and still there was no sign of any way to escape. Not like he had much to go back to anyway. But he feared what the hotel might make him do. He heard the 'horror stories' from others, even if the hotel had been rather mild to him in comparison. He hated anything that would take his control from him ( ... )


o7 rideonmyharley June 15 2011, 04:37:51 UTC
Being afraid of this place gave it control over you. Kia would've said that to anyone who mentioned it, and he probably had in the past. The only way to even sometimes win was to give in and remember that what happened wasn't your fault. Nobody could be blamed for what they did when they weren't in their right mind, after all. He knew that from home as well as he knew it from here.

He kept stealing glances at people as he walked by, wondering when one of them would be just the right type to claim. It felt like he'd snagged his mind on a fishhook once he caught a glimpse of this messy-haired grump. Kia shifted to be in his way enough to "accidentally" bump into him. "You in a hurry?" he asked, doing his best to look confused.


withyourhelp June 15 2011, 05:26:47 UTC
At first Tynan didn’t reply. He didn’t think he was ignoring people enough to actually bump into anyone, so he looked over the other man first. Of course he couldn’t attain what type of person he was just from a look, so he still didn’t know who’s fault it was, but it didn’t really matter anyway. He didn’t seem rude about it or anything.

“Not particularly. I don’t have anywhere to go. Why do you want to know?” Tynan was already on guard a little. He wasn’t sure why this other guy asked him that. Tynan figured he either needed something or he was going to make a deal out of the accident.


rideonmyharley June 16 2011, 03:16:11 UTC
"Well, you weren't paying attention and bumped into me, so being in a hurry is the first explanation I thought of," he admitted. Kia wasn't trying to seem too grummpy this far, just a little annoyed by the "accident".

He pushed some hair out of his face, but didn't completely move out of the way. "If you're not in any hurry, I could probably keep you busy for a while," he leered.


0waywardchild0 June 15 2011, 02:41:01 UTC
His arrow sliced through the air with expert precision, striking the target (which in this case, happened to be a wooden bulls-eye) with a satisfying 'twick!'. Retica was never one to trust anything the hotel (or anyone, for that mater) had to offer, but the archery course was deserted, and he needed something to word out his aggression.

He'd wasted too much time in this god damned place, and the longer he remained trapped the further away his goal became. Retica could practically hear the bastard laughing at him, slipping away into the depths of Besek where he could never be found.

Retica let another arrow fly, but this one sunk into the ground in front of the target. Scowling, he shouldered his bow and trotted down the grassy path, leaning down to snatch up his arrow. Upon standing, he noted a stranger stepping outside from the hotel, and his scowl immediately deepened.

"I'm using this course right now, come back later," he informed brutishly.


rideonmyharley June 15 2011, 05:40:12 UTC
Since he had no idea where to look for the object of his interest, Kia'd intended to use the target range to make sure his gun was still in perfect working shape. Apparently, that wasn't going to happen as long as some brat was there with a bow and arrows. What sort of weapon was that to have anyway? Guns were far more powerful and useful at a distance.

He knew that people came here from different worlds, but couldn't help thinking that his own was superior in a lot of ways. After the archer missed, he snickered a little and stepped in closer, one long stride at a time.

"Can't I use it too? I need to make sure my weapon's still in good shape -- this place let monsters loose once and it could always do it again." Getting a good look at who he was with poked at his insides, saying that he'd do just fine for what Kia had in mind aside from shooting things.


This one will definitely resist XD aishiteru_aniki June 15 2011, 03:23:20 UTC
Suboshi was trudging his way back to his room. He was surprisingly clear-headed. That was something that didn't happen very often when he wandered the halls of the hotel. The drugs were always there in some amount. He had gotten good about sensing it in even the tiniest of amounts in the air. He was almost enjoying this fact and figured it would help him get to his room without being attacked randomly.

Normally Suboshi ignored everyone he happened to cross in the hallways. It was just easier that way since making eye contact could prove to be disastrous. Anything was a trigger in this place and so he had practiced keeping his eyes trained straight ahead and concentrating on where he was going, becoming almost blind to anyone else around him. He was in that zone at that moment as he walked the halls. He was intent on getting back to his room, safe and sound.

ooc: Anything is okay. He'll most likely resist a lot and he has a violent temper. feel free to abuse just don't kill him~


rideonmyharley June 15 2011, 04:54:05 UTC
For most of Kia's first months in the hotel, the air hadn't bothered him at all. He'd enjoyed being able to say that while the strange events changed him, he hadn't been drugged. Time changed that, of course, but it proved that even the best sometimes fell victim to everything this place had in store for them to serve its twisted needs.

While he grabbed a cigarette from his pocket, he honestly didn't notice the person near him until he looked up and couldn't stop walking fast enough.


The lighter and cigarettes fell to the floor once Kia felt himself pulled towards the stranger. This was who he was supposed to claim.


aishiteru_aniki June 15 2011, 04:58:22 UTC
Suboshi flailed as he stumbled backwards a few steps from the impact of hitting the other person. He recovered quickly and glared at the other man. "What the hell are you doing?! Pay attention when you are walking!" Suboshi growled as his hands clenched into fists. Of course the collision was partly his fault but he would never admit something like that. He was too stubborn and hot headed to admit when he was at fault.

