AS/S Through the Ages: Between Two Worlds; PG-13

Sep 08, 2009 17:52

Names: nolagal & ghot
Title: Between Two Worlds
Time/Setting: Fall 1940, London during the Blitz.
Word Count: 7,928
Betas: noeon and lolafalola, much thanks!
Rating: PG13
Summary: Muggle London is under attack and the Wizarding world is banned from assisting. Albus and Scorpius offer help in different ways, one legal and one illegal, as they find themselves drawn to each other.
Author's/Artist's Notes: For the purposes of the story, the events and timeline of the Harry Potter books, including the Epilogue, take place in the beginning of the twentieth century with Harry defeating Voldemort in approximately 1912.

The sirens sounded, loud and abrasive. Albus joined the other Air Raid Wardens lined up to leave the old church they were using as a gathering base. The instructions were the same they'd been given since he joined the group three weeks prior: walk the streets, ensure that the blackout rules were being followed, and try to get civilians to shelter.

His unit-if you could call the ragtag group of untrained young men a unit-was assigned crowd control, while the soldiers went out and tried to stop the bombing that rocked London nightly. Albus just wanted to help, to do anything to save lives. He brushed his hand down his dirty uniform. There had been no time for laundry the past few days with daytime raids and more shelters and gas masks to distribute to families for protection, so his long grey coat was streaked with dust and grime.

A loud blast sounded outside the door, and Albus wondered if the missile had been deflected or if it had struck nearby. The overeager and scared men hurried now, piling out of the door quickly. Albus broke from the group to head toward a neighbourhood devastated the week before. The previous night, he'd found a group of children hiding in an old shop where the windows and one wall were missing.

The children had run from him, and he assumed they'd heard the horror stories of kids shipped off to the countryside and never heard from again. In reality, going to the countryside was safe and significantly better than wandering the streets of London in the middle of a war.

Turning down the street, Albus felt the ground shake as another loud explosion sounded through the air. He glanced up to see several planes above him, but with the smoke, he had no idea if they were German or British. Whatever they were, they were close and the bombs seemed to be falling faster than usual.

A child darted across the street and into an abandoned building. Albus sped up, jogging carefully through debris left from the previous attacks. As he moved closer, he heard the whistle of an incoming missile and threw himself to the ground in terror as it fell towards him.

Rather than an explosion, Albus heard a loud thud. Looking up he saw the buildings around him all standing and a smoking missile lying undetonated on the ground as if someone had just placed it there.

Albus felt it then, the pulse of magic surrounding the area. He stood quickly, disregarding the dirt and fine particles of debris covering him as he glanced wildly around, searching for the source of the magic.

A flash of pale blond hair disappeared down an alley and Albus ran toward it. He knew only one young wizard with hair like that. "Scorpius," he shouted as he stared down the dark alley. "You have to get out of here, the Ministry is monitoring this area for any magic. The Aurors might be here any minute."

Before Albus could blink, Scorpius was beside him. "It was wandless, so they can't trace it. But you'll need to clear the area or they'll think it was you."

Albus hadn't even thought of his own safety. His father being Head Auror made Albus's decision to assist in the Muggle war even more dramatic, but Albus was doing it without magic.

"What are you doing?"

Scorpius shrugged. "I'm helping." Scorpius's breath tickled Albus's ear as he leaned close enough for Albus to hear over the roar around them.

"I thought you were still in Auror training."

"And you were going to be a Healer." Scorpius paused and moved closer, near enough for Albus to see his light grey eyes in the darkness. "I quit when they forbade us from assisting. I've been out in the streets doing what I can since."

"You'll get caught! You know the Ministry is locking up anyone they find using magic around Muggles. Particularly if it helps with the war."

"So, if I can save some lives, it will be worth it."

Albus could see the sincerity in Scorpius's eyes and he felt a kinship with the only other wizard he had seen in weeks. He'd heard rumours of renegade wizards and witches defying the ministry and doing what they could for the Muggles, but he hadn't seen anyone until now.

He and Scorpius knew each other from Hogwarts, having been in the same class, but were barely acquaintances then and hadn't seen each other much since leaving school. But now, Albus felt as if a close friend was in front of him, doing these crazy things.

"Look, just get out of here and keep your wand holstered. I need to get those kids to a shelter before it gets worse." Albus reached up and squeezed Scorpius's thin shoulder. "Please be careful."

"You too, Potter," Scorpius said, returning the gesture and letting his hand linger on Albus's shoulder before rapping his knuckles against Albus's metal hat. "It's good to see you."

Albus nodded, then turned and jogged away, anxious to find the children. A nearby tube station had finally been converted into a shelter. Another station had been hit the day before and Albus had heard of the devastation. Thank goodness it had only happened once, and the vast majority of people had been safe. Even if there was a direct hit, it was still the safest place for the kids.

