Aug 14, 2009 23:58

Hay GUYS! Karen the Bored Mod is BORED. And INCREDIBLY spastic over the new promo. And so with approval from Mama, we're gonna have a few CONTESTS!

You will use images from the new PROMOS in your submissions for any of the three contests below! You may use any of the images provided in this post, or you may take your own. PLEASE PARTICPATE! Submissions must contain images from ONLY the promos. After the deadlines for the by polls!  You can participate in all three contests if you want. :D

Icon Contest:
Start Date: August 15
End Date: August 23 12:00AM EST (with a few hours leeway for timezones)
RULES: Use one (or more) of the images provided by us, or take your own, from one of the promos to make an icon. Animated and still icons are acceptable, but if we get enough of each, we'll vote on them separately.  You CAN submit up to three icons for this contest.

Caption Contest:
Start Date: August 15
End Date: August 23 12:00AM EST (with a few hours leeway for timezones)
RULES: Use one of the images provided by us, or take your own, from one of the promos and caption it! It can be a LOL, (de)motivational poster, or any other captioned style submission. Animated submissions are allowed, as long as they are caption style. You CAN submit up to three separate captions for this contest.

Wallpaper/Other Contest
Start Date: August 15
End Date: August 31 11:59 AM EST (with a few hours leeway for timezones) THIS CONTEST IS LONGER!
RULES: Create a wallpaper or other artistic piece using ONLY images from the promos. Examples of entries: Movie posters, comic or book covers, manips, etc. If there is enough diversity in the kind of entries, we will break them into categories and vote that way. If not, they will be voted on together.

Please submit all the entries to my email @ so that I can keep track of the entries. ;D Label them BCT contest or something along those lines so I can keep track of them and keep them from filtering into my spam. :D

Winners will receive....Well, I havent thought of anything, but it'll probably be some coolish looking award thingy. LIKE THIS!

Here are the Images we will provide you with. Feel free to take and use your own if you do not want to use ours. Click on the images for an enlargement.

ETA: Much thanks to @Choebe over at Twitter for the additonal pictures I added today!

Happy creating, my friends!!

art: general, contests, art: icons, art: wallpapers

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