Possessiveness // Varying Aphro // Please Read Note

Jun 14, 2011 20:14

Kia knew what he usually felt like when the drugs in the hotel got to him. By now, he was all too familiar with the heat flowing through him, the slight dizziness, and above all the need to take care of his arousal soon and often with someone usually just as drugged and eager as he was ( Read more... )

series: absolute obedience

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hisdiscretion June 15 2011, 03:30:21 UTC
Franz was already stretched out on the bed, his shoes kicked off and his suit jacket draped on a chair. He was working to undo the knot of his tie, humming happily to himself. He didn't realize he was in a strange interdimensional situation - at least any moreso than usual - and just thought he was here for a little private time with his doctor boyfriend.

When the door opened, he looked up - and only then did the young nobleman register any surprise or suspicion. But at first, at least, it was delight to see his old friend. For Franz, after all, it had been months since he'd seen Kia. He stood up immediately, wondering if this was a version that would remember him. "Kia! It's so good to see you... But what are you doing here?"


rideonmyharley June 15 2011, 05:52:27 UTC
Kia hadn't come across a person who knew him, but who he'd never seen before, since he was pretty new to the hotel. The shock then had been a lot; by now he'd come to accept it as just part of the place's games. Other versions of the people he knew best came through here, so it was only a little odd to know that some other version of him existed as well.

He took a moment to look this guy over, smiled in appreciation while that goal inside him set in, and gave his best look of harmless uncertainty. "Sorry if this doesn't make sense, but I think you know a different me. This probably isn't where you think it is, either."


hisdiscretion June 15 2011, 06:30:48 UTC
Franz is obviously crestfallen, but he lifts his chin. The last thing he wants to do is show his sadness to a total stranger, his pride simply won't allow it. "Well then, it's good to meet you for this first time, Kia." He knows about multiples, about different universes, and is thus rather able to accept the strangeness of the situation, at least somewhat. "You and I - well, the other version of you, I suppose - had some very good times. You - he helped me accept a lot of things about myself. I'm sure you carry those good qualities as well."

After a moment, Franz sits back down on the bed, glancing around the hotel room for a clock. "I hate to cut things short because it really is so good to see a familiar face, but I'm waiting for someone."


rideonmyharley June 16 2011, 03:24:54 UTC
He chuckled. Kia could guess what sort of good times they'd had, since this guy looked like the perfect type to be unraveled bit by bit underneath Kia's hands. That wasn't a certainty, but Kia knew himself well enough to guess what might've happened if they were around each other for long.

"I can always stay here while you wait," he pointed out. "If they even show up. This hotel's a weird place." Weird was an understatement, but it was the best word for now.


hisdiscretion June 16 2011, 04:58:32 UTC
"You seem to know a lot about these kinds of places." Franz easily slipped into joking-flirting, a little lean, a little friendly, inviting warmth. Even if this isn't really Kia it's too easy to fall into that dynamic, and Franz is a little unsettled by the room and its lack of familiarity. "I suppose I shouldn't really be surprised by that. "But, the truth is my boyfriend's already a little bit sensitive about the connection I had with - with the other you. I don't think he'd much like it if he showed up and you were here, you know?"

Franz couldn't help but think of the times he had compared his lover's technique (or lack thereof) to Kia, and there were times he truly missed his friend, not only for his touch, but as a confidante, as someone who was always honest about everything. "Kia was my first," Franz confessed all at once with a red-faced bluster. "So it would just make things awkward."


rideonmyharley June 17 2011, 02:42:36 UTC
"I've been stuck here off and on for over two years according to the calenders in here," he admitted. It hadn't been nearly that much time at home, thankfully. Kia still wasn't sure how that worked and he tried not to think about it too much. Life usually gave him far more interesting things to think about. More interesting things like learning that someone was jealous of an alternate version of him.

He sighed and figured it was best to just be blunt. "He probably won't show up or he does, it won't be for a long time. Besides, if I was your first, you know it'd be good to have fun with me again." Kia really didn't care about the risk of making things awkward for someone who'd probably never end up in the hotel.


hisdiscretion June 17 2011, 05:15:54 UTC
"I'm sure it would be fun for us to get together, but just the same, I'll wait for him. Even if he never shows up, I can't just switch to you because you're convenient. I'm not a cheater." In spite of his flirtatious tone before, Franz now went on the defense. He was going to have to tell Kia to leave, which he didn't want to do, if this kept up. Something that he always like Kia was the air of danger about him, his reckless abandon. Now it worried Franz slightly, though he wasn't sure why. Something about the way Kia looked at him, something about his posture. And wasn't it possible that this Kia was actually completely different than the one he remembered?