There were a few Anderson Shelters erected behind the abandoned and destroyed homes, but Albus didn't trust the steel and dirt structures. They appeared flimsy and unable to withstand a strong wind, much less a bomb.

The children were gathered in the lobby of the abandoned building. Albus could just make out their shapes as he approached quietly. It wouldn't do to startle them.

"Hello," he called out once he was between them and the door. "Don't be afraid. I just want to get you to the Aldwych station for the night. No one is going to take you away." That last part was a bit of a lie. If other people realised they were alone and likely orphans, they would be shipped out, but most people were too worried about themselves to notice anyone else in the shelters.

The kids were still and Albus moved close enough to see how dirty and tired the group of four children were. "The planes are directly overhead. It's not safe."

"How do we know it'll be safe with you?" the tallest child asked boldly.

"You don't, but you definitely aren't safe here," Albus said. "It's just two blocks, but we need to hurry."

The child who had asked the question moved toward him, scrutinizing Albus's dirty uniform, then jerked his hand back to wave at the other children. "Let's go then."

They crept through the empty streets, grateful for the dim light the moon and fires provided. Albus kept his eyes on the sky, trying to watch for danger. They were almost to the station when the sky flared brightly and the building beside them erupted.

Albus threw up a Shield Charm, thankful he kept his wand taped to his arm, only to feel it strengthened by another. He'd just warned Scorpius about performing magic and then done it himself. Holding the shield over himself and the children, he turned to them. "Run into the station, now."

Scorpius was across the street, pushing back a wave of fire. Albus ran to him, knowing there was no way to maintain that strong a shield without a wand. As he ran, he let his own shield fall, barely dodging the falling debris.

Before Albus could get to Scorpius, the shield faltered and flames shot out toward Scorpius before being sucked back into the building. Scorpius fell to the ground, and Albus ran to him, kneeling by his side.

Scorpius's left side was badly burnt. His Muggle clothes had singed and melted into his arm and leg. Albus took a deep breath and choked on the smell of burning flesh and ash. His eyes watered as he tried to call on the calm he had perfected when he was in Healer training. His wand vibrated happily as he cast the diagnostic charms, looking for the extent of the damage and any internal injuries. It seemed like a lifetime since he had handled Magical injuries and Wizarding patients. He'd already used too much magic; his signature would be all over the area and there was no way Scorpius would survive the wait to be treated at one of the Muggle facilities or St. Mungo's.

Albus did his best to heal the wounds and bind what he couldn't immediately fix. He needed salve and potions, but spells would have to suffice for now. "Can you walk?" Albus asked, leaning nervously over Scorpius.

"I can try," Scorpius said, grabbing Albus's hand to help steady himself as he began to pull himself to his feet. His shirt was dangling off his body and his left trouser leg was split up the seam.

Albus put his arm around Scorpius for support and led him across the street. "You need to stay here. I'm going to St. Mungo's to get the rest of what I need to heal you."

"The Aurors will find me."

Albus sighed. One simple spell and any witch or wizard in the area would be revealed. "You can't Apparate in this state. You must rest until I can get some potions in you."

Scorpius bit his lip. "We're not too far from Diagon Alley. Apparate me there, and I can hide somewhere while you go to the hospital."

Albus thought for a moment. Neither leaving Scorpius there nor Apparating him was a good idea but between the two, Diagon Alley would be safest. Diagon Alley, like all Magical areas, had shields to protect them from the bombing, and Scorpius would be a way from the scene should the Aurors be alerted to the unauthorized magic. "Hold on tight."

Albus concentrated as Scorpius clung tightly to him. They fell to the floor as they landed, Scorpius half on top of him.

"Where are we?" Scorpius asked, taking in the small flat. "Is it safe?"

"Hopefully," Albus said, standing up and helping Scorpius to his feet. "James? Fred?"

Albus's brother and cousin appeared in the sitting room instantly.

"Albus! Why are you here? Are you hurt?" James asked, moving toward Albus.

Albus shook his head. "I'm all right, but Scorpius was burnt pretty badly. I need to get to St. Mungo's for some potions, and it wasn't safe to leave him."

Fred's eyes widened as he took in Scorpius's dishevelled appearance. "Are you in trouble?"

"Yes," Albus said simply. "We both performed magic around Muggles. My signature will be all over the place. If Dad, Uncle Ron, or Teddy are the Aurors that respond, they'll know it was me right away."

"Gods. Are you stupid? Do you know what they'll do to you? Dad already told you he wouldn't get you out of something like this." James's voice was high and panicked as he paced beside Albus.

"I had to. It's a ridiculous restriction and we all know it." Albus sighed, removed his hard helmet and tugged his hair in frustration. He didn't have time for this conversation. "Look it's dangerous to let Scorpius stay, but he's in no shape to be on the streets or to Apparated again. Will you help?"

