[All] Going to the fair!

Sep 17, 2008 21:36

Who: Everyone
When: Friday, May 17, mid-afternoon
Where: Gatetown, the new 'fair grounds'
Invited: Duh, everyone!

It was a long awaited event. The year on Gamma was filled with ups and downs, certainty pulled from the depths of fear and the unknown. The houses were rising on the outskirts of the settlement, each day making it look more and more like a town. The civil engineers were hard at work planning the roads, the different services that would be needed to keep everyone healthy and safe, and traffic patterns, of all things.

The population was slowly rising, though there was something of a 'boom', thanks to those days in the fall and winter when there was little else to do if one wasn't helping in the digging out and the shoring up. That, of course, wasn't only for the people, but also for the stock animals.

In the Spring, foals were born, calves, plantings, the first hints of early, just after the frost vegetables were arriving. As a result, there was a desire and a need to make a festive event of it all. After all, there were stock auctions, county fairs back on Earth for just such a season.

As a result, Thursday and much of Friday was spent building the corrals for the stock, both cattle and horses, the nails for the wood courtesy of the local blacksmith. (He was getting better at all that iron work. Wayne was only a dabbler in smithing, and now? He found it his 'life's calling'.. out of necessity.) Jack had offered up those military men who weren't on duty around the stargate. They had a police department after all, so they were no longer really needed as peace-keepers; and what does one do with idle military hands? Put 'em to work on infrastructure, either building it or shoring it up!

There was another contingent, of course, that comandeered a couple of the GP large tents and set them aside in what was now marked out as 'fair grounds'. Within would be vendors, traders, shows of smaller animals-- a veritable 4-H occasion.

So far, the weather was holding out; the ground was a bit muddy on Thursday, and the skies were overcast as the settlement pulled together to put on their 'show', but that didn't stop the work.

jason maguire, will harris, dexter morgan, mac taylor, marcus cole, aiyanna whiteeagle, jade weston, jon o'neill, may 17

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