Title: My Death Will Have Your Eyes [Pt 3]
Characters: Russia/America.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: 1962 - Russia attempts to renegotiate the terms of his deal, and America finally draws a line in the sand.
TCE is co-written by
wizzard890 and
America had been quivering inside his clothes ever since he got up that morning. )
Comments 123
Well done, as always. <3
Still, they talked about their feelings, like, is this the first time? They're being honest, they're talking about love! Like WOW. What progress! ... and then they almost go to war and ruined it, but hey, still points for saying the "L" word... well, ok, so Russia technically didn't say it, but he didn't deny it, and all while being in front of America. Wow, good job guys. Just, next time... no threat of nuclear war, kthxbai, luv ya ♥
And Russia really did confirm it! You know, "the letter was personal," "I meant it," etc. He hasn't up and Said The Words yet, but at this point that's really not America's malfunction. (It's kinda hard to put into words what America's malfunction is.)
Of course they wouldn't be themselves if they wouldn't blow this all up again. But Russia still gets some points.
So, quoting my beloved country: "Awesome news, boss" :DDDDDDD
So, quoting my beloved country: "Awesome news, boss" :DDDDDDD
I-is it narcissistic of me to want an icon of Poland saying that? With the big fake smile and the thumbs up. >_> FOR YOU SEE, I STILL DON'T THINK I HAVE ENOUGH POLAND ICONS.
Way to go guys! keep on doin' what ya do~ have some delicious chocolate cake i just baked. Y'all deserve it~
I think America is being immature, but sympathetic. And Russia is, honestly, hiding behind that facade of maturity in order to not have to deal with his feelings.
Actually, it was really important to Russia that he didn't deny it. He came right out and confirmed it quite a few times, what with "the letter was personal", "I meant it" and all. Of course, he didn't actually ~say it~, but he really did try his best to make America see that it was still true, despite the fast talking he was doing about the deal.
Well, at least it's comforting to know that no matter how bad things seem, they don't actually blow each other up about all this.
lolz, politics is more srs bssness, I know, but...i want them so hard to be happy...
America's stuttering, choking, and rage and "red thing behind his eyes" broke my heart, specially because of that joyful beginning.
C'mon Russia, babe, do ittt
Oh my God, I know. It's been such a long time coming, and I honestly can't believe that Russia never apologized, even when things were going well between them. I think he may have been too ashamed to bring it up, even to ask for America's forgiveness. Well, that, and Russia is really not good at asking for forgiveness in general.
It's time you finally did something for America that cost you something. Yo've alreayd opened your heart and it's been accepted, what could go wrong?
In Russia's eyes? EVERYTHING. Now America can just take him apart from the inside, and how can he be sure that he can trust him and, and, and.
I think I dated Russia in high school. ._.
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