The drumming. The endless, ear-splitting, brain-numbing drumming, which was currently doing a wonderful job of giving the Master a rather agonising headache. In search of a little peace, he’d found a quiet spot a short way in to the newly-appeared jungle - more tiresome little games by the Island - and was sitting with his back against a tree,
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At least the man was amusing. Perhaps he would let him survive, if the time ever came that he needed to exterminate the island. Even his name was amusing. "Adam Monroe. Charmed."
The man was interesting, but everyone needed their secrets.
"Oh, very little else at the moment. The time to indulge in frivolity would be after finishing said escape plan." A point he was certain the man agreed with him on, given the fact that there were still islanders alive. "Although...afterward, I have a favor to return to an old friend." He arched an eyebrow. "Am I accurate in my assumption that your interests branch further than the torture of human and reptilians alike? Captivating as the hobby is."
He was waiting for his chance to escape before doing anything major - mostly because getting locked up would really hamper his attempts - but he was fully intending to indulge in a few minor frivolities, if he could. Just enough to irritate certain people. 'There's only three who are mine,' he added, after a moment's consideration.
"Oh goody." Adam offered a half-sincere smile. "Considering the wide range of idiocy plaguing the island, I'm certain that my two or three do not coincide with yours." If they did...well. That would be a problem. But it was a problem to address if they came to that bridge.
'Excellent. I'm sure we can split the rest between us when the time comes,' he added, though he didn't particularly have much interest in sharing.
"Oh, certainly." He had little personal interest in killing the most of them anyway. There was an entire race waiting to be saved from itself on the other side.
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