FIC | The Covenant > Bits and Pieces > PG13-PG16

Feb 12, 2008 11:21

Title: Bits and Pieces
Fandom: The Covenant
Pairing: Caleb Danvers / Tyler Simms
Rating: PG13 - PG16
Summary: Fifty unrelated sentences that take a look into Caleb and Tyler's relationship -- both friendly and romantic.
Note: Written for the 1sentence challenge, prompt set Alpha. As stated above, these sentences are unrelated and meant to be read separately, not together.
Warnings: Slash, some mild sexual content, overuse of commas, dashes and semi-colons.
Disclaimer: No harm, no foul.

s e t - a l p h a

It was weird the kind of things that Tyler took comfort in -- the smoothness of Caleb's brow as he slept, the lazy and sheepish smile when he cracked one of his dorky jokes, the even movements of his chest as he breathed -- the younger boy was most at ease when he admired these qualities.

02. KISS
Tyler had never kissed anyone before that night, despite the lies he might've told Pogue and Reid, and if he could be honest, he wasn't terribly surprised that his first kiss was with another boy -- Caleb had been in a weird mood that night due to whatever had been floating around the party, but that didn't mean Tyler didn't enjoy it.

03. SOFT
When Caleb had first met Tyler, Tyler had been covered in acne, shyer than any girl he'd ever seen, and he'd been soft-spoken -- the polar opposites of what Reid and Pogue had been, and that's probably why Caleb had immediately liked him so much.

04. PAIN
There's a sharp pain and Caleb jolts awake, hand going for his phone before he's even aware of it -- the pit in his stomach is like an ice cube, and though his mind is foggy and thoughts vague, the first number he dials is Tyler's -- he almost isn't surprised when the younger boy answers, out of breath and claiming he'd had a nightmare.

Tyler had always tried to make Caleb feel better about his father, telling him he had a big secret as well -- when Caleb actually heard the secret, years later, he couldn't help but laugh; having an allergic reaction to potatoes wasn't exactly the kind of secret he'd been expecting.

06. RAIN
Sometimes the rain seems to go on forever, putting most people into sour moods and making a chill hang in the air, even on days when the temperature's warm, but Caleb likes it, he says that sometimes rainfall can be relaxing -- and though Tyler never liked it before, he thinks it's growing on him.

Tyler wasn't particularly fond of coffee, at least not the way Caleb or Pogue were, he would much rather drink a cup of hot chocolate -- and Caleb would watch, thinking that Tyler was more like that hot drink anyway; warm, sweet, soothing -- hot cocoa was definitely more suited for Tyler Simms than coffee was.

She made him happy, anyone could see that; Sarah was just Sarah and Caleb liked it -- but Tyler couldn't help but wish he was the one who made Caleb smile like that, he wished Caleb would be as excited to see him as he was her.

Caleb loved talking on the phone with Tyler -- the younger boy often had his guard down because they weren't face-to-face, and he would sometimes slip up and say something embarrassing -- Caleb liked being able to practically hear Tyler blushing, stumbling over his words to try and cover his tracks.

10. EARS
Simple things that Tyler do drive Caleb crazy -- like when they're sitting in class, and Tyler wants to say something; he leans over real close, whispering in Caleb's ear, hot breath tickling Caleb's cheek, and Tyler doesn't even know what he's doing -- it takes everything in the older boy not to react to that.

11. NAME
When you were a Son of Ipswich, names were important, they were everything -- Danvers, Parry, Garwin and Simms -- Caleb took pride in his name, as did Pogue, Reid used it more like it was a crown, thinking the world owed him something for it, but Tyler was so modest about it -- Caleb loved the way that when someone would ask him about it, the younger boy would flush and act non-chalant; Reid could stand to take a leaf out of his book.

They're sitting, side-by-side at one of the wobbly tables at Nicky's, the music's loud and the patrons are having a good time -- Reid and Pogue have disappeared to do their own things, and Caleb's hand has found its way to Tyler's knee; his thumb moves in slow motions, just barely caressing Tyler's leg through his jeans, and Tyler can feel his face heat up -- he can't understand how Caleb can always be so sensual.

His hands are tight on Tyler's face, and when he speaks his voice is a low growl, "You can't keep Using," he has a tone that Tyler hasn't heard before, and it instantly makes him feel bad, even before Caleb finishes, "You'll wear your body until there's nothing left, until your dead -- do you have any idea what that would do to me?"

14. SEX
Tyler realized just how much he liked Caleb the night they almost had sex -- it was the first time Tyler had ever seen Caleb acting sheepish and nervous, bumbling and uncertain -- it made Tyler feel better, knowing that the both of them were completely clueless.

As Caleb's arm snakes around Tyler's body from behind, warm hand sliding beneath his shirt to teasingly caress Tyler's stomach, Tyler holds his breath -- Caleb's touch is sending liquid fire through his veins; electricity webs out from the older boy's fingertips, making Tyler feel a way he'd never imagined.

