intro ♥ bring your own event ♥ bring your own aphro

Jan 12, 2011 19:08

This was definitely not his home, that much was obvious. Tino had woken up in something rather akin to Francis' house - plush, satin... it made the young Finnish male squirm. He wanted his blue sheets, where he curled up in a white Ikea bed next to ( Read more... )

pairing: m/m, series: axis powers hetalia

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AW TINO. SO SAD. stayndontletgo January 18 2011, 17:56:29 UTC
With every passing moment, things became increasingly surreal. Not-Finland was clinging to him and crying. It was all very... strange. It seemed as if his thoughts were moving in circles, unable to move passed the strangeness of everything. It wasn't at all productive to continually get his thoughts caught up on that and Sweden was going to try harder to get over it. However, accepting all these oddities was quite a monumental task.

It wasn't as if he could stop this hug. It was happening with or without his consent. So he went with it, hugging Tino back very loosely. It was awkward, weird and did he mention strange? Strange, strange, strange. So very strange. However, he wasn't as upset by this body contact as he had been before. Maybe the shock encasing him numbed him to being further shocked. What was more shocking than being told he was trapped in some seemingly infinite and incident building to partake in... it's indecency? Either way, he hoped the hug helped the distraught boy. He really wanted to help. It was just so completely beyond him.

What was he going to do with this poor human? Why'd they have to bump into each other in the first place? He just couldn't shake the feeling that his presence wasn't at all comforting. This hotel was huge, but somehow, someway, they'd bumped into each other right away. Curses.

They'd reached their floor, but Sweden wasn't sure if Tino wanted to move. So he just stood there, as out of place as can be, and watched the open door which lead only to more of the color red, sounds of moans and weird aromas. He felt they probably should get out of here as an elevator seemed like a likely place to run into more people, which was one of the last things he wanted. He nudged Tino a bit, trying to let him know it was time to move again.

If he didn't move, Sweden'd probably just have to carry him. He didn't want to be in this elevator and risk creepy people coming in and deciding they wanted sex in here with them urggh how wrong was that.


;__;!! yourwaifu January 18 2011, 19:11:53 UTC
Of course the hug was happening. He refused to let go, refused to stop crying just for that moment between them getting to their floor and now. He pulled back eventually, shaking a bit as he sniffled and wiped at his eyes, embarrassed he lost control, but so very thankful the other held him. That was what really had calmed him down; being held again by Berwald, even if it wasn't his Berwald. He knew that fact to be true by now. He knew he wasn't mental nor was Berwald mental -- he was hiding behind rationale to not look at the truth. This man just looked like him. Acted a bit like him.

But those weren't the same loving arms. They were hurt, unused to the closeness Tino sought for so desperately. But what could Tino do? He couldn't will himself away. Berwald was still Berwald. That was still his husband despite it all. It was beyond strange, it was unreal, something Peter watched on the SyFy channel. Maybe it was all just a cruel dream. Maybe this was something morbid that he didn't even want to think about. He took a deep breath, looking down as if he was ashamed to face the other, as if he did a horrible, horrible thing by crying and holding onto the other.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled in Swedish, moving to wander onto their floor, not wanting to look at anyone having sex in the hallway or in an open door. He didn't know where he was going. Tino wasn't sure this was the floor he came from, and if it was, he wasn't sure which room was unoccupied. He went to the end of the hallway with Berwald, hand clutching his as he tried not to cry again. It was just all so frustrating and horrible and Tino wanted none of it.

The male opened a random door, and conveniently, it was unoccupied, empty, and looked like it had never been inhabited. It didn't smell of sex, but it did smell like those weird aromas that seemed to fill the entire hotel. He put it past him as best as he could, wiping his eyes again as he went to sit on the edge of the bed.


stayndontletgo January 18 2011, 21:34:36 UTC
He would have told Tino there was nothing to be sorry about but he couldn't find himself able to muster up the words. He didn't really want to say anything, yet he wasn't sure if his actions were speaking for him effectively. Would Tino understand it was alright he'd hugged him? He was probably unable to notice subtle nonverbal ques. Even if Tino's Berwald was a lot like Sweden in that inability to communicate well, most people would have difficulty focusing enough to understand even someone they loved with all their hearts when under such intense distress. Unless maybe he did something like kiss him but that was not even an option as it would lead to emotions Sweden was trying to rid himself of. The only assurance came in a grunt and a hand squeeze.