"Of course," James answered, as Fred said, "No."

James and Fred glared at each other for a long moment before Fred nodded. "He can stay here until you get the supplies, but then you both need to get out of here."

Albus's eyes watered for a moment in sheer relief. "Thank you. I won't be long."

Albus Apparated straight into the lobby of St. Mungo's and walked to the Healer offices. It would be quicker to steal what he needed, but he thought he should do something legal that night.

Healer Anderson was standing right inside the break room, and Albus breathed a sigh of relief. Healer Anderson had been his supervising Healer and had adored him.

"Healer Anderson."

"Albus. Don't you look a fright? Are you all right?" Healer Anderson took Albus's chin in his hand and turned Albus's face from side to side as he examined it for damage.

"I'm not the one who needs help. It's another wizard. I need potions and salve for burns quickly so I can get back to him," Albus said, pulling back from the scrutiny.

Healer Anderson stopped and ran his hand through his hair. "You promise this is for a wizard?"

"Yes." Albus let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding.

"Wait right here or, better yet, run to the loo and clean yourself up before someone else recognises you."

In the loo, Albus stared at himself. His hair was longer and sticking out even more wildly than he'd even seen it. His face was covered with dirt and grime and his uniform had blood and dust everywhere. He looked frightful. He cast a few Cleaning Charms on his uniform and body then washed his face and hands. It felt good to be cleaner, even if it wouldn't last.

Healer Anderson returned with a small bag and, when Albus glanced inside, he saw numerous vials and jars clinking together. There was enough medicine to last weeks, even if he decided to use it for Muggles.

Albus bit his lip and smiled. "Thank you. This is wonderful."

"Now go."

Albus Apparated back into the flat and froze in fright when he saw his godbrother leaning over Scorpius. "Teddy," Albus said, trying to keep the panic from his voice. "Why are you here?"

"I Firecalled him," James said, moving to stand beside Albus. "He's not on duty tonight, but you can file a report through him. It's the best option."

Albus pinched the bridge of his nose and tried not to scream. "How is having an Auror here the best option?"

Teddy turned to face Albus. "Because my report says that Scorpius performed accidental magic to stop the fire and falling debris, and that you didn't cast until the Muggles were off the street."

Albus sighed in relief. "You'd do that?"

"I'm one of a few Aurors who believe something that happened almost thirty years ago and because of only one Muggle shouldn't mean we turn our back on all Muggles."

"Don't let Dad hear you say that," Albus said. He moved toward Scorpius, pulling the necessary potions from the bag. Albus's father had almost been killed by the Muggle Prime Minister, and then his face had been plastered all over London as a wanted criminal.

"He knows how I feel. I think he agrees, in a way. But Kingsley and Hermione don't and they're the ones that matter," Teddy said, leaning over Albus to watch him heal Scorpius.

Albus made a noise of agreement. His aunt was one of the biggest supporters for the segregation of Wizards and Muggles. She believed it was the only way to keep both worlds safe. Kingsley Shacklebolt had been Minister of Magic since the Wizarding war, and the one to decree the complete split after the Muggle Prime Minister had sent an army to destroy the Ministry.

It was rumoured that, before the war, the Minister of Magic and the Muggle Prime Minister communicated openly when necessary. The Aurors and the Muggle police had also worked together on occasion. Now, any Muggle with knowledge of the Wizarding world was Obliviated or forced to undergo charms to keep them from revealing what they knew.

The war with Voldemort had resulted in severe damage to parts of Muggle Britain and the death of many Muggles. Almost immediately after Voldemort's death, a great war had broken out involving Muggle governments around the world. Albus's dad had explained that the Muggle Prime Minister believed that wizards were to blame not only for the damage caused by Voldemort but also for the Muggle war, thus all wizards needed to die. Harry had been targeted along with other prominent and powerful wizards. Apparently, a wizard or witch fed names and information to the Muggle government and increased the fear and distrust until the Muggles had taken measures to eradicate the Wizarding population.

Albus turned to Teddy. "If you get in trouble for this-"

"I won't."

"You don't know that," Albus said. He checked to see if Scorpius was healing properly and saw that the burns were already fading.

"Maybe not. But there's a covert network in the Ministry, planting seeds of doubt and working to help anyway they can. I'm better protected than you two," Teddy said. He moved to Albus and Scorpius and clasped their shoulders. "You're on the front lines, and we need you there."

Scorpius sat up and looked at Albus. "We need to get back out there."

Albus closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The Healer in him wanted Scorpius to stay there and rest. But he also knew they were needed out on the streets. Plus, housing them might not be safe for James and Fred, even with Teddy's intervention.

After Apparating into the same abandoned building, Albus released his tight hold on Scorpius. Scorpius looked too pale and tired not to be resting, but Albus decided it wasn't his place to decide what Scorpius should do.

