intro|katara atla|no event (locked to azure_prodigy)

May 16, 2011 10:26

Her calloused fingertips dragged over the satiny walls of the Hotel's hallway; her steps were light and careful as a fawn's as she studied her surroundings as she half expected a predator to show up and drag her into one of the rooms with it’s claws. Of course, the predator would realize Katara had more than a few tricks when it came to getting ( Read more... )

series: avatar: the last airbender, pairing: f/*

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imaq_uajuq May 17 2011, 00:21:40 UTC
Katara hasn't witnessed the power of the hotel personally; not yet. Being forced to have sex with strangers was one thing, being made to do whatever whims this dangerous place had on top of that was... Inevitable, she supposed, but she had meant to give herself some control of her destiny. She had hoped when the hotel finally caught her, it wouldn't be with the person who tried (did kill) Aang ( ... )


imaq_uajuq May 19 2011, 01:37:05 UTC
Even the sofas and chairs in the hallway are extremly comfortable. Softer than most any bed than Katara's been before. Of course, she's been treated to a lifetime of beds on blocks of ice or hard tundra with only furs to soften the unforgiven hardness. The chair she's sitting on is soft and divine to her skin.

Simply because Katara is wise enough not to give any details; even if she knew exactly what was going on. Zuko knew she was off, Katara also knew her friends betrayed her though she didn't know about Ozai's dismissal. And she wasn't even listening to the warning.

"I've been here for... two or three days. I've been watching and talking and people have been here for seasons. And more than just one person said that and I've heard things." Katara snaps, fists at her sides.

The aching between her legs increase sharply as she studies the Fire Princess, her expression neutral. "Give me one reason why I would lie about that? Why would I even want that?"


azure_prodigy May 19 2011, 02:01:54 UTC
One good thing that can be said of the Hotel? It's created for comfort. Unfortunately, the design belies sinister intentions. It's much easier for people to engage in sexual activity when comfortable, and the sofas and chairs lining the halls will make do when urges strike. The Waterbender is obviously out of her element, while Azula is used to such creature comforts, but that fact doesn't make her immune from their effects, nor does her affinity for tropical weather protect her from whatever lingers in the air like an invisible fog.

The Princess would sooner dismiss it altogether. After her glorious takeover of the Earth Kingdom's final stronghold, she has no reason to doubt her abilities -- or her future. It all sounds like a jumbled mass of contradictions; par for the course from a desperate peasant.

"How trustworthy are these sources of yours? It's a brothel. That much is obvious. But you're trying to tell me this is mandatory?" The younger girl's voice is nearly as frantic -- if the Waterbender was actually telling ( ... )


imaq_uajuq May 19 2011, 20:49:07 UTC
Oh, the things that Katara witnessed in the last 48 hours. Sexuality wasn't exactly hidden back home; her parents were more discreet than most couples in sending the children with Gran-Gran on nights intimacy but you learned about it quickly. But people attempted achieve privacy for stolen moments; even if the execution was poor.

But she wasn't a desperate peasant... well, strike that. He desperation was simply due to her current situation and even then it would pass. She took a deep breath as the idea sunk into her. Locked, in a room, with Azula. She could count her blessings; a sane Azula could be reasoned with once the gravity of the situation got under the skin. An insane Azula...

Well, better to starve to death than give into a chaotic dragon"Just about everyone I've seen." Her shaky voice becomes firm as her sky color gaze locks on fiery gold. "I've been walking and running out there for days in a straight hallway. There isn't a known building that you can walk in a straight hallway for two days. My sources told me about that ( ... )


azure_prodigy May 19 2011, 22:18:49 UTC
You could count the hours Azula has been here on one hand, so, understandably, she's discovered much less than the older girl. Her ears hadn't deceived her; the muffled sounds from beyond the walls were indeed lustful and almost aphrodisiacal. Her parents had taken much the same route as Katara's, assuring privacy during planned intimacy, and it's not like anyone sat down and explained anything to the prodigy. It was something she had to learn about on her own.

The Waterbender has every right to be unnerved by the situation. Arguably, it'll be harder on her than for Azula, for a few reasons. Not to say it'll be a cakewalk for the Fire Princess, either: this girl is below her station and "impure", and it seems a bitter joke by the insidious Hotel to force them together.

