I am still here for you.|| No Event || Aphro may vary || Locked to sanctus_memoria

Jan 06, 2011 02:01

More than a day had passed since the day Komui and Lenalee broke the threshold of the forbidden. Not once did either of them stir and if they did, the sight of the other still deep in slumber was enough to coax them back to sleep. Surprisingly enough, the hotel seemed to take mercy on them this time. Maybe because they had consented to the way this ( Read more... )

series: d.gray-man

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sanctus_memoria January 6 2011, 00:07:36 UTC
Even if the santctity of bonds had been broken, Lenalee still loved and cherished her brother more than anything. Being able to feel him so close, his body blanketing hers, was like a good dream the Exorcist rarely had.

Every now and then she would stir only to see her precious brother sleeping so peacefully on her chest. Her tired eyes would taken in the moment before drifting back to sleep. Every now and then she would peek her tired eyes open to make sure he was still there, but once she knew, she nestled back in to sweet slumber.

After the day had passed, she began to stir as well. Her hands remained on his shoulders, holing him close to her with her hair covering half of her face as she slept peacefully.


sanctus_memoria January 6 2011, 09:33:20 UTC
"Everything here for free." She said while smoothing his tie down again, lingering in the moment for the sake of being able to touch him again. A simple gesture, but she liked being able to be close and play housewife to him.

Another shy glance up at him was given when his arms drew her in. She smiled softly and gave him a gentle hug around the midsection. Standing so close to him reminded her of their vast height difference and build. He was stroke, muscular with broad shoulders. Like a strong brother should be. While she was tiny, long legged with little curves or anything to contribute really. So she believed.

"It makes getting food here easy, too. They constantly restock but no one has any idea where everything new comes from. It's like magic."


doom_chief January 6 2011, 12:09:22 UTC
Komui would disagree with those thoughts of hers if he heard them now. She wasn't tiny at all. Not in his eyes. And as much as he loathed this new sense of his, she really did have a womanly figure. That would only become more true in time. She was still growing after all. Regardless, the news about everything being for free was a surprise. "So they are only interested in the sexual practices regardless of cost. Probably some freak like that Peck." Komui thought a little bitterly to himself as he just held her close.

"Well I guess that's convenient. Then I suppose I can spoil you with the breakfast at least. Even though I don't think it can be counted as spoiling if we get everything for free" Komui scratched his cheek in thought.


sanctus_memoria January 6 2011, 19:28:49 UTC
Peck probably would get a strange kick out of this place... Then again,s he was unknowing really to his advances or to his leers back in the Order. It seemed only Reever knew what was really going through his mind at that time. He held her closer though and it made the Exorcist smile up at him, a small little act that she found enjoyable because it was him.

"But I can be spoiled with the company." She said happily, giving him a squeeze in return.


doom_chief January 6 2011, 19:42:11 UTC
"Well that's something I can do for the young miss." Komui teased before he let go of her form. He had to hope that nothing extreme would happen along the way and that there would certainly NOT be another monster attack in the hallways. He picked up his glasses from the bedside stand and slid them up his nose before checking himself in the mirror one more time.

"Lets get going then" he said and walked up to the door, opening it for Lenalee with a small bow much like a butler for his master.


sanctus_memoria January 6 2011, 19:49:48 UTC
With a small smile on her lips as she watched him go off and be gentlemanly cute, Lenalee nodded and hurried off towards the door, taking his hand with her as she wandered out in to the red hallways. "This way then, Brother."

Even if they had spent their time connected at the wrist and forced to hold hands, it felt nice to do it of her own accord. She loved him after all. "The elevators are rather pretty and there's even the part of the hotel that looks like it's underwater." She said quietly, even if water seemed a little scary after she almost drowned in the Sea of Japan.