Franz tells himself he's overthinking things, tucking his hair behind his ear. "That's a long time to be trapped," he murmured, hoping to steer the conversation away from sex. "It must have been difficult."


rideonmyharley June 19 2011, 02:32:19 UTC
"If he never shows up, he'll never know," Kia pointed out. "And it'll be hard to stay faithful when the air here makes people want to hook up with whoever's nearest, among other things the place likes to do to people."

Rather than go away, Kia ended up sitting on the edge of the bed. "Nothing's to difficult here if you don't resist and make it harder on yourself." That went for the drugged air as well as other, more specific scenarios...like the one Franz found himself in right now.


hisdiscretion June 19 2011, 08:06:47 UTC
"'I don't understand what you're trying to say," Franz said carefully, his hackles somewhat raised. "I've only just arrived here and I should just accept it and go with the flow?" He huffed a bit of a sigh, shaking his head. He was fine with the proximity, really, because he hadn't identified Kia as a threat. Some part of him still saw him as the old Kia, his friend. "You really are Kia, totally irresponsible like that. It's something I really liked, but I'm not like that at all." Franz was very much a fan of having all this ducks in a row, of making sure things always turned out how they 'should'. One of the thrills of getting close to Kia that first time was the danger of it all, of not knowing what happened next.

But that was a long time ago, and Franz wasn't looking for a repeat performance. He eyed how Kia seemed to make the whole bed, no, the whole room sort of sag with his careless weight. "I could have sworn I said it would be better if you left," he said brusquely.


rideonmyharley June 20 2011, 02:56:29 UTC
"That's exactly what I'm saying. There's no way to know when you'll go back to wherever you came from, and when you go back this place seems like a long dream and nothing else, so there's no point in getting grumpy or trying to find who's in charge of the place like some new arrivals do."

Kia'd never been one of the types to get too worried about going home and there'd been a time where leaving was the last thing he wanted. He was past that, though. Whether here or at home, he had people who mattered to him and people who were simply fun and exciting. He shrugged off Franz's annoyance with him. "It might be better for you, but it won't be for me. The sooner I take care of what the hotel is doing to me, the better off I'll be." He knew he had the usual aphrodisiacs in his system; any other effects weren't as obvious someehow.


hisdiscretion June 20 2011, 05:12:18 UTC
"Take care of the things the hotel is doing? What's wrong?" Franz almost instantly forgot he want to kick Kia out in his worry. He touched Kia's arm, peering into his face with concern. The older man looked fine to him, but maybe that was why he was acting so strangely insistent?


rideonmyharley June 20 2011, 05:54:52 UTC
"The air's full of aphrodisiacs and they're messing with me," he admitted. "So all I can think about is fucking someone because of it and I won't feel better until I do just that." Kia looked more like his usual self once Franz touched him. Maybe honesty would be the best policy in this case?


hisdiscretion June 21 2011, 10:21:56 UTC
Color flew into Franz's face when Kia spoke so directly. It really shouldn't have surprised him so much, but it did. The whole idea of there being some kind of drug in the air was disturbing enough, but for Kia to be effected by it and just sitting there on the bed sort of eyeing him? Franz felt like a maiden with her most precious virginity in jeopardy, even if was nothing but the sort. He scooted away a smidge.

"If that's how it is, I'm sorry but I think you'd better leave. Maybe someone else in the hotel can help you."

All of this time, had Kia just sauntered in here with the intention of fucking? Franz couldn't help but wonder, and was caught between anger and flattery.


rideonmyharley June 22 2011, 06:53:03 UTC
He hadn't intended on it at first because he hadn't known until a moment ago just how strongly the place was getting to him. Kia'd wanted to get Franz flustered, nothing more, until he realized that he needed to do far more or risk losing his mind for a period of time and getting even less kind or moral with people.

"I don't want to leave. This is going to get worse if I don't take care of it soon."


hisdiscretion June 22 2011, 08:49:54 UTC
Now Franz was definitely worried. He stood up slowly, his body tense. He wasn't really readying for a fight so much as trying to show authority. His voice went hard and sharp. He had one hand on his hip, gesturing with the other for emphasis. "I'm sorry that's happening, but I told you, I have a boyfriend and I don't intend to cheat on him. If you need to do it that badly, then you need to find someone else. I'm not interested."

And as beautiful as he did find Kia, as nostalgic as the smell of his leather jacket made him, at the moment, Franz truly wasn't. His body might be slowly effected by the air in the hotel, but his mind was as keen as ever and his heart still very much loved his boyfriend.


rideonmyharley June 22 2011, 21:14:02 UTC
Whether or not Franz was interested, Kia wasn't the type to back down easily. He reached out to grab one of Franz's arms and pull him in closer. If Franz knew him at all, he'd know how determined Kia was when he set his mind on someone.

Even if his mind hated all of this, getting his body to enjoy it was always an option, so Kia's other hand brushed across his outer thigh nd hip.


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