The bombs were still dropping around them, and the air inside the building was heavy with smoke. Albus coughed, not ready for the sudden burning in his lungs. In the short time they'd been in Diagon Alley, his lungs must've forgotten how to breathe in the putrid air he was subjected to nightly. Air quality was just one more unfair difference between the Wizarding world and the Muggle war.

"Thank you for everything," Scorpius said, moving close so Albus could see and hear him. "I'm going to see what I can do to help. Maybe we'll run into each other again out there."

Albus opened his mouth to respond but found he didn't know what he wanted to say. He wanted to tell Scorpius to be careful, wanted to make sure they would see each other again, but wasn't sure how to express something he felt so keenly to a virtual stranger. "Maybe."

Scorpius leaned in further, catching Albus by surprise. Albus froze in place as Scorpius's lips glanced lightly over his own. Too shocked to react, Albus just watched as Scorpius turned and disappeared into the clouds of smoke. He touched his lips, trying to hold the fleeting kiss for a moment longer, even as he wondered what Scorpius had meant by it.



"Over here," Albus called back, too tired to move from his position reclining against the wall. He waited for Scorpius to find him in the dark, abandoned building. After a few more unplanned meetings, he and Scorpius had decided to meet every morning at four in the same alley in which they'd initially met.

Scorpius bent and dropped a quick kiss on Albus's lips then pulled back. "Any news?" The kiss hello was a new thing between them. For several weeks, their early morning meeting to check on each other and share news ended with a brief kiss, but two days ago, they started beginning with one, too.

"Nothing since last night. We're running out of shelters, but we're not supposed to encourage residents to leave the city even if they don't have one." Albus pushed off from the wall and rubbed his eyes, knowing he was just smearing grime across his face but too tired to care.

Scorpius's thumb reached up and stroked Albus's cheek, presumably removing the dirt Albus just put there. Albus leaned into the touch. He'd been trying not to read too much into the small kisses and brief touches they'd shared, but facing death and destruction daily made him starved for any attention. Well, for Scorpius's attention, if Albus was being honest with himself.

But he didn't want to be honest with himself, didn't want to hope that Scorpius might be like him, might prefer the company of men and might actually be interested in Albus. While it was true that most men didn't greet each other with a kiss, Albus's cousin Louis always had, and he definitely preferred woman, so Albus couldn't place too much stock in quick kisses.

Albus had known his own preference since he was fifteen. He had realised then that the sharp features and strong lines of men drew his attention in ways women never would. He also knew it was frowned upon and something to keep secret in the Wizarding World. It was even illegal in Muggle Britain. He'd heard about what was happening in Germany, whispered rumours about men being snatched off the streets based on suspicions of homosexuality. It was especially frightening because Germany had been one of the few places relatively accepting of homosexuality before the war, and now people were dying because of who they were.

Here in London, there were secret places men could meet like-minded men, and Albus had gone a few times out of curiosity and a need for a release from the tensions of the war. He didn't go often, not only scared of being discovered and arrested by Muggles, but also because the relief never lasted long enough to make the risk worth it.

But he was a lucky one; it was an open secret that his Uncle Charlie shared his interests and the family still loved Charlie and treated him the same as everyone else. Most of Albus's family didn't know about him though. There hadn't been time or a reason to share really. His father knew, of course, since his father had a way of just looking at Albus and seeing into his soul. His father had sat him down and told him that he would always be loved and supported. Albus knew if his desire for his own sex were made public, his father would become the target of a huge backlash. It wouldn't do for a hero's son to be deviant.

"Tired?" Scorpius asked quietly.

Albus shook his head, realising he'd just been staring blankly at Scorpius as he processed the small touch. Feeling brave, Albus reached out and rested his hand on Scorpius's arm. Muggles had a series of confusing codes to discover if another man was interested, but Albus hadn't learned them and there was no Wizarding equivalent.

Scorpius gave him a soft smile. "It was a long night for me, too. Let's sit down. I have some information."

Albus left his fingers on Scorpius's elbow as they walked toward what used to be a furniture store before an explosion blew off the roof and covered it in debris. People often used the abandoned store during the day, but at night it was empty as people hid from the bombing raids.

The sun was just starting to rise, bringing to light on the damage around them. Albus could see Scorpius better now. His new friend was paler than ever, and dark circles surrounded tired grey eyes. Albus knew he must look as exhausted, but it was always shocking to see Scorpius like this and remember the innocent young school boy with pale hair and bright eyes that Albus remembered from Hogwarts.

Scorpius sat them on a bright orange sofa. It was comfortable enough, but Albus couldn't imagine why someone would want something so atrocious in their home. Scorpius turned, letting his knee rest against Albus's. Albus sucked in a breath, again letting his thoughts race about what the contact meant.

