Feb 15, 2006 11:05
I'm not really sure yet where I'm going or what I'm going to do when I get there. If I'd had the foresight I would have brought something to put some clams in. Haven't had any for a while and it would make a change. But when I woke this morning I simply wanted to get out as soon as possible. I didn't even bother with bathing even though I had awoken drenched with sweat. It was the dream that made me feel so strange. I can go back to the springs later when I feel better.
Yesterday was such a good day, too. It would have been better if I had found Buffy, of course, but I didn't. I hope that she was off somewhere different and not... involved with anyone. Richard's words made me worry a bit and that's why I had that dream. It has to be. It couldn't mean anything else to dream about the man.
And I haven't really had dreams like that since I was young. Never before about a man. It hadn't started that way: it was wonderful at first. I dreamed I was with Buffy walking through the caves in the dark. We stopped several times to kiss each other and would then laugh because we'd have made it to my cave much faster if we hadn't done it. Finally we get there and I move to make the fire as usual while Buffy waits for me. I can hear her come up behind me and crowd into my space. I laugh because she's distracting me again, kissing the back of my neck.
If only you can wait a moment, then we shall be able to see.
There's a hand on my shoulder and I am spun around so quickly that I lose my balance. There is someone above me and it is not Buffy.
Don't need the fire, cuz I can see you just fine. It's Richard.
Waking up drenched in sweat and trembling is not a good way to start a day but there was no way I would have fallen back to sleep after that. And I needed to get out.
I hope that I can find Buffy today.
A/N: I am not anti-gay by any means. My poor pup just has a more conservative POV on the matter and doesn't really want to think of himself like that.
Open for anyone to tag.
Summary: Faramir meets Eowyn and they very subtly talk about the Valentine's Day massacre. Faramir wishes to care for Eowyn if she will allow it and they are sweet (and innocent) together. He sees Richard who looks like death on a stick after the fight with Marv and all the smecks. They end up walking to the compound together to make sure that Riddick doesn't fall over and not be able to get up.