You know, funnily enough, the first time I saw the US trailer, it was without sound, and I was alf;djsaklfjdasklfjlakfd. Then I saw it with sound, and I was underwhelmed. And now I see it in Russian, and I'm back to af;djasfklas;ldfk. Then I read the translation, and I'm still aklf;djaklfjaklfd. So. IDEK.
Comments 2
You know, funnily enough, the first time I saw the US trailer, it was without sound, and I was alf;djsaklfjdasklfjlakfd. Then I saw it with sound, and I was underwhelmed. And now I see it in Russian, and I'm back to af;djasfklas;ldfk. Then I read the translation, and I'm still aklf;djaklfjaklfd. So. IDEK.
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