intro|katara atla|no event (locked to azure_prodigy)

May 16, 2011 10:26

Her calloused fingertips dragged over the satiny walls of the Hotel's hallway; her steps were light and careful as a fawn's as she studied her surroundings as she half expected a predator to show up and drag her into one of the rooms with it’s claws. Of course, the predator would realize Katara had more than a few tricks when it came to getting ( Read more... )

series: avatar: the last airbender, pairing: f/*

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imaq_uajuq May 17 2011, 00:21:40 UTC
Katara hasn't witnessed the power of the hotel personally; not yet. Being forced to have sex with strangers was one thing, being made to do whatever whims this dangerous place had on top of that was... Inevitable, she supposed, but she had meant to give herself some control of her destiny. She had hoped when the hotel finally caught her, it wouldn't be with the person who tried (did kill) Aang ( ... )


azure_prodigy May 21 2011, 16:18:55 UTC
It's true: Azula's back to sweating, a thin sheen of moisture emerging upon her brows. There may even be the faintest beginnings of a flush to pinken the pale skin of her cheeks. Even when draw to a flat line, the fullness of her lips is undisguised -- and she's not about to wonder what she could do with them. Regulating her breathing is becoming more and more of an effort, chest rising and falling very apparently beneath her vest and undershirt. It's hot in this room, and the pulse beneath her leg is hotter yet...

She's not about to openly admit anything, 'lest her body betray her. Her foot is beginning to fall asleep from being held at an odd angle; she consciously curls her toes within her boot to return blood to closing veins. An eyebrow involuntarily twitches. Stubbornly, she refuses to give full attention to the Waterbender and her sensual pose.

In that brief flicker of a glance, she could see the dilation of pupils, and she can't help but wonder for that moment what the older girl is thinking ( ... )


imaq_uajuq May 21 2011, 18:52:41 UTC
The light within the room gives Katara a lovely coppery sheen and she does feel almost faint. Her blue eyes are intense in the darkness and a soft stain of crimson settles upon her checks. Her lips, not quite as full as Azula's, express her growing delight in her petty revenge. She knows this is a rarity; it may not happen again, but she has the power right now. She can read it in the other girl's face.

It's almost a pity, hips held at a tilt, shoulder raised to present the silhouette of her body. And the clothes are suffocating Katara now; she can't even imagine how the Fire Princess can deal with all those clothes.

"To help myself, of course." Katara rolls her eyes and steps even closer, there's barely a foot between them now. "I don't want to be stuck here with you, and you don't want to be stuck here with me. We're not going to get out by killing each other or harming each other." Water-blue eyes dart in the director of the bookcase before she turns back to Azula. "Shall we check it out then?"


azure_prodigy May 21 2011, 19:25:06 UTC
Those eyes. Azula begrudgingly admits to herself that they're quite striking, exotic in their color and even their size; very wide and expressive, so unlike her own, perpetually harsh and narrowed. The blue gaze almost appears to glow in the murky light.

The Firebender has a sneaking suspicion as to why Katara feels so emboldened. She doesn't know the gravity of their situation like Azula does. Maybe she has some kind of illusions about intimacy, but the Princess does not, having indulged in another girl's body. She knows what it entails; how powerful and vulnerable all at once it can be. And more and more, it seems as though Katara isn't privy to the younger girl's little secret -- maybe, just maybe, she wouldn't be as eager then.

Stretching in place, she absently reaches back to wipe at the clammy skin of her neck, dampened by beads of sweat. She's going to hold on to her clothes for as long as she can stand; she'll fight the Hotel's cruel whims. But it's getting harder and harder to resist glimpsing at the other girl ( ... )


imaq_uajuq May 21 2011, 20:50:10 UTC
Katara’s always was frustrated with her eyes, though she’s become a woman in Water Tribe terms (16), she looks younger because of their expression. People read her so easily because of her eyes. Her biggest flaw; even her brother’s eyes are more like their mother’s. She had to get their father’s eyes ( ... )


azure_prodigy May 21 2011, 21:16:16 UTC
...But they're lovely eyes. Very alluring. That's why Azula can't look at them right now.