Upon entering the room, the country quickly worked on making it inaccessible from the outside. This was their space until further notice. First he locked the door. He rummaged around until he was able to locate a piece of paper and a pen. He wrote a simple "Go away" and then slid his message under the door to allow passerby to view. A heavy dresser was then pushed in front of the door. He may not have been quite as fit as he was in the past but moving heavy furniture was still not at all difficult. He merely stood back, staring at the dresser, contemplating if it was enough to keep everyone away. He was probably worrying about it to much. What kind of idiot would want in here that badly?

His attention turned back to Tino. His arms crossed and his nerves once again became visible. He hadn't the slightest idea of how to take care of Not-Finland. His Tino never got upset to this point, not that he knew of anyway. Maybe it was because humans were more sensitive? An individual never dealt with the trials and tribulations of a nation. How does a guy even be sensitive? Talk about feelings? Look and be kind and understanding? Smile sweetly when appropriate? He was terrible at all of that. Well, he was a good listener. At least.

It seemed like it'd be a good idea to at least sit next to Tino, but he was honestly feeling a bit... scared at this point. That emotion happened so rarely and he found in general it was only tied to Finland or Sealand's well-being. Sweden was afraid of somehow making Tino worse. But just standing here looking lost wasn't helping, either. What could he do that was worse than standing here looking lost? With this in mind, he went and sat next to the boy. Once there, he found himself unable to come up with anything to do but look at him.

Pitiful. He was terribly disappointed with himself.

Eventually, "Still care 'bout ya." came out in a quiet voice. That was something, wasn't it, Tino? He would have said something stronger than 'care', but declaring love would only solidify it even more so. He had to try to stop seeing Finland in that light. Then there was the fact he didn't actually know Tino. He was a lot like Finland, but not at all Finland. How could one love someone they didn't even actually know? Tino was an individual, not a shadow of Finland for Sweden to release displaced affection on.


yourwaifu January 19 2011, 03:16:38 UTC
Tino knew he did. He nodded, looking at the dresser blocking the door. It was as overwhelming as their situation, but at the same time it was consoling. No one would get in with Berwald around. No one would try to harm Tino, nor Berwald for that matter, and he could calm down and not worry about such a thing.

He sucked in a deep breath, looking over at him, next. He touched one of the nation's hands with one of his fragile, human ones, soft in trying to also reassure the other that maybe it'll be okay. He only half-believed that himself, but maybe he was just thinking the wrong way. Maybe everything would blow over. He squeezed Berwald's hand a bit tighter, leaning against his body with his own just a bit.

"I'll always care about you. No matter what this place does to me or to you," Tino murmured in return. If he said "love" it may scare the other off. He wasn't reacting so hot to everything else, but that was because he wasn't his Berwald. Tino wished at that moment he was his Berwald. He wished he knew everything was okay, that they were happily married, that nothing would change them. But life just wasn't being that picture-perfect right now. He had to struggle to come to terms that he had to distance himself.

"So don't forget that, all right? I'm sure you don't want to be near me, and I know I should just stop being so emotional and close to you, but I can't help it right now. Please bear with me," he added on, pulling his hand away a bit. He smiled, another sad, cracked smile, but a smile nevertheless.


stayndontletgo January 20 2011, 01:11:21 UTC
Sweden in turn rested his chin on the top of Tino's head. It was a relief not to set off in a blaze of unpleasant feelings because of innocent touch. He doubted it'd last long. Once the shock of this situation wore off, or if the touch became too intimate, he knew he'd be triggered into an unstoppable panic once more. If only he could swallow or bury those emotions. It'd be easier not to be set off by that sort of thing with how connected Tino was to him.

He shook his head just slightly, objecting to the idea of not wanting to be near Tino. The last thing he wanted was the young, sweet human to be wandering around this place alone. Sweden had absolutely no knowledge of Tino's ability to defend himself. If they were here for too long, it may be beneficial to teach him a little. Just in case. The nation was aware that shaking his head wasn't the most effective way to communicate. It was completely unclear to what part of Tino's statements he was disagreeing with. Ah, well. He'd explain if the human male asked.

