An intro of sorts!

Mar 07, 2009 00:04

God dammit. That's a bit pointless. Damning God and all that. Sinners, and saints. Life and death. Heaven and Hell. A boat... what's there to say about a boat floating through only God knows where, taking us to uncharted locations... and having barely eligible "wardens" watch over "inmates" in hopes of reforming them back to what societies assume ( Read more... )

intro!, jc being ba!

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Comments 73

stayandgloat March 7 2009, 16:34:55 UTC
I can't believe you're whining about whatever celestial powers to whom you ascribe the title of "God", dumping you here in a position of power.

I mean, when my assorted Gods screwed me over, they really went above and beyond the call of duty to leave me completely fucked, then surrounded me with people I hated.

I suppose what I'm saying here is that my god's are better than your god's.


the_favored March 7 2009, 16:38:42 UTC
Ya know what? I wont put it past you that you're God is better than mine. After all my God just created life in seven days, your "assorted Gods" probably pushed and shoved to create human life in one natal shove. Birthing the entire universe in one nasty, runny bowel movement.

At least my God doesn't shit out things he creates.

Then again, are we really lowering ourselves to arguing who's God is better than who's?


Ethan read the comics, so he assumes that you're SOME Kind of mage. stayandgloat March 7 2009, 16:44:36 UTC
Have you seen the universe lately? If your god claims that this comes from anything other than a particularly potent bodily function then he's taking the piss.

He's just embarrassed about spending seven days constipated before he could do it.

And of course we are, it's an ancient and noble tradition amongst magicians. The "Pointless Bitch Fight".


This is the movie-verse Constantine... but none the less some sort of magic involved. the_favored March 7 2009, 16:47:52 UTC
Oh yes, because every God can pull a world out of their hat with the simple "Abracadabra" bullshit.

Oh, I must have missed that tradition in my "Magicians 101" manual. You seem versed in it, what comes next? Hexing?


lilah_lawyer March 8 2009, 21:05:47 UTC
Yeah, I'm going to have to ask you to refrain from speaking with my inmate, for a while, thanks... Seems to have developed quite the chip on his formerly bewinged shoulder, regarding you.


the_favored March 8 2009, 22:03:54 UTC
Yeah, um... who are you? and who is your inmate?

Oh, bewinged? Gabriel. Hah. That sucks, lady. Though, I'm surprised you're not asking for advice, after all I am the one that graciously helped in ripping those wings off his shoulders. If anyone would know Gabriel it would be me.


lilah_lawyer March 8 2009, 22:15:58 UTC
Lilah Morgan, resident former lawyer.

And yes, I do plan to, but I'd also rather not have him/her/it aggravated, at the present time. You two seem to have the most extraordinary talent for mutual annoyance.


the_favored March 9 2009, 01:19:01 UTC
Well, Lilah Morgan, you seem to be doing a bang up job with "rehabilitating" the ol' fallen angel.

Ya know, he just harbors a particular distaste for me. Kind of funny... considering he complained the Big Man didn't pay enough attention to him.... well, he got His attention.


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