"The Aurors have been told to step up patrol for magic in Muggle areas. Two wizards were arrested last night for Portkeying Muggles to safety, then Obliviating them."

Albus sighed and pinched his nose. Didn't they know all Portkeys, even unauthorized ones, were traceable? He'd avoided the use of magic since the night he'd met Scorpius on the street. He'd slipped a few potions to dying Muggles to save them, but nothing that could get him caught.

Scorpius was still doing wandless magic though, and Albus hated the way his gut twisted every night, waiting until their scheduled meeting to know that Scorpius had made it one more day without getting caught.

"Some interesting new legislation has been introduced. My father thinks some of it will be passed."

Albus looked up in interest. Scorpius's dad was a top barrister in the Wizarding world and worked closely with Albus's Aunt Hermione.

Scorpius smiled and Albus's heart warmed. It was a rare sight, but Scorpius's smiles were balm for his soul. Seeing happiness, even fleeting, didn't happen often. "It's good. One law will allow wizards to ward Muggle relatives' homes, and it will be applied retroactively, so anyone charged will be freed. That's the one my father is confident will be enacted. There are a few others to allow wizards to use magic to save lives under certain circumstances."

That would be amazing. It would certainly make Albus's life easier and ease his worries about Scorpius.

"Of course, that is likely to fail, but it will increase the conversations about the war and the Wizarding response. It was one thing to avoid involvement in a war that wasn't in our backyard, especially while we were dealing with rebuilding after our own war. It's quite another to stand back and watch the world collapse around you."

Albus nodded. He'd hoped the Ministry would come around. It'd been well over two months of constant attacks on London and even sheltered wizards had to realise there was no end in sight. The Wizarding population could no longer pretend they weren't affected, or that the war would end quickly.

Albus moved closer to Scorpius, just wanting to feel the warmth of another person for a while. "I'm visiting my family this afternoon. I'll sound my dad out about the legislation. I'm sure he wants to do more, but the Minister and my aunt have his hands tied."

Scorpius didn't pull back or act disgusted, so Albus pressed his whole left side against Scorpius, not quite snuggling against him. Scorpius sighed and relaxed against Albus.

They sat that way for a while, chatting a bit, decompressing from a long night of dealing with the bombing. Albus still wasn't sure if the interest he felt growing for Scorpius was romantic or just due to the comfort of having someone else who completely understood the horror and frustration he felt daily.

When Scorpius left for his home, he kissed Albus, but this time his lips lingered long enough to make Albus light-headed. Albus smiled to himself as he made his way back to the church-turned-bunker that was serving as base for his unit. For the first time in weeks, Albus felt as if he could sleep easily.


Albus paced down the familiar alley. Scorpius hadn't come the night before, and now he was late. He'd never missed a check-in since they started meeting. Albus had barely been able to function all night, worried that Scorpius had finally been caught, was hurt, or even dead.

Or maybe Scorpius was just shocked because he realised Albus was homosexual. In the light of day, Albus had been embarrassed and horrified about how forward he'd been. The wrong man and he could be seriously hurt for such mistakes. But Scorpius didn't seem like the sort who would react poorly to another man being attracted to them. Unless he was attracted back and that's what scared him.

Albus wondered when someone hiding from him because they were scared had become the best-case scenario. It was the possibility that Albus let himself dwell on the most because it would mean that Scorpius was all right, not hurt, not arrested, not…

Walking into the abandoned furniture store, Albus sat on the edge of the hideous orange sofa and watched the door, hoping for any sign of pale blond hair.

Someone calling his name startled Albus awake. He didn't remember falling asleep waiting, but he obviously had. "Scorpius?" he asked sleepily, even as he realised the familiar voice didn't belong to his friend.

"No," his father said, sitting beside him.

"Dad?" Albus asked, rubbing his eyes and staring at his father. Harry looked even older than he had when Albus saw him the day before.

Harry nodded and took Albus's hand. "I need you to come to St. Mungo's with me."

Albus straightened immediately as fear shot through him, freezing his insides. "Who's hurt? Mum? James? Lily?"

Harry's hands were on Albus's cheeks, calming him. "It's Scorpius. I wasn't sure you were even friends, but he woke up asking for you, and I knew you'd saved his life before."

Albus stood up so fast his head spun. "What's wrong with him?"

"I'll Apparate us to the hospital. We can talk there," Harry said, his voice calm and authoritative.

Albus nodded and clung to his father's arm, grateful for the support.

When they landed in the Apparation lobby, Albus turned to his father expectantly.

"He's in the locked ward."

Albus gasped then clamped his hand over his mouth. The locked ward was for prisoners, which meant Scorpius had been caught.

"You knew then?" Harry sighed and ran his fingers through his messy dark locks, so much like Albus's. "Albus, if it comes out…"

Albus bit his lip. He knew his father couldn't and wouldn't protect him from prosecution, but he was more worried about Scorpius than himself. "What happened to Scorpius?"