Even when sane, Azula adheres to a draconic persona, but she's more reasonable than a wildly thrashing counterpart who blows fire out of her ears and nose ( ... )


imaq_uajuq May 19 2011, 23:31:26 UTC
Oh, there was so much harder for Katara. She's... just admitted to finding girls a bit more than pretty though her experience with others in general are no more than kissing and curious light petting. She's experienced with herself but that doesn't quite count. And Azula killed Aang; even if Katara brought him back. Simply? She hates Azula.

"No one knows." Katara says blankly. "There are cruel spirits in the world who do not care for human life and enjoy human suffering. She's been lucky enough to only deal with the earlier and not the later. The tales of Koh make her shiver down her spine. "But it doesn't feel like home..."

Katara was attempting to cover herself and she ducked head down. She didn't like the feeling that was under her skin. The water bender is aware of her own heat between her legs and setting on her breasts. "No, because it knows there are people who wouldn't go through it otherwise."


azure_prodigy May 20 2011, 00:10:33 UTC
Azula dislikes the Watermaiden, but so far has no reason to actively hate her. Hate requires more effort than she's willing to grant what is, to her, a simple commoner. Additionally, she has more experience under her belt than the older girl. She's not exactly a stranger to girls, and has even spent a time or two in the bedroom with one. But that was...

It was over too soon. And her partner told her so. She's not exactly eager to relive that experience. Katara is just the type to point out any perceived flaw as a strike against the Princess's ego.

"I see." Tales of Koh exist throughout the world, extending even to Fire territory, but the prodigy has always taken them with a grain of salt. A frown pulls the corners of her mouth downward. "You're right about that much. This isn't home."

Her head tilts, following the motion of Katara's hands upon her breasts. The Waterbender acts so ashamed of... looking the way she does in those clothes? Feeling a certain way? Her own chest feels warm and her heartbeat grows ( ... )


imaq_uajuq May 20 2011, 00:43:03 UTC
Before anything more could happen, Aang had told her things. Aang was remaining at the Fire Nation; he did visit the Fire Nation often and it just... she never thought it would have been Aang to end things ( ... )


azure_prodigy May 20 2011, 01:05:43 UTC
One might suspect the Avatar had his own reasons for visiting the Fire Nation so much. Had Azula (as she is now) been in the picture, she would've suspected something. At least Katara can take something away from the experience; a new outlook and a new sense of inner strength... because she'll be needing both if she hopes to last long here ( ... )


imaq_uajuq May 20 2011, 01:40:44 UTC
She had been doing very well. It hurt, but they remained friends. After all, Zuko had something that Katara did not. It wasn’t something she could change with a whisk of the fingertips. Aang couldn’t change such things either.

It eases Katara’s suffering and the material of her clothing is highly different. Besides, she wasn’t studying Azula nearly with the same attention as the princess was studying her. “Are you good at telling when someone is lying as you are at lying?” Katara murmured.

Katara stands up and moves over to Azula and pauses only a yard in front of her. The effects of the room’s steamy environment do wonders on the clothing and how it clings like a second skin. Shadows tease and enhance. “You were the one to ask. If you’re dying to have a set plan, why don’t you tell me what we do?” The Watermaiden snaps.


azure_prodigy May 20 2011, 01:54:18 UTC
Maybe it's possible for Katara to remain friends with Aang because that's how they started out. And it must hurt to be "replaced" by a newcomer... but the reality stands, and Katara wasn't the only one to lose out. Mai, too, had suddenly found herself single.

And the Firebender is secretly thankful for her foe's inattentiveness. The Watermaiden's murmur is a strain on Azula's ears, but she manages to piece enough of it together to form her own response, "Actually, yes."

When Katara draws closer, the younger girl's eyes immediately swivel to the side. Seeing that sweat-soaked garment clinging to a curvaceous form up close would only make her little problem worse. As for the demand the Waterbender issues, she appears unfettered. "Don't turn this on me. You're the one being purposely vague. I suppose I could lay back and read a book, but I hardly think that's what you meant by 'do whatever'." She exaggerates a shrug, lips arcing into a devious smirk. Might as well have some fun with this while she can. "I have no idea what ( ... )


imaq_uajuq May 20 2011, 02:27:19 UTC
Oh, royals are special. Katara has found out. And Katara has moved on and lost out on quite a few things while Mai has gained. If it hadn’t been for the friendship prior, everything would have shattered. And it helped she didn’t travel as much as she used to. She didn’t have to be reminded.

