FIC | The Covenant > Fragments > PG13-NC17

Feb 20, 2008 21:52

Title: Fragments
Fandom: The Covenant
Pairing: Reid Garwin / Tyler Simms
Rating: PG13 - NC17
Summary: Moments in Reid and Tyler's relationship, some friendly, some romantic -- all unrelated.
Note: Written for the 1sentence challenge, prompt set Gamma. As stated above, these sentences are unrelated and meant to be read separately, not together.
Note2: I got halfway through these and took a break for a week or so, and the only reason I managed to finish them is because I was inspired by mickey_stone's lovely set.
Warnings: Slash, some sexual content, overuse of commas, dashes and semi-colons. Also vague mention of STDs.
Disclaimer: No harm, no foul.

(Also -- my Caleb/Tyler set.)

s e t - g a m m a

01. RING
It's a constant burn, hurting so much in some places that Tyler almost pulls his hand away -- the tattoo machine is a droning buzz, the room smells of rubbing alcohol, and the woman working on him is covered in colorful artwork; the only thing that makes him relax a little is looking over at the very smug-looking Reid, who's middle finger is already bandaged up as he'd gotten the ring tattoo first.

02. HERO
She calls him her hero all because he's saved her cat from a tree -- the cat could've saved itself if it'd just jumped, Tyler thinks with distaste -- and he eats it up with that infuriating grin of his; Tyler stands beside Reid, his arms crossed and his lips in a firm line -- he hates it when others take away from his and the blond's alone-time.

Reid doesn't like talking about the past, he wasn't always Mr. Badass, and that embarrasses him; that's probably why he gets so mad when the other Sons bring it up -- but Tyler considers the old Reid a fond memory, one he hopes he never loses.

04. BOX
The room is empty, with the exception of the make-shift bed on the floor and all the unpacked boxes sitting around, and Tyler lays beside the snoring Reid, gazing at the ceiling -- no one had thought it weird that the two of them had been planning on getting an apartment together, and it was almost funny to imagine what the others would think if they knew the real reason.

05. RUN
The water is close to burning as it pours over the two of them from the showerhead, or at least Reid's pretty sure it's the water that's making him feel like he's on fire -- it could be the way Tyler's hands are running over his body, his touch soft yet determined.

Reid storms into the shared bathroom of their dorm room, and the door slams shut -- Tyler knows this argument isn't over however, and he sits on the edge of his bed, arms crossing; this is just the eye of the hurricane, any second now Reid's gonna come flying out of that bathroom, spitting like an angry cat, and blaming Tyler for all their problems.

Tyler almost doesn't understand how the two of them had become so close -- as children, Reid was the type to tear a fly's wings off before killing it slowly, while Tyler was the type to put a caterpillar in a jar with some grass and name it George.

08. COLD
The night the heater in their room broke, it was perhaps the coldest night of winter -- Tyler didn't even think twice about climbing into Reid's bed, his body framing the older boy's from behind, as he wrapped an arm around him; there were no complaints from Reid either, with the exception of a grumble of, "Next time, it's me behind you."

09. RED
When they pull away, Reid takes just a moment to admire Tyler with a small hint of pride -- the younger boy's lips are looking a bit swollen, tinged slightly red, and his face is flushed, eyes half-lidded; Reid grins, leaning in and kissing him roughly again, swallowing the short noise that leaves Tyler.

Tyler feels himself blush just slightly at the way Reid's eyes drink him in, his penetrating gaze sweeping ever so slowly over him, and his lips curling up at the ends, revealing the trademark Garwin smirk.

It's well passed midnight, and Tyler doesn't know if he should be angry or worried; when a rather drunk Reid finally stumbles into the room, smelling of booze, smoke, and -- the straw that broke the camel's back -- sex, Tyler can't help it, and he all but explodes on the older boy, cursing and yelling at him.

It's tempting, Reid thinks, it's definitely tempting -- the locker room is empty except for he and Tyler, and the younger boy is still wet from his shower, wearing nothing but a towel wrapped clumsily around his waist; it takes every ounce of willpower Reid has not to jump on him.

13. VIEW
Reid bends over the pool table slightly, readying his stick and searching out the ball he's determined to sink, and he glances over his shoulder at Tyler, grinning, "Enjoying the view?" he asks, and he chortles to himself when Tyler turns a sweet shade of pink, stammering out a defensive comment.

They move together in sync, Reid pushing downwards, Tyler arching upwards, and it's like they're dancing without music, tuned perfectly to one another.

15. SILK
If silk made a sound, Tyler's pretty sure it would be something like Reid's voice when he first wakes up -- his tone is husky, just a bit raspy, but his words come out smooth and perfect.

