
Jun 28, 2011 12:08

At this very moment on the island of Tabula Rasa, something remarkable was happening. It was a peculiar brand of remarkable, one that had the habit of showing up unplanned and unannounced and with rather alarming frequency. The thing that made this time different from other remarkable events was that it had to do with pie ( Read more... )

russell edgington, item post, iroh, delirium, eric cartman, ned, charlotte charles

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Comments 35

endlessdel June 28 2011, 19:17:21 UTC
"Is this how the pie man shows his affections? Makes you a bouquet of pie. I gave Robb Stark a bouquet of lollypops. I think he liked them, I don't know. I don't understand humans, you were all much simpler when you were-" Delirium waved her hands wildly trying to indicate everything humans had been. "-but now you're all... not."


agirlnamedchuck June 29 2011, 05:06:46 UTC
Her smile unsteady as she turned to greet the incarnation of insanity, Charlotte Charles wondered if it was possible to explain this without sounding too far off her rocker. Considering who she was talking to, she wasn't entirely certain if such strangeness would be entirely unwelcome.

"Did you?" she asked considering such a sweet gift. "That sounds sweet. Sweets for your sweet, but no. I'm afraid he didn't and I'm pretty certain that this isn't actually something so sweet. Even if it does taste sweet."


endlessdel June 29 2011, 08:33:59 UTC
"Ahuh, then I kissed him or he kissed me. There was kissing," Delirium said grinning at that. Delirium peeked at the boxes wondering what they were if not sweet pies to eat. They smelled delicious. "What is it? Is it an island gift? It gives kind but cruel things, like the twins."


agirlnamedchuck June 30 2011, 06:53:01 UTC
"Oh," Chuck breathed a sympathetic sigh, finding the entire thing to be rather sweet despite the complicated nature of her present thoughts. Even if she wanted to ramble or push the pies over, take Eli and run, she could enjoy the pleasantries in the lives of others. "I think so. I made these pies for my aunts. They're special pies, they do special things."


piemakerprince June 28 2011, 20:26:21 UTC
"That's my pie," said the pie maker, coming to a stop when he noticed Chuck, Eli and a stack of very familiar boxes. It may not have been one of the smartest things he'd ever said, but Ned couldn't help but be struck a little dumb at something he hadn't laid eyes on in years.

He crouched down beside Eli's pram, giving his son a kiss before bringing his attention back to Chuck and the boxes of pie. "Why are there Pie Hole pies here?"


agirlnamedchuck June 29 2011, 05:12:00 UTC
"No. I think it's one of my pies," Chuck corrected as she gave her head a sad shake. She had never quite brought herself to letting the Piemaker on that particular secret. She might hate little lies just as she hated big ones, but there had never been a time or a place to let him in that on that.

Now, in the face of such damning pie-shaped evidence she wished that she had. "I don't know. But I know who they're for."


piemakerprince July 2 2011, 19:55:05 UTC
"Your pies?" Ned crouched over the boxes, running his fingers across the familiar colors and logo. He hadn't realized how much he missed his Pie Hole. Coaxing one box open, he wasn't surprised to see a pie sitting snugly inside, as though nothing had ever happened. "Who were these for?"


agirlnamedchuck July 4 2011, 17:30:43 UTC
"My pies." Repeating it only seemed to make the entire thing a little more dangerously true. There was something alarming about having one of her less-than-sweet actions come back to her in such a way. It could have been worse, Chuck was certain of that, but she was also equally certain that it could have been better.

"My aunts. I had Olive deliver them to them."


o_tea_p June 29 2011, 01:19:48 UTC
After the initial shock had worn off, Iroh found himself settling in quite nicely on the island. Sure, it was a little muggy, but compared to prison? It was a paradise. He had his nephew, his crazy niece was basically powerless, and they were far, far away from the war consuming their entire world. In many ways, it was a dream he had never thought could come true. If he felt a little hollow, a hole in the space where his bending ability was supposed to be, he could manage it. It was nothing compared to the hole that his son had left.

A trip to the clothing box had yielded an outfit the likes of which he had never seen on his world, but he had quickly decided he couldn't live without.

Thoroughly pleased with himself and life in general, he left the Compound to explore his new home.

And immediately smelled something delicious.

"What is that DELECTABLE smell?" he asked the young woman nearby.


agirlnamedchuck June 29 2011, 05:10:05 UTC
Even in her out-of-sorts frame of mind, Charlotte Charles was not about to be rude to such a jolly seeming stranger. Strangers, no matter how strange they seemed, were just friends waiting to be made. Or enemies even, but she was not inclined to dwell too long on such dark thoughts.

"It's pie," she answered, taking a careful step closer to one of the pies and knocking gently on the lid as she rocked Eli's pram back and forth. "I think this one is pear with gruyère."