Squeezing his hand tightly at the memory, she glanced up at him. "There's all sorts of sea life you can see, too."


doom_chief January 6 2011, 20:03:26 UTC
Komui held her hand in return, seeing nothing wrong in that small of a gesture. It wasn't that he didn't remember the feeling of the rope cutting into his wrist or the things that happened afterwards. He wouldn't be able to forget those even if he wanted to. Though for the sake of setting everything right, he would probably invest time and research into a way to erase partial memory. Both for him and for Lenalee. But for now he was going to spend this day exploring with Lenalee in order to distract themselves a bit from their prison.

"Oh? You said there was a beach too if I remember right" Komui added his own bit to the conversation, steering it carefully away from the underwater tunnels. He had read the reports and the tightening grip on his hand only confirmed how that still haunted her.


sanctus_memoria January 6 2011, 20:17:59 UTC
Nodding at that, she smiled to herself at the memory. "Mm, it's very lovely, actually. Like a tropical paradise you only read about in books and hear in stories. I never thought something so peaceful really existed." She replied to him as she glanced up to watch him.

"So I'd love to be able to share it with you if you'd like to that is."


doom_chief January 6 2011, 20:43:22 UTC
"That sounds like a great idea. Maybe we could see if we can find some beachwear after we eat." Komui suggested. A tropical paradise vacation. It sounded like just what Lenalee needed in these times.


sanctus_memoria January 6 2011, 20:47:48 UTC
"I actually like the sound of that." She smiled to herself as she lead him in to the elevator. Pushing the first floor button, the elevator seemed to take it's time as it was designed for people to have some private and alone time in it's confines.

"We can always try to find swimwear, too."


doom_chief January 6 2011, 21:01:46 UTC
"Then that's what we'll do first. After breakfast we hit the shops in that..."mall" place you spoke of"

Komui didn't need Lenalee's explanation about the elevators. Given the slow pace it could only serve one purpose. The same one he was trying to not think of at the moment.

Not long before they arrived, Komui subtly locked arms with Lenalee. Given they were going in a public place, he wanted to keep her close. Even closer than on the hallway.


sanctus_memoria January 6 2011, 21:05:42 UTC
How fun, a shopping trip with her brother. She rarely was able to ever do something so fun and relaxing and carefree with him that she was looking all the more forward to it.

When he locked his arms with her, she glance up over her shoulder to him with a small smile, leaning justly to him. She didn't need to hear the explanation why. It felt nice to have her brother's protective embrace around her again. While she would sigh and hold her head in the Order, Lenalee knew it was out of love he did it and despite her annoyance, she secretly loved it.

"Almost there." She said up to him.


doom_chief January 6 2011, 21:14:06 UTC

... )


sanctus_memoria January 6 2011, 21:20:29 UTC
The tighter hold made her smile and she nuzzled softly against him while she stole another glance up.

After what felt like forever, the elevator finally made it's last ping and opened to the mall like interior of the Hotel. Food shops, clothing shops, people doing the deed in booths and around due to the hotel's lustful intentions and the thick air it constantly pumped in to the hotel full of nothing but aphrodisiacs.

Her own protective nature hit her when her hand took a hold of Komui's and lead him back out of the elevator, keeping him close to her so people would understand that he's with her. She was't about to let someone else wander up and try to steal him from her.


doom_chief January 6 2011, 22:32:54 UTC
Komui had expected something like this. But the scale and overall abundance of exhibitionism in the various pairs engaged in varying acts of lovemaking all around the stores and stalls. It was...intimidating and his arm pulled Lenalee closer to him on reflex.

"Lets just head to the restaurant shall we Lenalee?" Komui said with a slightly strained tone. God wherever he looked there were people consummating their lust in the open. It made everything that much more surreal


sanctus_memoria January 6 2011, 22:38:21 UTC
"Mm." She nodded as he held her a bit closer to him. He really was being protective and it was actually kind of adorable of him. In her time here, she's at least learned to ignore what she can in order of going about her business, but it also offered insight on why she often stayed in her room rather than venture out.

Leading him towards the eatery, she tried to find somewhere that was private and secluded rather than overrun with people consummating their lust. "This should do." She said as she took his hand and tugged him with to a little private hole in the wall type eatery.


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