intro ♥ bring your own event ♥ bring your own aphro

Jan 12, 2011 19:08

This was definitely not his home, that much was obvious. Tino had woken up in something rather akin to Francis' house - plush, satin... it made the young Finnish male squirm. He wanted his blue sheets, where he curled up in a white Ikea bed next to ( Read more... )

pairing: m/m, series: axis powers hetalia

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yourwaifu January 16 2011, 20:18:39 UTC
"The... divorce...?" Tino asked, the words coming out slowly, like he never heard them before. What divorce? They wouldn't get a divorce, that was preposterous. They were extremely happy together, so why would there be a divorce? Unless Berwald wanted-- no. That was impossible. His Berwald would never... would he? Would his husband want a divorce? Was he going to say that to him the night before? (Berwald was never good with getting everything he wanted out, that was a given.)

He swallowed thickly, heart racing as he let his hand drop. He hadn't accepted any of his actions so far. It was way too scary. Something was very, very wrong here, and Tino was afraid that what was wrong here was him. He decided to not lose his cool all at once. Maybe he just had to talk. Talking helped, usually. Maybe.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Ber. Wha-what divorce?" he questioned, voice shaking in uncertainty. He really didn't like that word: divorce. Maybe he was just misunderstanding something about it.

[ooc: Haha, it was way too late ( ... )


yourwaifu January 18 2011, 05:29:02 UTC
Tino shrieked, covering his mouth at what Berwald did. He shut his eyes, waiting to hear some sort of sound, and peeked when he didn't, relieved. He really didn't want the other to be fighting, even though he probably would have done the same. He couldn't be uprooted from his spot at that moment, mind reeling from what the employee had said. All they could do was let loose and have fun? Fun being sex? It was unthinkable and rather disconcerting, the male flinching only when Sweden looked at him. He could have jumped out of his skin at how the nation looked ( ... )


stayndontletgo January 18 2011, 05:43:52 UTC
"Dunno." Sweden quickly replied to that question, then grunted in agreement to not wanting to be here. How he could relate. That was how he felt for a good while now, of course. He walked with Tino on autopilot. He hadn't the slightest idea if he was leading or following. He didn't care ( ... )


yourwaifu January 18 2011, 05:58:24 UTC
Tino was worrying over a different thing: Peter. He was so worried about the young male. Yes, he was getting to be a teenager, but he was still young. He was their son, biological or not, and they promised to protect him. Peter could take care of Flower-Egg, surely, but what about himself? He'd get lonely. Someone would have to step in, take their place. Their home wouldn't be their home anymore. And how would they explain themselves?

He sighed, nodding as his hand shook a bit. Maybe they should just find a room. Not to do any of that, no, but to talk. Sit. Think this through, think of how to leave. Tino went on autopilot as well, leading the other to the elevator and looking at all those buttons again, a seemingly endless number. He couldn't remember, didn't know which floor he arrived on, so he chose a random floor number, not caring which one it was or how long it'd take to get there ( ... )


stayndontletgo January 18 2011, 06:20:40 UTC
Sweden merely watched the numbers on the elevator as they lit up, signaling the floor they were passing. So many floors. They were obviously in some gargantuan building. He vaguely wondered what it looked like from the outside. Probably as tasteless and tactless as the inside did. He watched those numbers for a long while with narrowed eyes. He found himself loathing them, simply because they were there and part of this dreadful experience ( ... )


yourwaifu January 18 2011, 06:32:12 UTC
He creaked a small smile at the Swedish curse, understanding it perfectly well. He'd give one of his own, if he could stop thinking about his other worries. His eyes fell onto those numbers, too, a part of him wondering if he should have picked a lower number, maybe just a couple of floors up. Maybe he should have chosen the highest number possible (though it appeared to be endless) just to see if he could find an exit up there ( ... )


AW TINO. SO SAD. stayndontletgo January 18 2011, 17:56:29 UTC
With every passing moment, things became increasingly surreal. Not-Finland was clinging to him and crying. It was all very... strange. It seemed as if his thoughts were moving in circles, unable to move passed the strangeness of everything. It wasn't at all productive to continually get his thoughts caught up on that and Sweden was going to try harder to get over it. However, accepting all these oddities was quite a monumental task ( ... )