That had been the most common sort of pie that she had made for the aunts and she was certain that she was right on the money with her guess.


o_tea_p June 30 2011, 02:43:38 UTC
"Pie!" Iroh's mouth watered. "How delicious! What is gruyère?" Whatever it was, it smelled amazing.

He opened one of the boxes, leaning over to get a better whiff. "This would go wonderfully with some jasmine tea. It's too bad I don't have any!"

The thought makes him tear up. Oh for a cup of his favorite tea!


agirlnamedchuck June 30 2011, 06:46:24 UTC
"It's a type of cheese. Not a really strong one, but I think it goes best with pear."

There was an educating tone in her voice, one that was gentle but firm with only a hint of recitation involved. Chuck had been very fond of such pies, having wanted to make them something of a speciality even if she hadn't found the time. "It would, wouldn't it? But we've only got green or black tea but you never know..."

Indeed one never did know what might turn up.


thatwasanorder June 29 2011, 06:31:59 UTC
Following Talbot's 'arrival,' Russell doubted that there was anything the island could do that would shake him up any more. The boxes of pie didn't do much to dislodge him from the state of melancholy he'd fallen into for the past month and a half or so, but the sight of them did make for a temporary distraction.

Stopping a few yards off, he shifted his weight to one leg, eyebrows slowly creeping up his forehead as he surveyed the scene, gaze finally turning to Chuck Charles.

"These yours?"


agirlnamedchuck June 30 2011, 06:42:48 UTC
With a reluctant nod, for there was no use in denying it, Chuck smiled weakly at Russell. "I'm afraid they are. Safety hazard and all."

Indeed their location posed something of a problem when it came to movement to and from the Compound. A cart would need to be gathered or at least a few willing movers and she wasn't entirely certain if she was comfortable with offering them a taste of the pies that they had moved. To the best of her knowledge these were not pies that would do a great amount of harm, but as they were untested she didn't really know.

"Kind of funny, I know, but what can you do?"


thatwasanorder June 30 2011, 13:30:11 UTC
"I'm assuming you didn't bake them here," Russell posed. He knew that the ingredients for pie were in fair abundance upon the island, but unless the island had a paper-making factory and a printing press that he hadn't yet heard about (or the bookshelf was having a conniption), he didn't think that such bulk would be available.

"You could donate them to the kitchen," he offered momentarily, although the words safety hazard were a little odd. Not that he much cared; the island seemed to create enough trouble on its own - pies couldn't hurt. Unless they were poisoned, but if they were, he didn't doubt that the woman among them would have done something about them already.


agirlnamedchuck July 4 2011, 17:33:43 UTC
"No. I definitely did not." The boxes that the pies were carefully wrapped in gave that much away. The fact that she did not know what she would do with them was still weighing rather heavily upon her. As mucha s the girl named Chuck wanted to decide what to do with them later, the fact was that someone was very likely to come up and eat them. There was no way to really explain that.

"I could. But I don't know how good I would feel about doing that." The sight of the citizens of the island basking in an unnatural and unwitting high would be strange, to be certain but at least they weren't laced with other things. "These pies are full of anti-depressants."


my_potpie June 29 2011, 21:04:45 UTC

They were pies. Lots of them, in boxes. He'd been angry, at first, his way blocked by a whole bunch of goddamn boxes, but then he's smelled something amazing. Something delicious, the labels on the boxes confirming what he'd already suspect.

Glancing around and seeing only Miss Chuck, who was always nice to him and baked really tasty stuff, he slide back the lid of one of the boxes, ready to stick his hands right in to the brightly colored fruit.


agirlnamedchuck June 30 2011, 06:40:17 UTC
At the moment Charlotte Charles was rather preoccupied. It was this fact and this fact alone that kept her from gently scolding Eric as he approached the boxes of pies. They would have to be eaten, that was for certain, because it would be a shame to waste so much pie, but this was quickly becomming more complicated than she had actually intended.

Pulling herself from her thoughts, eyes widening in mild surprise she stared at the small boy for a moment. "I...oh...be careful," she warned uncertain what else it was that she could say. "What kind of pie does it look like?"


my_potpie July 1 2011, 01:42:07 UTC
"Hello, Miss Chuck," he said, putting on his very best Mommy's Little Angel voice.

"I think it's strawberry pie. May I please have some?"


agirlnamedchuck July 3 2011, 05:39:57 UTC

He was a sweet boy, even if he was a little misguided from time to time. The girl named Chuck believed this with all her heart as she was capable of remembering the sort of trouble that she had found herself in as a child.

Torn between the desire to rid herself of the pie as well as the want to protect him, she pursed her lips in thought.

"Yes but only one piece, okay? I wouldn't want you to make yourself sick." It was only one piece. Sury there could not be enough mood enhancers in that amount to hurt him.


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