It had been a few days since the island had completely changed. Troy had woken up to find that Treehouse headquarters was the top floor of a weird building on a London street, his comfy Spider-Man jammies had turned into some kinda weird dress nightgown thing that Troy was determined to never wear again as long as he lived- even if it was breezy
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Dealing with all of that had made her very cranky and so it was with glee that she spied a snow fort in one of the parks. A snow ball fight was the perfect thing to cheer her up. She found a good place to take cover and started rolling up some snow balls, waiting for just the right moment to catch an unsuspecting victim by surprise.
"What's the plan, Cissie?"
With Zelda at her side, Cissie was absolutely certain they would not only have an awesome time but kick butt while they were at it.
"We should keep quiet, I think. Ambushing from stealth always works and gives us the upper hand."
He'd found an awesome pair of goggles, a leather overcoat and a heavy pair of military boots. Being a skinny, beaky Palestinian kid might not have made him the obvious choice to be a fixture in an HG Wells novel, but if anybody could pull of the look, it was Abed.
Peering down toward the south end of the park, eyes narrowed, he reached for the tin can hooked from a wire by his head, a string attached to the base and trailing down the length of the fort. "Come in Beta Leader, this is Alpha One. Do you read me?"
"Your leader cannot help you now," Cassandra said, launching the snowball at his face. This was much better than training alone.
The can was left dangling by the hook. He'd swiveled to face her-- possibly the coolest girl he'd ever seen, though he only got a quick glimpse before he got a face full of snow.
Calmly, he cocked his head, arched a brow and said, "That's where you're wrong. You're on our turf, now."
Turning, he took off down the trench, boots crunching in the snow, hoping she followed. Luckily, Trobed Snow Fort had been outfitted with maximum security booby traps.
Moving quick, she slid behind a snowbank and began to prepare for her next quick strike.
The dragon, however, leaped above the snowbank and landed right behind her.
Well, for a prince.
So he'd gone to what looked like the shadiest part of town and found something he felt less conspicuous in. This means he now looks like he belonged in Newsies: dark brown woolen pants tucked into high boots and shapeless brown wool coat over a few layers of white shirt, slouchy tweed cap.
About as far from a prince as he can manage. It makes this a lot easier, though.
He'd almost taken one to the head, realized what was happening, then dove behind a low stone wall and started stockpiling an arsenal. The stack of hard-packed, baseball sized snowballs glint white in the winter sun, and Teddy hefts one, risking a peek around his fortification.
When he caught sight of Robb, he greeted him with a handful of snow crushed into his hair. Might as well start as they always did: snow versus Stark.
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