If there's one thing the Princess is secretly grateful for (not that she'd ever concede that it meant anything), it's that her first time was with someone of her own choosing. It wasn't glamorous or even well-coordinated, but it happened at her own behest, and it was a physically satisfying experience without pressure. No perverted brothel could ever take that away from her. And fueled by the heat of the room, coupled with the attractiveness of her forced mate, the idea of sex is admittedly very compelling; the throbbing between her legs will tell her so before her brain submits to the truth, but why must it be with someone so irritating?

Azula blinks at the attention being given to her neck, one of the few areas of her body unobstructed by cloth. Yes, another peek was taken.

"I am calm," she nearly snarls, frustration eking out. Frustration with the situation; frustration with Katara; frustration with herself and her inability to ( ... )


imaq_uajuq May 21 2011, 21:46:44 UTC
Katara has already decided this wouldn't count; and it would never count. Absolutely not. Oh, she prays this will be the worse thing that could happen to her in this place of lust. And she has a horridly faint suspicion this probably won't be the worse thing.

She hates this room; hates the aching between her legs and the slick feeling between her tights. She hates finding attraction in her enemy beyond the aesthetic qualities.

Katara wants it over.

A ping of triumph sparkles in Katara's brain and her smile fades away. Though, if Azula did attempt such matters, she found find a furious water bender who still had the movement of her fingers. "Well, my enjoyment of this is almost over." She admits with a simple shrug.

"The bookcase then," Katara gave the girl the satisfaction of turning around. Her hips swayed and the clingy damp cloth showed off the lush hips and ripe backside of a young Watermaid that swayed easily enough. After all, Waterwomen were infamous for having them, after all.


azure_prodigy May 21 2011, 22:07:20 UTC
If Azula's mind was as sharp and attuned to her surroundings as usual, unaffected by the haze of lustful vapors, she would realize that she would always hold this over her foe, whether the peasant accepted or denied it. She would claim the title of Katara's first; the person who took the willful Waterbender's virginity. No doubt the euphoria will set in later.

The prodigy wants it over, too, but the two girls aren't quite on the same page -- yet.

"Why do you say that?" The response is too intriguing not to pursue. The peasant wants to tease, but not go through with the act? Again, typical. It would almost appear Azula's accrued karma is somehow paying her back for all her wrongdoings. Well, maybe a fraction.

Tightly clenched legs are promptly uncrossed the instant Katara turns her back, and there's a soft rustle of satiny fabric as the Firebender removes herself from the bed to stand stiffly -- in more ways than one. Wasting no time in shifting her arousal to her waistband, she moves to follow her elder... until her eyes ( ... )


imaq_uajuq May 22 2011, 15:51:21 UTC
It would not happen until later, but Katara would discover her own tibit to hang upon the other girl. To find something to subtly suggest when Azula put so much impact on taking the Maiden’s virginity. But that wouldn’t be discovered until later ( ... )


azure_prodigy May 22 2011, 16:18:21 UTC
And that tidbit would be a universal source of amusement. Unlike lost virginity, all nations -- and all other walks of life from different worlds yet to be discovered -- could look upon it as a laughable inadequacy. The Firebender will have little recourse but to deny it ever happened.

"And what 'stuff' are you talking about, exactly?" Azula isn't nearly as schooled in the customs and nuances of the other nations as her older "companion", if, for no other reason, because they simply don't matter to her. She never saw the point in educating herself about inferior peoples, and she naturally assumes losing one's virginity is a big deal for everyone.

By the time the Watermaiden throws a glance over her shoulder, the younger girl is in the process of averting her stare. Fingers curled into fists begin to itch as unwanted thoughts enter her mind of caressing the supple backside through the drenched material, fingers reaching around to... no. Both the Hotel and Katara are conspiring against her, testing her resolve, and she vows only ( ... )


imaq_uajuq May 22 2011, 19:34:29 UTC
Of course it would be. In the future Azula's problem would eventually be conquered but what happened will never be erased. In truth, they've found a moment of equalization. And for Katara, that is good as a triumph.