;__;!! yourwaifu January 18 2011, 19:11:53 UTC
Of course the hug was happening. He refused to let go, refused to stop crying just for that moment between them getting to their floor and now. He pulled back eventually, shaking a bit as he sniffled and wiped at his eyes, embarrassed he lost control, but so very thankful the other held him. That was what really had calmed him down; being held again by Berwald, even if it wasn't his Berwald. He knew that fact to be true by now. He knew he wasn't mental nor was Berwald mental -- he was hiding behind rationale to not look at the truth. This man just looked like him. Acted a bit like him ( ... )


stayndontletgo January 18 2011, 21:34:36 UTC
He would have told Tino there was nothing to be sorry about but he couldn't find himself able to muster up the words. He didn't really want to say anything, yet he wasn't sure if his actions were speaking for him effectively. Would Tino understand it was alright he'd hugged him? He was probably unable to notice subtle nonverbal ques. Even if Tino's Berwald was a lot like Sweden in that inability to communicate well, most people would have difficulty focusing enough to understand even someone they loved with all their hearts when under such intense distress. Unless maybe he did something like kiss him but that was not even an option as it would lead to emotions Sweden was trying to rid himself of. The only assurance came in a grunt and a hand squeeze ( ... )


yourwaifu January 19 2011, 03:16:38 UTC
Tino knew he did. He nodded, looking at the dresser blocking the door. It was as overwhelming as their situation, but at the same time it was consoling. No one would get in with Berwald around. No one would try to harm Tino, nor Berwald for that matter, and he could calm down and not worry about such a thing.

He sucked in a deep breath, looking over at him, next. He touched one of the nation's hands with one of his fragile, human ones, soft in trying to also reassure the other that maybe it'll be okay. He only half-believed that himself, but maybe he was just thinking the wrong way. Maybe everything would blow over. He squeezed Berwald's hand a bit tighter, leaning against his body with his own just a bit.

"I'll always care about you. No matter what this place does to me or to you," Tino murmured in return. If he said "love" it may scare the other off. He wasn't reacting so hot to everything else, but that was because he wasn't his Berwald. Tino wished at that moment he was his Berwald. He wished he knew everything was okay, that ( ... )


stayndontletgo January 20 2011, 01:11:21 UTC
Sweden in turn rested his chin on the top of Tino's head. It was a relief not to set off in a blaze of unpleasant feelings because of innocent touch. He doubted it'd last long. Once the shock of this situation wore off, or if the touch became too intimate, he knew he'd be triggered into an unstoppable panic once more. If only he could swallow or bury those emotions. It'd be easier not to be set off by that sort of thing with how connected Tino was to him ( ... )


yourwaifu January 20 2011, 04:10:33 UTC
He liked the feeling of closeness, of someone resembling Berwald resting against him and not pulling away, leaving him, abandoning him. The human male let out a shaky sigh in turn, calming down more by being closer and trying to mentally sort the situation out. Tino stared at nothing in particular, a random spot on the gaudy carpeting.

What he hoped was that this place would give them a break. He couldn't pressure the other in helping him relieve any tension that could arise, nor would he want to see the other suffer. If he were to give in, would that make him a cheater? Disloyal? Berwald was still Berwald, but this was... such an extreme possibility. Tino hummed out as he thought, eyebrows furrowing as he tried to think more about such a thing. He couldn't will himself to be with anyone else, so if all else failed, he'd hope that maybe Berwald would help him. After all, the other certainly wouldn't want Tino to be raped or have sex consensually with anyone else.

The more he tried to think calmly about the possibilities that this ( ... )


stayndontletgo January 20 2011, 04:49:41 UTC
Sweden hadn't been considering those sexual possibilities in the slightest. He was still denying what the employee had told them with complete conviction. He refused to even consider the possibility that it was true and attempt to figure out some way to get by just in case. He selectively had acknowledged a bit, of course. If he had completely dismissed everything said, he wouldn't be so concerned with avoiding all the other residents in the hotel. He understood the concept that other people might want to jump them but had yet to note the possibility that they themselves might be tempted to partake in such an act ( ... )


yourwaifu January 20 2011, 05:23:53 UTC
Tino had to bounce back, otherwise he'd just keep crying and clinging onto false hopes that may just be crushed. If he didn't bounce back, he'd probably hold him more, ask more of him, to be consoled and helped out and made into a child. He didn't want to burden Berwald, especially given the extremely otherworldly circumstances. He may still have been nervous, but he would break through that. Somehow ( ... )


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