Michael had the urge to bake. Now that he'd perfected a sort of pineapple bar recipe, he only kept it for special occasions so it wouldn't get old and kept it's special quality. But there really hadn't been a special occasion for a while and he'd been itching to make them for a few days. So today, he gave into the urge and headed to the kitchen
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Although wasn't that...? No. His luck couldn't be that bad. Even if every person he seemed to be running into was someone he knew from TV. It had to be some other Michael Rosenbaum character, right? Or maybe Michael Rosenbaum himself.
Still, he took Tim's hand with a polite smile. "It's my pleasure. As Michael and I were discussing before he seemed to loose his tongue, I've only been here a few days and his baking reminded me of home in Smallville." He graciously dropped details, hoping to gauge reactions from the two. He ignored the man at the table, who seemed to be doing the same to them.
"Of course. But here, I'm just like everyone else. It's...a relief to be honest." There was no harm in continuing the conversation. There was still more he might learn.
He'd never been a big fan of the show.
"They do call it Tabula Rasa for a reason."
The oven timer dinged and Michael excused himself for a moment to remove his bars from the oven, glad for the distraction.
"So I've heard. An appropriate name."
Which was a decent landmark in a place like this.
He glanced at Michael again, hoping he was coming back soon.
"It doesn't surprise me that not everyone would be happy here. I'm sure there are some people who had good lives at home which they would rather return too. Myself? This is an improvement." He watched the other man, Michael, move off to check what was baking out of the corner of his eye. "Your friend. I seem to make him nervous. Is he really that shy or is it something else?" While he had had reactions along those lines from people who had been hurt by his father, this was strangely different.
"But what did you do, back home?" Get the topic away from their nerves. "Back home, I mean? You're, what? 28? 29?" Younger, maybe, although it was a little doubtful."
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