"He ran into a collapsing building and rescued four Muggles. He used so much magic getting them out that he drained himself completely. The Aurors found him unconscious on the street. He just woke up an hour ago."

"And he told you where to find me?" Albus asked, his mind racing and his heart sinking as he came to the conclusion that wasn't likely, not with how fast his father had found him.

"No." His father's voice was firm, but Albus could see the hint of guilt in his eyes. "I've been keeping a tracking charm on you."

"Dad," Albus said, then paused as he remembered this wasn't the time or place. "We'll talk about this later, yeah?" Thankfully, he hadn't performed magic since the night with Scorpius, but he didn't know what all his father's tracking charm could have discovered.

Harry nodded and led Albus down the hallway toward Scorpius's room. "He's still really weak, and we haven't interviewed him yet, so you can't see him alone."

"What's going to happen to him?" Albus asked, not really wanting to know.

Harry sighed and took a deep breath. "The Muggles told the Aurors what happened, which is good because he definitely saved their lives; the bomb hit before the sirens went off. But it's bad because they saw him perform magic. They called him an angel and didn't really understand, but the descriptions were obviously some sort of Protection Spell and he cleared an entire wall of debris out of their way."

Albus stopped and looked Harry in the eye, waiting to hear the rest.

"There's good public support for wizards who are saving lives, but the Minister and the Wizengamot might push for the full sentence."

Hot tears pricked against the back of his eyelids. Scorpius couldn't be sent to Azkaban, not for a day, much less twenty years. "He just wanted to help and save lives. You know that. You know him."

"I do and I plan to testify. Teddy and Ron have been trying to help him as well. We all were really impressed with him as an Auror. I was hoping to get him back after the war. I know he wouldn't jeopardize the Wizarding Protection Act without good reason. Plus, his father will do everything in his power to keep him from being brought to trial." There was a heavy pause as Harry's words trailed off.


"But the Unspeakables are working on a way to track wandless magic. If they can link any of the traces of magic we've found back to Scorpius, there's nothing we can do. We have samples known to be his signature now, both from when you rescued him and now with his actions the other night."

Albus stiffened. There was no telling how much magic Scorpius had used in the past month and even one other instance would be enough to seal his fate. He might garner enough sympathy and praise to get away with the current situation alone, but not if it was part of a pattern of violations.

Suddenly his father's arms were tight around him, squeezing him. Albus let his head fall onto his father's shoulder for a moment, taking the comfort offered.

When Harry pulled back, he looked at Albus with a sad recognition. "I didn't realise you were together."

"We're not," Albus said quickly, hating how easily his father read him.

His father quirked an eyebrow and gave him the all-knowing head tilt.

"Maybe. I don't know. I was hoping, but I just…"

The expression on Harry's face softened and he placed his hand on Albus's shoulder. "That's even worse then. Having something like this happen, when you don't know where you stand."

Albus nodded but didn't speak. His father didn't say anything else but finished leading him the short way to the locked ward.

It wasn't until the Auror guarding the ward looked at him in shock that Albus remembered he was still in his Air Raid Warden uniform, complete with metal helmet. Albus fumbled in his pocket for his wand and old Healer's badge, but Harry's hand stopped him.

"My son and I are here to visit Mr. Malfoy."

The guard nodded and moved aside. There were definite benefits to being the son of the Head Auror.

Scorpius looked fragile in the small bed. He seemed even thinner and weaker than Albus remembered.

Albus hurried to the bed and took Scorpius's hand.

Scorpius's eyes fluttered open and he smiled softly at Albus. "You came," he said, his voice cracking.

"Of course," Albus said, turning to find a glass of water beside the bed. He helped Scorpius sit up and drink a bit.

"Ta, I needed that," Scorpius said, eyes still focused on Albus.

Albus didn't know what to say. He wanted to yell and scream at Scorpius for being so stupid, for taking such a risk, for almost dying on him. At the same time, he wanted to kiss Scorpius and do something crazy like declare he loved him.

It was at that moment Albus clearly realised his feelings for Scorpius were much more than comfort and companionship. He knew even without a war, he would want to be with the man before him. The idea of how much he'd come to care for Scorpius blindsided him, and he sat down in the chair, trying to reign in the sudden wash of emotions.

Scorpius's eyes were wide and he reached out and stroked Albus's cheek. "I'm sorry."

Albus didn't know what he must've looked like, his emotions overtaking him as they had, but Scorpius had obviously thought it was bad.

Pulling himself together, Albus leaned forward and cupped Scorpius's chin. "You should be. You nearly scared me to death. Again."

Scorpius pushed against his hand, prolonging their contact before reaching up and taking Albus's hand in his own and moving both hands to the bed. Suddenly, Scorpius's eyes widened and he pulled back.