"I can't feel him," Caleb murmurs, almost dropping his drink -- he's standing in the foyer of his family's large estate, and he's just realized that Tyler isn't there (not literally of course, it was an Ipswich thing), and without thinking, he sends out a few mental nudges, closing his eyes tightly; Reid and Pogue respond almost immediately, both now alert -- something barely comes from Tyler's line, a weak tremor, and Caleb's stomach twists at the idea of the youngest boy being in trouble.

"Don't be crying, baby boy," Caleb tries to joke with Tyler as they stand before the fresh grave reading 'Garwin', but his own voice sounds strained, choked -- he throws an arm around the younger boy's shoulders, and biting the inside of his cheek and blinking rapidly, he adds, "You know what Reid would say if he knew we were crying."

Take him to a party and Reid can score anything -- booze, X, pot, anything -- he returns to where Tyler's standing, grinning his grin, and holding out his hand, explaining that it's speed -- before Tyler can take it however, Caleb's there to snatch it away, barking out something or another about how Reid can do all the drugs he wants, but not to bring it on others -- Tyler doesn't know if he should be angry or grateful of the oldest Son.

19. WIND
The wind is harsh, making Tyler's eyes water, giving his cheeks a rosy hue, turning his nose red like Rudolph, and blowing his hair back completely away from his face -- and still, Caleb has to stop and take a moment to admire him, at least until the younger boy complains that he's blocking the doorway.

It was hard for Caleb, Tyler could see, the way the oldest Son took it upon himself to watch over the others, make sure they didn't get into trouble; he had no freedom -- this is probably why whenever he was around, Tyler tried to be on his best behavior, tried to give Caleb just a little break when it came to their group.

21. LIFE
Anyone can get hurt doing something they love, no matter how good they are at whatever it is -- it wasn't a big shock when Tyler had an accident in the pool, diving just a little too deep, clocking his head just a little too hard; it was terrifying though, and as Caleb pulled him out of the water and onto the tile floor, he pressed his lips to the younger boy's without a moment's hesitation, determined to resuscitate him.

By the time Tyler got his first serious girlfriend, Caleb and Sarah had had their thing, and it'd ended -- while at Nicky's one night, watching the new couple have a blast with each other with narrowed eyes, Caleb couldn't believe how jealous he felt, it normally wasn't in his nature, especially since it wasn't his best friend he was jealous of -- it was the girl.

Caleb had skilled and graceful hands, he had an artist's hands, and at first Tyler envied him for it -- the younger Son was more clumsy than Caleb, and it showed -- but he began to appreciate it after a while, enjoying the way Caleb's hands could move, even doing simple everyday things.

Sarah tasted like strawberries and cherries, or whatever else new lip balm she'd decided to wear -- it was nice, Caleb could admit, but he learned that Tyler tastes so different, he tastes natural and more powerful; he tastes free and honest, he never tries to mask himself with silly flavors.

It was a funny way to put it, and Tyler was definitely embarrassed as he said the words aloud-- but then Caleb smiled, seemingly impressed at his use of words, and told him that devotion was the best way it could've been said.

"Will he stay that way forever?" Tyler asks, unable to look away from Caleb's father, before he mentally kicks himself -- Caleb's face says it all, and for a moment, Tyler's tempted to pull him into a hug, but instead, he just adds a quick, "I'm sorry," and walks away.

For a moment, Tyler could only stare at his hand as blood ballooned from the small cut, bright and surreal looking, and he jumped when Caleb grabbed him quickly, wasting no time in wrapping a bandage around the wound, scolding the younger boy as if he were a child.

Very rarely did Caleb get sick, and he absolutely abhorred it when it did happen -- but when Tyler came by with his school work, offering very earnestly to do whatever he could to make Caleb feel better, the older Son realized it couldn't be that bad.

Caleb wouldn't admit it, but Tyler knew how shy he was when it came to things like singing -- that's why Tyler secretly let himself feel flattered one day as he rode in Caleb's car, listening to the older boy sing along to the radio (in what was a better voice than the actual singer in Tyler's mind).

30. STAR
The first time Tyler got up the courage to kiss Caleb, Caleb saw stars, and not in the romantic way -- their foreheads smacked together so hard that he remembers taking a sharp breath and wincing, and poor Tyler looked about ready to run away; it was a miracle they tried again.

31. HOME
"When are you coming home?" Caleb asks into the phone, Reid and Pogue standing by and waiting for the answer from Tyler -- Caleb doesn't know about them, but ever since Tyler'd left for his 'vacation' with his parents, he'd felt like a hole had been made in his body, like he's missing a puzzle piece.

Pogue accepted their relationship -- he might not have been the biggest supporter, but a curt nod of his head and purse of the lips was his only reaction when Caleb kissed Tyler in front of the others -- Reid on the other hand could only stare at them, brow furrowed in confusion and mouth opening and closing lamely.