"You're an entirely different culture with entirely different opinions and progativies." Katara said as she looked over her shoulder at Azula. Her hand was on her waist and her shapely rear jutted out with the motion again. "I haven't lived with the Fire Nation, but I have friends among the Fire Nation. I've learned things about perception. "Fertility and childbirth are the big things among my people." She laughs softly, her voice low and heady. "Have to wonder why, huh?"

Katara smiles wider and while apart of her is screaming to stop... she bends down to carefully rear a title that still makes her blush. She presents herself as a perfect target. "Cumalot."


azure_prodigy May 22 2011, 20:03:12 UTC
Azula wants to believe it won't happen this time, but she recognizes that it most likely will. Until she's able to conquer it, it's bound to dampen otherwise satisfying experiences. And the Waterbender is the type to seize any weakness or imperfection and rub it in her enemy's face out of spite. Just because they've been coerced into acting genial toward one another, it doesn't erase the underlying animosity that defines their relationship, if it could even be called that.

"A better culture, yes," the younger girl replies with a detached shrug, discreetly eying the set of Katara's hips, noting the way the Waterbender's posture intentionally accentuates her rear. She then blinks slowly at the peasant's next statement. The Katara she knows is an avid hater of the Fire Nation, particularly after the takeover of Ba Sing Se and undone murder of the Avatar. When did she suddenly acquire Fire friends? She decides it isn't important and instead turns her attention to more immediate issues. "Why?" Her question is honest. Why does ( ... )


imaq_uajuq May 22 2011, 21:06:10 UTC
Once they’re out of here, Katara is sure they’ll drop the façade between them. She wants nothing more than having Azula out of her life and to focus on getting home.

Katara simply rolls her eyes at the term of a better culture. From what she knows, the culture that Azula’s used to was merely invented only a century ago due to war. The glorious culture that Sozin adored had been discarded in favor of war long ago. Katara acquired fire friends and wouldn’t Azula like to know how she gained them? “Not too many people left.” Katara answers curtly.

“Well.” Katara sighs and turn completely around, “This is… I’m sick of this.” She murmurs and walks over to Azula. “Of all of this. We need to get out.”


azure_prodigy May 22 2011, 21:18:53 UTC
Likewise for Azula, who's vexed by this more self-assured Water peasant. She's certain the Katara of her time, while defiant, would show at least an ounce of fear and less resolve. It'd be easier to take than the girl brimming with confidence mere feet from her.

But that's just it: it's a culture of war, and if there's one driving force in the Fire Princess's life, war is it. The thrill of conquest, of crushing enemies and seizing lands, of rendering entire nations helpless... it's an intoxicating rush of power, and she thrives on it. "Ah. A pity for you and your tribe, I suppose," she replies flippantly.

The younger girl shifts back on her heel at Katara's approach, but remains rooted to her spot. "So you're giving in?"


imaq_uajuq May 22 2011, 21:30:00 UTC
She should realize there is something different about Azula’s behavior. It’s not quite like her breakdown when she last saw her over a year ago. Nothing like that at all. Katara should pin it down, really. But the Watermaid doesn’t, after all she assumes Azula is hesitant about losing her virginity or having an orgasm with Katara.

Because Katara knows she felt the other girl’s eyes on her the entire time.

But it’s not Fire Nation culture; not from what Aang has learned, not what Zuko’s learned. Fire Nation lost it’s beauty and it’s passion and it’s creativity for the sake of power they loss. Just like the Azula she knows, does. “Oh, things are better now. You lost.”

“Giving into the hotel, not to you.” The Watermaid shrugs as she begins to pull off the sweat and vapor drenched top and reaches back to do the knot of her skirt. Of course, she presents her firm young breasts to the other girl. “I’d be doing this no matter who it was.”


azure_prodigy May 22 2011, 21:49:39 UTC
The prodigy is just experiencing a fleeting bout of anxiety; nothing debilitating. She'll be able to do what she needs to, and they can both go on their way. It almost couldn't come soon enough, but then... rushing makes you miss out on all the delicious sensations. Not that a Water Tribe peasant could be considered delicious, but hers is admittedly a supple body, and Azula has itched to sample it. Thinking about it serves to stoke the fire within, and once she fully accepts it, the flames will take hold ( ... )


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