He feels awkward and embarrassed as Reid's hand works its magic, moving over his cock in swift easy movements, and Tyler acts instinctively, throwing an arm over his face to cover and hide himself -- however, Reid's other hand wraps around his wrist, pulling his arm away, and in a low, smoldering tone, Reid explains that he wants to see Tyler's face when he comes.

Reid apologizes and tells Tyler he won't do anything to hurt him again, and then, in a moment that's almost too good to be true, he adds that it's a promise -- Tyler's caught off guard, as Reid Garwin rarely makes promises, but what else can Tyler do but forgive him?

He sits up sharply, drenched in sweat and breathing hard, and he hears Reid chuckle from across the room, "Bad dream, baby boy?" the blond asks, and Tyler knows he's going to have to hear about this for a few days.

Tyler's always thought candles were romantic, but Reid's always said that candles were for fags -- this is why Tyler makes sure to light a few of them on the night they first had sex; in a way it was like he was throwing Reid's words back in his face, but in another he was just trying to change Reid's mind for better.

Reid always seemed to know what he was doing during sex, and Tyler felt like he was stumbling around blindly, no clue about anything -- it was as if he were playing a game of tennis with a really skilled player, as if Reid was insanely talented.

Usually when Tyler gets angry, he's silent -- he bottles it all up and sits there glowering, arms crossed and brow furrowed; Reid hates this, it always makes him feel worse -- he would much rather have Tyler yelling at him.

Pogue once told Tyler that a relationship was like a really long and strenuous journey, sometimes you just wanted to give up and other times you wanted it never to end -- Tyler hadn't understood at first, as he'd never been in a relationship that lasted more than an hour; but after he and Reid started to mess around and grow closer, he realized that Pogue's words had been a hundred percent true.

23. FIRE
Liquid fire seems to race through his veins, and he can't help but cry out as he stiffens against Reid, his climax giving him that special high he'd been craving all night.

He's on his hands and knees on the bed, his upper body just barely propped up by his arms, which are starting to quake -- realizing he doesn't have enough to strength to keep himself up any longer, he lets himself collapse to the mattress -- Reid's hands on his hips are tight, and he's strong enough for both of them to hold the younger man in place.

25. MASK
Caleb made it a habit to ask Reid about his and Tyler's relationship -- even though Reid tried to remain cool, everyone knew that his and Tyler's break-up had been pretty bad -- Caleb felt that if Reid were to talk about it though, it might help just slightly, but whenever it was brought up, Reid's expression would turn into a mask of indifference; it was impossible to get anything out of him.

26. ICE
Tyler knew he shouldn't have been angry, but he couldn't help it, as he sat there, holding the ice pack against his left eye; a very sheepish Reid stood before him, shoulders slumped and hands in his pockets, looking more sorry than he ever had -- Tyler knew now that it was a bad idea to try and surprise Reid, and he made a mental note to himself to never do so again.

27. FALL
Tyler's never been able to forget the first time he and Reid met -- right after they were introduced, Tyler had stumbled and fallen, and Reid had laughed quite loudly at him, if not a little rudely; strangely, this was only the beginning of what became a very tight relationship.

"You forgot, didn't you?" Caleb isn't surprised to find Reid rushing around, trying to get together a good enough gift for Tyler's birthday -- he almost felt bad, as he'd never seen Reid look quite so worried, and it wasn't often that the blond begged him for help.

Tyler likes to dance, Reid's noticed, but it's always very subtle -- like one night while they were at Nicky's, they were standing at the jukebox, and Tyler was looking through the music, both hands on the machine; his hips swayed ever so slightly to the song that was already playing, he didn't even think twice about it, and Reid found himself unable to look away.

30. BODY
Tyler entered the bedroom of their small apartment to find a very naked Reid lounging across their bed, flicking casually through a magazine, and he didn't even look up -- Tyler had to pause, allowing his gaze to move over and linger on the older man's body; he'd always thought Reid looked perfect.

There were times when Caleb talked about Sarah as if she were some sacred being, as if he worshipped her -- it was more than a pleasant surprise when Tyler accidentally overheard Reid talking about him in the exact same way.

It wasn't as if they'd never see one another again, the different schools they'd been accepted to were just a couple hours away from each other, but as they tried to say their goodbyes, Tyler found it very hard to find the right words -- despite the fact that Reid was laughing and making fun of him, the younger boy hugged him tightly.

