Well, I'm back down to a 1.8 on my Coumadin. They've upped my dosage slightly to try to get it back where it should be. I think I accidentally too a 5mg dose last week when I should have taken a 10 mg dose. Plus, I'm going to take real Coumadin this week instead of the Jankovin to see if that has any effect
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Comments 4
Also, occasionally, our cats like to eat eggs and for some odd reason one of our cats like cucumbers!
he didn't finish what i gave him (and i only gave him maybe 4 very small pieces) so he won't be getting more.
So yes, he's my #1 choice, no, I never, ever dress him up(he would get that Elvis-sneer curled lip going) and yes, I not only share all my food with him but I cook things just for him.
//but dude, if you knew my dog..
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