She glances down at Azula now, eyeing the other girl and absolutely hating the fact she’s more dressed and easily can hide the effects of the drugs and the vapor. And now she studies because she doesn’t want to feel like the room doesn’t affect Azula. It has to or neither of them would be here.

“And don’t you dare turn it on me! I can out last you in this room if we are lacking food and water. I can get water, you can’t. And you were looking, weren’t you?” There’s a swell of excited triumph at the thought that Azula was looking at her combined with the heady uncomfortable throbbing between her legs and the disgust that Azula was looking.


azure_prodigy May 20 2011, 02:42:11 UTC
Royals are special, and if Katara allows herself an open mind, perhaps she'll see that it runs in the family. If even awkward Zuko can land a mate, surely his magnetic sister can -- should she want to. But right now? She isn't looking to. The Waterbender need not worry about travel or seeing her ex any time soon if the Hotel has its say.

Without looking directly at the other girl, Azula feels eyes upon her, and her leg crosses that much tighter. Much as she wishes the peasant would back up, voicing this desire would make clear her discomfort with the sudden closeness. The glare upon her intensifies, but still, the Princess refuses to meet the icy gaze.

"Would you really be able to live with yourself if I dehydrated in this room because you wouldn't share your water source?" She almost sounds bored by it all; a ploy to further aggravate the Waterbender. "I wasn't looking at anything," she dismisses, as though Katara had no effect whatsoever on the stiff ache between her own legs.


imaq_uajuq May 21 2011, 14:21:30 UTC
It took her weeks to be able to trust Zuko, it took her months to truly care for him as a friend. And she saw what that earned her; though she couldn't bring herself to hate Zuko like she couldn't bring herself to hate Aang. And Zuko tried to befriend her, even if his methods had been questionable.

Katara notices that little gesture and she's suddenly reminded of her brother again. When they first began to travel with Aang, Sokka was at an age where the wind was enough to make his body revolt. If he was sitting, he would sit exactly like that. But it doesn't quite strike her there's something different with Azula, only the fact she's shielding herself from the physical fact that Katara is turning her on.

And the Waterbender smiles a soft but mean smile. What would have repulsed her just minutes ago has become something of an advantage. But she dares not admit Azula being turned on brings a delicious ache between her legs ( ... )


azure_prodigy May 21 2011, 15:05:05 UTC
For as long as it took Katara to trust and like Zuko, the Hotel is forcing her in a matter of minutes -- hours, if they held out -- to act in intimate ways with his sister that she'd never even consider doing with him, let alone her.

And Azula seems to have reached that precarious age herself; she's a good year or so younger than Katara's brother. But Sokka never needed to worry about aphrodisiacal vapors or being trapped in a room with a girl wearing skintight clothing, the only means of escape being what they are. At least he could get up and leave, or utilize an object to shield himself. These are options unavailable to the pensive Firebender, whose discomfort only grows the longer her enemy stands nearby.

Azula hates the advantage the older girl now holds over her. Katara doesn't have to seat herself a certain way; she can even stand up and look down upon the Princess. It's demeaning to her station, and unless she wants to reveal something, she's stuck like this until the Watermaiden gets bored. Her breath is measured as ( ... )


imaq_uajuq May 21 2011, 15:37:51 UTC
And Katara finds it fascinating how the Princess is reacting. The younger girl's chest seems to fall up and down rapidly and the sweat highlights the soft curves of Azula's face and the plumpness of lips. Funny, she always thought Azula wore makeup to make her lips look bigger. They look full and lush and she wonders what they can-

Katara merely steps closer and she attempts to hold herself provocatively. She can bare this, she thinks, if she can get Azula to admit to it first. But the throbbing continues and she swears the vapors are getting thicker around them. The Hotel seems amused by the passionate hatred between the two and ready to stroke the fire.

But Azula can see Katara is only a little better off and if she looks to the older girls eyes, she can see the pupil is dilated in cool pool of blue. Katara wants... wants out and she will do her best not to admit her need first"I really don't know how to help you," Katara says, hands on her hips and her eyes never leaving Azula's face. "You won't tell me anything." And a smile ( ... )


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