overly helpful and excited for you!liberty_etcMay 26 2006, 03:26:21 UTC
HEY! that is a sweet sweet job my friend. not sure if you know, but that is the university i was at in the fall. you will be able to travel asia like whoa and hk is beautiful if you like hiking and public transportation.
i love talking about hk, and can tell you what the tutors that i knew and talked to did and how it was for them. also, i don't know if you knew jenni reihnke (last named spelled wrong) but she is a beloit alum who was there as a tutor while i was. i could give you her contact info.
Comments 13
I went and told Liz even though she's in the shower. She said, "Holy shit, that's exciting!"
kerensa has adventures!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love you!!!!!!!!!!
before you leave you could visit me in new york. yeah? yeah?
i love talking about hk, and can tell you what the tutors that i knew and talked to did and how it was for them. also, i don't know if you knew jenni reihnke (last named spelled wrong) but she is a beloit alum who was there as a tutor while i was. i could give you her contact info.
also, generally most awesome and wicked!
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