The Settlement

Sep 21, 2008 20:59

Who: Ami Jackson
Where: Tau Site, settlement
When: Thursday, May 16, late afternoon
Invited: All on Tau
Status: Incomplete ( Read more... )

jack harkness, may 16, tau site, james wu, ron boone, bobby hobbes, ami jackson, teyla emmagen

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Comments 20

[Captain Jack Harkness, NPC] forevercptjack September 22 2008, 04:14:05 UTC
Jack had been grateful for the rain when it first came. It had made it difficult for anyone looking around the morning after to judge what had happened to him during the night. Jack was happy to pack up camp and move out as soon as the others were ready. He didn't want to linger close to the remains of the dinosaur the others had killed coming to his rescue. Once they moved out the rain ceased to be comforting, and became an enemy. It turned the ground to mud that sucked at their feet, made the air so thick the moisture settled in their lungs choking them. Jack grew to hate the rain as they marched ( ... )


[James Wu] sinanju September 22 2008, 21:29:19 UTC
James scanned the village carefully--careful to avoid letting himself think too hard about the pain and suffering that had occurred here. There was no sign of survivors, no evidence of human footprints that weren't days old, no plumes of smoke to suggest cookfires. No sign, in short, that anyone was alive here except the Gamma teams ( ... )


[Boone] tweets September 23 2008, 07:55:06 UTC
Ron watched with concerned eyes as Jackson emptied her stomach. It had been disturbing to see how much the little doll had affected her and the internal dialogue showed that Lan was equally worried for her.

But seeing that Jack had her in hand, Ron nodded a little.

"Teyla" he started, then paused as James called to his team.

As his 2IC approached "I want you to look after Ami, GT2 will sweep the area, just make sure she's OK and also that she's protected."

He now gestured to the rest of his team and raised his voice to answer James' commands "GT2 will take the south side, GT1, take the north."

With Ami being looked after by both Jack and Teyla, Ron was satisfied that the sweep wouldn't prove difficult.


[Ami] fikgirl September 24 2008, 23:57:20 UTC
Ami didn't look up immediately at the approach of Captain Harkness. She continued to kneel in the mud, breathing heavily with the acrid taste of bile lining her tongue. Recovering after one of these episodes was always the same and not so different from recovering an exceptionally lucid bad dream. Working her way slowly and methodically through a series of well-practiced breathing and meditative exercises, mostly centered around the slow unraveling of her present reality from whatever psychic imagery was impressed upon her, took most of her concentration for a good few minutes after the "episode" passed ( ... )


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