Aug 14, 2009 23:58

Hay GUYS! Karen the Bored Mod is BORED. And INCREDIBLY spastic over the new promo. And so with approval from Mama, we're gonna have a few CONTESTS!
Learn More and PARTICPATE! )

art: general, contests, art: icons, art: wallpapers

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Comments 20

a_lot_of_heart August 15 2009, 08:34:16 UTC
sopranozone August 15 2009, 16:01:07 UTC
No, you can enter all three if you like. You can also submit THREE icons for the icon contest. :D Sorry, Forgot about that part!


a_lot_of_heart August 15 2009, 16:08:03 UTC
sopranozone August 15 2009, 16:09:53 UTC
haha, well, like i said, as long as they're from the promos, you can use more than one image for your entry, except for the caption contest. And now that I think about it, you can also submit three for the caption contest. O.o How do I forget these things...? *runs off to go edit post AGAIN*


(The comment has been removed)

sopranozone August 15 2009, 18:50:30 UTC
I'm a little worried! Nobody but Tanja has expressed interest...


a_lot_of_heart August 15 2009, 18:57:04 UTC
a_lot_of_heart August 15 2009, 18:58:59 UTC

krissy724 August 16 2009, 04:17:12 UTC
I'm in! Sounds like fun!
Should they just be sent as an atachment to an email then, just to clarify...


sopranozone August 16 2009, 06:16:41 UTC
You can send it IN the email, or as an attachment. Your choice. :D


sopranozone August 22 2009, 15:37:29 UTC
Just checkin' in on ya, to remind you that entries are due tonight at midnight. Hope hear from ya soon! :P


krissy724 August 23 2009, 00:03:14 UTC
Oh dear! I almost forgot about this. Thank you for the reminder. I shall definitely have them done by then. ^.^


bonesfan47 August 20 2009, 07:22:39 UTC
I am not a computer person so I have no idea on how to do these things :( if someone could tell me how then I would love to enter these contests sounds great and like a lot of fun!!!

Also Krissy I love your avatar so great!!!!

Less then a month for the new season of Bones *Jumps up and down now* can't wait!!!


sopranozone August 20 2009, 13:33:51 UTC
It's all really quite simple. For the caption contest, you simply save one of the images, upload it to a generator such as the one available at and add a caption. :D

As for the icon contest, you can really create an icon however you wish. The LJ size restrictions are 50x50 px, and up to 40 KB. You can create an icon with as simple a program as paint, however, I've noticed that them majority of people use adobe photoshop.

Wallpapers and other can make at whatever your screen size is, or really, whatever demension you want. You can use any program you want for those, too.


sopranozone August 22 2009, 15:39:16 UTC
Just wanted to remind you about the deadline tonight--I know you weren't sure if you were going to participate, but I didn't want you to miss out in case you were! :P


kaylla_334 August 21 2009, 16:38:47 UTC
:O it's 100X100...right? RIGHT????!??!!!


sopranozone August 22 2009, 15:38:17 UTC
Yes, it is. (lol, sorry it took so long to reply.....dont know WHERE my brain is...:P)


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