The idea of soul mates always made Reid roll his eyes, at least until he and Tyler took their relationship further -- Reid had never been a relationship-kinda guy, but it didn't take long for him to realize that there wasn't anything in the world he wouldn't do for Tyler, and he even had to admit that maybe there was such a thing as soul mates.

It'd been a few years and the two of them had only ever spoken on the phone a few times, so when Tyler and Reid met up one summer day, Tyler acted strangely formal -- Reid didn't like it, and he decided then and there that they weren't going to be split up again, he'd do everything in his power to prevent it.

The younger boy's touch gives him goosebumps, makes him feel just a bit faint, and he struggles to push himself as close to Tyler as he can -- he feels as if he's got a fever, one that'll never die down; he realizes that Tyler's going to drive him crazy one of these days.

Reid feels like Tyler's the only one in their group who actually laughs -- Caleb's more of a chuckler, Pogue's always been better at snickering -- but Tyler throws his head back some, mouth opening wide to let out a genuine and hearty laugh; it's the most endearing thing ever in Reid's mind.

37. LIES
"He's...not the most reliable person," Caleb was speaking quietly to Tyler as they walked to class -- it was just the two of them, and Caleb had brought up the younger boy's newly budding relationship, "I just don't want to see you get hurt by one of his lies, baby boy."

The word is a question as it leaves Tyler's lips, and Reid feels bad because he doesn't know how to answer -- Tyler's always been so innocent, and the look in his eyes clearly says he believes what he's saying, that he and Reid'll be like this forever; Reid knows he'll regret it, but he nods -- he can't find it in himself to answer truthfully.

Tyler had said he'd never done it before, but Reid almost didn't believe him -- the younger man's mouth worked wonders on his cock, almost as if he were a professional, and pleasure washed over Reid in swift waves, practically overwhelming him and making him claw at the bed sheet, his back arching off of the mattress.

"I think I...might have something," it's a whisper in the darkened room, and at first Tyler isn't even sure he's heard it -- he doesn't know what scares him more, the fact that Reid actually sounds frightened, or the idea that Reid might have contracted something.

41. WAIT
"Wait, wait --" Tyler speaks in a gasp, his hands pulling at Reid's shoulders, and he takes the initiative, rolling the two of them over so that he's now on top; he keeps his hands on Reid's chest for balance, and he rocks his hips quickly against the older man's.

42. TALK
Pogue was the first to begin to suspect that something was going on between Tyler and Reid -- he noticed it one day when he walked in on them in the midst of a conversation; they'd been sitting real close, talking in quiet tones, and as soon as Pogue had entered, they'd fallen silent, looking up at him like he was in the wrong.

The first time Reid kissed Tyler, it'd been slow and tentative, completely unlike how Reid normally was, and when the older boy had pulled back, his fiery eyes had been intense as they searched Tyler's -- he seemed to be looking for a protest, but Tyler had been too stunned to do anything.

44. HOPE
"I hope this ends soon," Pogue groans in frustration as he and Caleb watch Tyler and Reid glare at each other from across the bar -- they'd had a bit of a falling out, and leave it to Tyler to be the type to hold a grudge.

Tyler's personality was like an eclipse sometimes, when it was just he and Reid together, Tyler was a bit more relaxed and talkative, but as soon as there was someone else around, something seemed to shadow Tyler and make him almost fold into himself.

The first time Reid brought Tyler to an orgasm, Tyler felt like all the gravity in the world had disappeared -- he felt like he was floating through space and time, the only thing that mattered was Reid's lips on his skin, and his heart pounding in his chest.

Tyler moved a hand down Reid's chest, smoothing his fingers over the older boy's long stomach -- he'd always thought Reid's body stretched on like a highway, an expanse of skin that was just begging to be explored.

When they're relationship started, Tyler went into it thinking that Reid knew everything -- Reid was always so cocky and confident when it came to everything else; he was quite surprised when Reid came to him and openly admitted this was all a new thing to him as well, and he was as completely unsure about it all as Tyler was.

49. LOCK
Reid pulled and Tyler groaned, his back arching against the older boy's, his hands searching the floor for something to grasp -- he hated it when Reid got into one of those wrestling moods, as Tyler seemed to find himself on his knees in a head lock quite often; to make matters worse, Reid would only stop after Tyler admitted defeat, which was something Tyler really hated doing.

Reid's breathing hitched in his chest as Tyler's lips moved over his ear, and Reid couldn't help the short noise that left his throat as the younger boy's teeth grazed his earlobe, pulling just slightly -- Tyler was in one of those rare playful moods, and this kept the wide grin on Reid's face, as he was the only one who ever got to see this side of him.

♥ reid garwin/tyler simms, - the covenant, * 1sentence

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