33. FEAR
A knot of fear wound itself around Tyler's spine as he woke and caught sight of the dark figure standing at the end of his bed -- it was quickly replaced with a warm feeling though, as he recognized the low chuckle of Caleb, and he tossed one of his pillows at the older boy.

Every time lightning strikes, Tyler has a nervous habit of counting how many seconds it takes for the thunder to clap -- at first Caleb didn't understand, but now it's a quirk that he can't help but enjoy.

You could say their bonds were sacred, simply because of who they were and the Power they had -- but Tyler considered them sacred for a much deeper reason.

He was picking something up for his mother at the store, Tyler with him for company, when there was a loud noise that made him start -- someone's cart had flipped over because of their bratty child -- and before Caleb could feel sheepish about his reaction, he noticed that Tyler had moved closer to him, looking jumpy as well.

Technology, biology, chemistry, geometry -- Caleb wouldn't lie, he could probably outsmart anyone when it came to these things, but Tyler wasn't so easy -- he was unreadable, most times, and despite how he came off, he was quite complex -- Caleb sometimes wished there was a class called 'Tylerology.'

38. GIFT
Tyler's eighteenth birthday consisted of the four of them celebrating like you wouldn't believe -- and why not, little baby boy had finally Ascended and joined their ranks -- but after it was all said and done, a day or so later, Caleb gave him a gift way better than the new Power flowing through his veins; as Caleb dropped the necklace into Tyler's hand, the younger boy was speechless, even Sarah hadn't gotten to wear Caleb's jewelry.

It's subtle, just the smallest flash of white as Caleb gives a smile, and Tyler realizes that the older boy is just messing with him -- it doesn't make him any less angry, of course, as Tyler hates when the jokes are on him, but it does remind him of why he puts up with Caleb in the first place.

Caleb lays the younger boy down, brushing his knuckles over one of Tyler's prominent cheekbones and gazing evenly at him -- Tyler's face is flushed just slightly, eyes wide and full of something he can't name, and he looks so deliciously innocent, yet so wanton at the same time -- for a moment, Caleb can't do anything but stare; he wants this image burned into his eyelids.

Tyler doesn't understand how Caleb can be so good at practically everything he does, but as the whistle blows and a very wet and gleaming Caleb climbs from the pool, race won, Tyler feels no jealousy or envy -- only pride.

Caleb used to worry about Tyler because he was the youngest of them all, but now he worries for another reason -- he's learned, over the years, that Tyler lives with his head in the clouds, and that can be dangerous for someone like him; Caleb doesn't want to see anything bad happen to Tyler.

43. SKY
When Tyler gets angry, Caleb almost doesn't know how to act -- Tyler's eyes get all stormy, like the gray sky right before rainfall, and it's somewhat of an enticing sight -- and try as he might, Caleb finds it hard to want to calm the younger boy down, he likes that side of Tyler sometimes.

Tyler's fingernails dug into Caleb's shoulders as he rode the older boy, the both of them panting sharply as shadows danced around them, moon glowing dimly in through the window -- as Caleb pushed upwards into him a final time, reaching that special spot, Tyler threw his head back some, moaning to the heavens.

45. HELL
Caleb had seen Hell in Chase's eyes the night he'd tried to take his Power, he's seen what the effects of Using too much can do to someone, and quite frankly it scares the shit out of him -- this is probably why he's been yelling at Tyler a lot lately since the younger boy'd Ascended.

46. SUN
Caleb likes the way Tyler looks when the sun shines on him -- his pale skin doesn't seem quite so unearthly, his dark hair is proved to have natural highlights, and his smile even seems wider.

47. MOON
It's the four of them outside that night, but for all Caleb knows, it's just he and Tyler -- the youngest Son has his face turned upwards towards the sky, half-lidded gaze locked on the full moon that's pushing through the clouds; he's never looked quite so magical than at this point in time.

They haven't seen each other in a few weeks, and despite the fact that the both of them are so eager and raring to get to one another, the only thing Tyler does when he reaches Caleb is wave sheepishly, offering a little smile -- until he's pulled into the friendly embrace, and he lets out a laugh.

49. HAIR
Tyler woke in the middle of the night once, to find Caleb combing his fingers through the younger boy's hair, and very groggily, Tyler had said, "I'm not a cat" with a sleepy laugh -- he was secretly glad though when Caleb decided not to stop, choosing just to laugh with him.

Ascending wasn't exactly the best experience in the world, Tyler learned -- it wasn't bad, but it wasn't good -- it was like a supernova went off in his body, different feelings washing over him as his very life-force seemed to vibrate and hum, coming alive with a power he'd never imagined before in his entire life; and when it was over, Tyler opened his eyes to find his friends, all wearing identical grins, but Caleb's gaze held more -- pride, excitement, satisfaction -- and Tyler had never been so happy before.

[x] The next one I do will be Reid/Tyler. :3

♥ caleb danvers/tyler simms, - the covenant, * 1sentence

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