Albus followed Scorpius's stare to see his father standing by the door.

"Don't mind me. I just can't leave you unsupervised with a guest until we get your statement," Harry said, smiling in what Albus could only describe as a doting manner. "Your father will be back shortly as well. If you're feeling up to it, we can do the interview then." Albus watched as his father turned away, giving them as much privacy as possible.

Scorpius nodded and Albus took his hand again, squeezing the long fingers. Scorpius glanced between their joined hands and Albus, his eyes holding a question and what Albus thought might be hope.

Taking a fortifying breath, Albus decided to be brave. He wished it wasn't in a hospital room, with his father present no less, but the timing was likely the best he would get. He leaned over and softly kissed Scorpius, initiating for the first time more than a quick greeting. Their lips pressed together and Albus could feel that Scorpius's lips were dehydrated from sleep and exhaustion, but they'd never felt better. Scorpius pushed back eagerly and Albus sighed in relief.

When they finally broke apart, Albus felt himself grinning like an idiot. Scorpius was smiling broadly as well and Albus's heart welled with affection and warmth. It was real; everything was real. It didn't matter it might all crash down any moment, it just mattered that Scorpius was actually interested in him.

They didn't say anything, just stared at each other happily for several moments until a knock on the door interrupted them.

Scorpius's father walked in and gave Harry a terse nod and Albus a sharp glare. Albus snatched his hand back from Scorpius and shrunk in his seat, more than slightly intimidated by the man's commanding presence. He could see why Draco Malfoy was such an effective barrister.

"Albus, why don't you run home and clean up? If you hurry, you might catch your sister before she heads to work," Harry said, giving Albus a pointed look.

It took Albus a moment to figure out why it would matter if he saw Lily or not, then his eyes widened and he stood up. He gave Scorpius a soft glance then ran out of the room to the Apparation lobby.


Lily was at the kitchen table, sipping a cup of tea when Albus arrived home. He let out a deep breath and approached her.

"Hey Lils."

She turned, obviously surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you actually." He looked around for signs of his mother and, seeing none, sat down next to Lily. "It's important."

Lily gave him a confused and concerned look. "What's going on?"

"Dad said your department is close to being able to track wandless magic."

Lily shot him a sharp look. "You know I can't talk about work, and Dad shouldn't be saying things either."

Albus took a deep breath. The secrecy surrounding Unspeakables was legendary, and he should've known this wouldn't be an easy task. He didn't even know what Lily did there, or, if in her first year out of school, they'd let her near something so big. "Hypothetically speaking, say there was someone who'd been performing wandless magic." At Lily's sharp look, Albus said quickly, "Not me."

She nodded but narrowed her eyes in scrutiny.

"This person was caught performing magic, and someone might be asked to compare that signature with others from previously unidentified activity. If this person were to be linked to more situations, he'd be sent to Azkaban for at least twenty years."

Lily sighed loudly. "If he'd been doing something illegal, then yes."

Albus decided to throw it all on the table. "He's been saving lives. He saved me and a group of kids. Lily, if something were to happen to that evidence, if it just disappeared or was destroyed, he might have a chance to be free to save others."

"Jeopardizing such an important discovery is impossible, hypothetically."

"I don't want you to risk your job or the discovery. I know it would be a huge help for Aurors, but not for this. Not to persecute someone who's actually out there saving lives like we all should be."

"Does this hypothetical person have a name? And why does it matter?" Lily's voice was resigned letting Albus know she'd help.

He tried to contain his excitement. "Scorpius Malfoy." Taking a deep breath he added, "And it matters because I love him."

Lily's eyes widened almost comically. It was a lot to take in. Albus figured she might remember Scorpius from school even though he was in Albus's year, but the big shock would be learning of her brother's affections. "You?"

Albus nodded and bit his lip, waiting for her reaction.

"I see," she said finally. "Does anyone else know?"

"Dad, and no one else."

She nodded. "Of course. You know it doesn't matter to me, right?"

Albus let out the breath he hadn't realised he was holding in. "Thanks."

"I'll see what I can do. I don't even know how Dad knew what I was working on. Not that I'm working on anything," she added hastily.

Albus pulled her into a big hug and squeezed her tight. "Anything would help. Please."


It was several hours later when Albus returned to the hospital. He'd taken a nap, showered and had a quick bite to eat before finding his captain and informing him that he'd be missing a few days because of a family emergency. By the time he made it back to St. Mungo's, he figured it would be enough time for the interview to be completed.

Teddy was the Auror on guard at the locked ward and Albus grinned at him. He knew his father had likely arranged for Teddy to take on the job just to make Scorpius more comfortable. Teddy was a Lead Auror and monitoring patients was a job for someone with less responsibility.

Teddy smiled back, making his eyes flash purple just for Albus. It was something Teddy used to do when Albus or James was in trouble as a signal of support.

