The Settlement

Sep 21, 2008 20:59

Who: Ami Jackson
Where: Tau Site, settlement
When: Thursday, May 16, late afternoon
Invited: All on Tau
Status: Incomplete

Ami awoke to the tap-tap-patter of raindrops against the roof of the tent. The excitement of Captain Jack's attack the previous night left everyone keyed up and alert into the wee hours of morning. Though she'd practically crashed the moment her head touched the sleeping bag, Ami knew that she'd only managed to grab a few key hours of sleep.

Over breakfast Ami discovered she wasn't alone.

That didn't change the nature of the mission, however. This was no field trip; they had a purpose and after check in with General O'Neill, they packed up camp and moved out.

The rain and mud slowed and choked them. They didn't make quite the time they anticipated to reaching the settlement at Tau, arriving late in the afternoon. That would leave them little time to do a thorough investigation, as Captain Jack pointed out; they would have to resume in the morning.

There wasn't much need to go far to begin the investigation. The settlement was a site of utter detestation: homes were burned out husks, carts overturned, charred ruins, livestock slaughtered. The steady rain kept the flies away, but the sight -

At her feet, a wood and cloth crafted doll stared upward. Missing an arm, burned on one side, the small relic was a testament of what had happened here. Moving in a near trance, Ami knelt and reached out a hand to grab the plaything -

Chaos, madness, fear. There was screaming - horrible, horrible screaming like nothing ever heard before. It cut to the bone, to the very soul and tore it to shreds. Villagers fell all around, screaming and writhing, mothers and fathers covered in blood and trying to protect their children. Men ran with arms and weapons . . . and fell to their knees, smoking holes in their backs, or heads charred and smoking. Booted feet ran past, shouts rang out and in the air lurked a hideous, oily stench . . .

Ami recoiled with a loud cry, the doll falling from her fingertips to land in the puddle of mud at her feet. She stumbled backward, unable to detach from the vision playing out in her mind's eye. There was a loud splash as she fell to the ground on her rear before her vision cleared. Even then, the remnants remained, and unable to do anything else, Ami rolled to her knees and scampered off the main fareway.

Kneeling in the mud, she lost her lunch.

jack harkness, may 16, tau site, james wu, ron boone, bobby hobbes, ami jackson, teyla emmagen

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