Suboshi certainly did not like his progress to be slowed. It delayed him from getting to the safety of his room and left him far too open for anything to happen in the hallway.


rideonmyharley June 16 2011, 03:10:24 UTC
"You weren't looking at where you were going either!" he angrily pointed out. Kia wasn't hurt, but it sucked to have his awlk interrupted by a little brat who probably thought he was better than Kia for whatever reason.

At least he was cute and seeemd stubborn. That'd make it even more fun for Kia to take him down. "Why are you in such a hurry, anyway? It's not like you can just walk out the front door and go home."


hisdiscretion June 15 2011, 03:30:21 UTC
Franz was already stretched out on the bed, his shoes kicked off and his suit jacket draped on a chair. He was working to undo the knot of his tie, humming happily to himself. He didn't realize he was in a strange interdimensional situation - at least any moreso than usual - and just thought he was here for a little private time with his doctor boyfriend.

When the door opened, he looked up - and only then did the young nobleman register any surprise or suspicion. But at first, at least, it was delight to see his old friend. For Franz, after all, it had been months since he'd seen Kia. He stood up immediately, wondering if this was a version that would remember him. "Kia! It's so good to see you... But what are you doing here?"


rideonmyharley June 15 2011, 05:52:27 UTC
Kia hadn't come across a person who knew him, but who he'd never seen before, since he was pretty new to the hotel. The shock then had been a lot; by now he'd come to accept it as just part of the place's games. Other versions of the people he knew best came through here, so it was only a little odd to know that some other version of him existed as well.

He took a moment to look this guy over, smiled in appreciation while that goal inside him set in, and gave his best look of harmless uncertainty. "Sorry if this doesn't make sense, but I think you know a different me. This probably isn't where you think it is, either."


hisdiscretion June 15 2011, 06:30:48 UTC
Franz is obviously crestfallen, but he lifts his chin. The last thing he wants to do is show his sadness to a total stranger, his pride simply won't allow it. "Well then, it's good to meet you for this first time, Kia." He knows about multiples, about different universes, and is thus rather able to accept the strangeness of the situation, at least somewhat. "You and I - well, the other version of you, I suppose - had some very good times. You - he helped me accept a lot of things about myself. I'm sure you carry those good qualities as well."

After a moment, Franz sits back down on the bed, glancing around the hotel room for a clock. "I hate to cut things short because it really is so good to see a familiar face, but I'm waiting for someone."


rideonmyharley June 16 2011, 03:24:54 UTC
He chuckled. Kia could guess what sort of good times they'd had, since this guy looked like the perfect type to be unraveled bit by bit underneath Kia's hands. That wasn't a certainty, but Kia knew himself well enough to guess what might've happened if they were around each other for long.

"I can always stay here while you wait," he pointed out. "If they even show up. This hotel's a weird place." Weird was an understatement, but it was the best word for now.


astra_mine June 15 2011, 03:33:22 UTC
Polka was just on her way out from her room - it was early, and she was looking forward to a walk in the garden before she went for breakfast. But first things first, she had to find an elevator.

The long hall ahead of her was empty. The last time she'd glanced over her shoulder, the long hall behind her had been empty. And it was taking far too long to find an elevator...

She could smell the aphro in the air - faint, but present. That, combined with the fact that the hotel was either rearranging itself or messing with her sense of direction, was slowly beginning to make anxiety gnaw at the girl's stomach. She began to look over her shoulder more frequently, and quicken her steps, taking turns she wouldn't usually take.

All she wanted was a way down to the lobby...even stairs would do...

((ooc: Polka will have to be forced - she'll struggle and flail and scream, so resisting isn't a problem.

Prefs and no's are on journal. Wallsex would be awesome, actually!))


rideonmyharley June 15 2011, 06:06:24 UTC
While he usually went for stubborn types who could give him a challenge, every once in a while, someone delicate and innocent seeming caught his eye, begging to be corrupted in the way he knew best. He'd done it at home and he'd done it here at the hotel. From the way he couldn't stop looking at the girl walking by nervously, Kia knew he'd end up doing it again.

He stood up as she drew close and flashed a harmless grin even as his mind centered on what he knew he wanted to do. "Is something wrong? You look a little nervous," he began, not even touching her for now.


astra_mine June 15 2011, 13:07:06 UTC
Polka couldn't stop a smile of pure relief from flashing over her face when she saw Kia standing casually in the hallway. "I...I'm just a bit lost," she said. "Um...d-do you know where I could find an elevator? I just want to get down to the lobby...there are so many hallways up here, and I've never been down them all before."

Her attention was still alight and alert for a threat, but the aphro levels were still low and Kia's smile was helpful and kind and harmless. She felt safe drawing a little nearer, near enough to speak to him.


rideonmyharley June 16 2011, 04:07:20 UTC
"I'm not sure where the elevator went this week," he admitted with a small laugh. "Everything moves around on its own and it's a miracle I even find my room all the time."

When she moved closer, he rested a hand on her shoulder, trying to seem reassuring even as he knew how easy it would be to get what he wanted from her.


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