Michael had the urge to bake. Now that he'd perfected a sort of pineapple bar recipe, he only kept it for special occasions so it wouldn't get old and kept it's special quality. But there really hadn't been a special occasion for a while and he'd been itching to make them for a few days. So today, he gave into the urge and headed to the kitchen
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Comments 80
Although wasn't that...? No. His luck couldn't be that bad. Even if every person he seemed to be running into was someone he knew from TV. It had to be some other Michael Rosenbaum character, right? Or maybe Michael Rosenbaum himself.
When Guy had smelled the familiar pineapple aroma of Michael's bars, he had to enter the kitchen. AFter all, he very well knew the candy bars tasted as good as they smelled.
However, when he saw the Marx' sitting and standing, a burst of laughter was only tampered because he had inhaled cigarette-smoke too abruptly and therefore had to cough. "Oh, I do apologise," he said, entirely unapologetic.
Kim finally looked up from his book and shook his head amusedly, but still not breaking the silence he was keeping.
Michael really hated him.
Lex just took a step back. It was obvious everyone in the room knew each other so he moved to lean against the wall, since he didn't want to appear rude by leaving either.
The bald man seemed confused. Guy looked at him and smiled.
Michael glared at the two spies, slightly hurt by Guy's laughter since it was shared with Kim. Great, they were both laughing at him. And as if that wasn't bad enough, it was in front of a young version of a man Michael had had nightmares about when he was kid. Today was just not his day. "Thanks alot." He said bitterly before turning away from all of them to check on the bars in the oven, willing them to bake faster so he could get out of there.
Lex just watched the scene, amused at what was not being said. The tension could be cut like a knife. But when the British man nodded to him, he gladly returned it. "I do hope I'm not intruding on anything. I just came to investigate the smell and certainly got more then I came for."
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