For the first time, he was thinking maybe it was good they'd found each other. Tino's words were earnest and soothing. Yes, without doubt, for now he was at least a little glad. It also reminded him that his own Finland would always care for him too, even if not in that way.


yourwaifu January 20 2011, 04:10:33 UTC
He liked the feeling of closeness, of someone resembling Berwald resting against him and not pulling away, leaving him, abandoning him. The human male let out a shaky sigh in turn, calming down more by being closer and trying to mentally sort the situation out. Tino stared at nothing in particular, a random spot on the gaudy carpeting.

What he hoped was that this place would give them a break. He couldn't pressure the other in helping him relieve any tension that could arise, nor would he want to see the other suffer. If he were to give in, would that make him a cheater? Disloyal? Berwald was still Berwald, but this was... such an extreme possibility. Tino hummed out as he thought, eyebrows furrowing as he tried to think more about such a thing. He couldn't will himself to be with anyone else, so if all else failed, he'd hope that maybe Berwald would help him. After all, the other certainly wouldn't want Tino to be raped or have sex consensually with anyone else.

The more he tried to think calmly about the possibilities that this place was presenting them, the more he became uneasy. Squirmy. Tino moved to pull away just a bit, that antsy feeling increasing a bit more. He tried to stay positive, patting the other male's arm.

"We'll have to start looking for a way out as soon as possible! There's plenty of floors to peruse, but it could take months to get through even just a couple hundred of them... maybe even longer," he said, sounding a bit disappointed at that. He shook it off quickly, smiling more as he tried pounding those nervous feelings away. "We can't split up, but maybe the process of looking at floors will go faster with two people."


stayndontletgo January 20 2011, 04:49:41 UTC
Sweden hadn't been considering those sexual possibilities in the slightest. He was still denying what the employee had told them with complete conviction. He refused to even consider the possibility that it was true and attempt to figure out some way to get by just in case. He selectively had acknowledged a bit, of course. If he had completely dismissed everything said, he wouldn't be so concerned with avoiding all the other residents in the hotel. He understood the concept that other people might want to jump them but had yet to note the possibility that they themselves might be tempted to partake in such an act.

Tino's estimate elicited a frown from him. Months. That was an awfully unpleasant thought. But he sadly had to admit it was a realistic guess. This place was seemingly limitless. It was really a wonder that a building could be so large and he once again couldn't help but wonder of the architecture at least a little. Despite being disheartened by the possibility of a length stay, he'd nodded as the other spoke. Locating an exit was the greatest priority and the sooner they began, the sooner they would find it.

More than anything, it was a relief to hear that his companion's mood had taken a turn for the better. Sweden couldn't help but admire Tino's ability to bounce back. Not long ago, he'd been crying and plummeting into despair, but now he was smiling again. Those smiles truly suited him. Obvious to him was that finding an exit would not be Sweden's only goal. He also had to protect Tino and do his best to maintain the human's moral. His own needs were quickly becoming less important to him.


yourwaifu January 20 2011, 05:23:53 UTC
Tino had to bounce back, otherwise he'd just keep crying and clinging onto false hopes that may just be crushed. If he didn't bounce back, he'd probably hold him more, ask more of him, to be consoled and helped out and made into a child. He didn't want to burden Berwald, especially given the extremely otherworldly circumstances. He may still have been nervous, but he would break through that. Somehow.

He got up off the bed, this time to not get tied down in one place for long. He had to keep thinking, making calculated estimates about how much time each floor would take, and how much ground they could cover. Maybe they could go to the highest floors, investigate those first, and if there was no exit up on top, they'd start from the bottom up. Surely there was an exit somewhere. If the lobby didn't have one, where else would it be? Of course, they hadn't checked all the shops or everything on that ground floor, but they could. Would, definitely.

The smaller male turned around, nodding his head as if he was agreeing with someone. It'd be so much easier if he had a paper or pen or something. "We should be able to cover quite a bit if we work fast. I don't think any of these rooms would lead to a way back... that saves us quite a lot of time. We could wind up somewhere we wouldn't want to be, too, which wouldn't do us any good. We should probably get started now... maybe mark where we are and make a trip to the highest floor possible."

It was risky, yes. But Tino was willing to take chances now, if that meant getting the two of them home. He didn't know what could await them on the top floors, nor did he know if they were going to be kidnapped and brainwashed into accepting this place as their new home. He just didn't know. He was going on gut-feelings and the fact he has to get home to Peter, Flower-Egg, their friends and their schoolwork. Everything.

"Should we go now?"


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