"Are they finished with the interview?" Albus asked, looking at Scorpius's closed door.

Teddy nodded. "Your father and Ron conducted it themselves along with a sympathetic Wizengamot representative. They've left to file their report, now. He's been asleep ever since."

"So, I can go in alone?"

Teddy winked and Albus blushed. He wasn't sure he wanted his entire family to know his secret, but it seemed like it was coming out. "You can. It looks really good, Al. Mr. Malfoy let the story leak to the Prophet, and they'll make Scorpius out to be a real hero."

"He is," Albus said, his voice firmer and harsher than he meant it to be.

Teddy smiled softly. "I know he is. The public will not want to see him punished for this. The word around the Ministry is that this is going to be used to help pass the legislation allowing wizards to choose to assist Muggles."

Albus wanted to ask about tracing the wandless magic, but he wasn't sure if Teddy knew about that or not. "Do you really think they'll let him go?"

"My contacts say Hermione has already backed down. She knows a lost cause when she sees one. She may not want to allow wizards to help, but this will be a huge deal if he's tried."

Knowing his aunt wasn't rushing to prosecute lifted a huge weight off of Albus, now he just had to hope Lily came through. "That's fantastic."

Scorpius was still sleeping when Albus slipped into the room. He took a seat beside the bed and rested a hand on Scorpius's arm. Scorpius didn't stir and Albus settled back, waiting for him to awaken.


Three days later, Scorpius was released from the hospital with a full pardon. The article in The Daily Prophet had made Scorpius an icon for those who wanted to help. Albus had also received a cryptic note from Lily letting him know everything was taken care of.

Scorpius went home with his father to recover, and now, Albus stood in the enormous entrance hall of Malfoy Manor, waiting to see him. They hadn't talked about anything except the case while Scorpius was in the hospital, but they'd kissed several times and shared some heated looks.

A small, oddly dressed house-elf showed Albus to Scorpius's bedroom. The manor was huge and impressive, and Albus felt a little out of place and quite uncomfortable.

Scorpius was sitting up, clad in deep blue silk pyjamas, reading. He put the book down as Albus entered and patted the bed beside him.

"How are you feeling?" Albus asked, sitting gingerly on the edge of the bed.

Scorpius pulled him closer and Albus let himself be manoeuvred until he was reclining against the dark wood headboard next to Scorpius. "Still a little weak, but so much better."

"Good," Albus said, leaning over for a quick kiss.

Scorpius deepened the kiss, pulling Albus to him. It was several moments before they broke apart, breathless and grinning.

"So," Scorpius said, leaning against Albus's chest. It was so different to be with a man and cuddle and kiss. Albus had only ever known rushed encounters in seedy Muggle pubs. He'd hoped for something like this, a relationship like those around him, but he never thought it might really happen.


"Your father offered me a job."

Albus knew this. It was a great position helping to draft policies and practices for wizards to potentially assist Muggles. It would also allow Scorpius to still help with the war without the risk of being caught again. "Are you going to take it?"

"Yes. It's a good offer considering my current situation, and I'll finish my Auror training. Your father is really interested in my wandless abilities," Scorpius said, his voice revealing the pride he felt.

Albus hugged him tight. "That's great. I'm relieved you're taking the position."

"I thought you would be, and I was hoping you'd still be willing to do check-ins with me, only here." Albus nodded his agreement. "Which leads to the next point of conversation," Scorpius said, looking into Albus's eyes.

"Are we following a schedule?" Albus asked teasingly, trying to keep the nervousness out of his voice.

Scorpius laughed and kissed him. "In my head, yes. I have all these things to say to you."

Albus gulped, but nodded encouragingly.

"See, I really like you. To be honest, I didn't know I could feel such affection for a man, even though I knew I hadn't felt it for women."

It sounded like the conversation might be headed in a good direction so Albus smiled and squeezed Scorpius's hand.

"I talked to my father. He was understandably upset and disappointed, but he agreed not to pressure me into marriage. I'm still required to produce an heir, but there are ways to arrange for such things."

Albus's eyes widened. He was just hoping Scorpius would agree to see him occasionally, now they were talking about children.

Scorpius laughed nervously. "Not to rush things, I just wanted you to know I was available on a more permanent basis, if you wanted me."

"I do," Albus said, startling himself with the force behind the admission.

They smiled at each other and leaned in for another long kiss. The snogging seemed to last forever as they'd pull back and smile at each other to catch their breath, then go right back to kissing.

Albus thought it was strange to feel so happy in the middle of such chaos. He was still helping with a seemingly endless war, the Ministry was still firmly against assisting Muggles, and he was about to start a relationship that could make him hated and reviled because it was with a man. He didn't really know what would happen with any of it, but for once, it seemed like it might all work out.

*art, *fic, rating: pg-13, words: 5000-10000, fest: 2009 through the ages

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