(no subject)

Sep 09, 2008 13:01

Well, I'm back down to a 1.8 on my Coumadin. They've upped my dosage slightly to try to get it back where it should be. I think I accidentally too a 5mg dose last week when I should have taken a 10 mg dose. Plus, I'm going to take real Coumadin this week instead of the Jankovin to see if that has any effect.

Last night we skipped Lesbian Bible Study because there was a Halloween Festival Meeting. I am really enjoying getting more involved with them and they are glad for our new ideas and upbeat outlook on things. beldar's even trying to talk me into being a gypsy fortune teller for the kids. It's been quite a while since I've done that but it really is fun so I may do it again.

This morning there was a discussion on the radio about pets and people's habits with them. It inspired me to make a poll for you all so here it is:

Poll Dog days of summer

I'm interested to hear your answers (especially to #1).

Not much else really happening right now. Since our house is still a wreck from not being home for the past four weekends, we're not planning on having a group over for dim sum on 9/11 like last year. However, I would like to get together with anyone interested and maybe go out for it this weekend.

I hope everyone out there is doing well. The weather here is cooling down and the Halloween stuff is starting to filter into the stores. I love the sights and smells of this time of year. I really can't wait to start decorating our house.

So, that's it for now. I have a few memes that I'll probably post later on.


neighborhood, poll, halloween, health, 9/11, lbs, animals, question

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