5th tea party: A safe haven during revya's mindless kill spree

Sep 07, 2009 15:04

*While Revya is busy going batshit crazy, Shinku has been bringing people to her tea house, to offer protection. The tea house, which is away from the battle, is surrounded by a thick wall of her flower petals, that seems to do an ok job blocking the random debri that sometimes goes towards it. Shinku and the prinny are inside, fixing tea and cakes ( Read more... )

teahouse, protection_from_pyscho_lady, shinku

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Late to the party, but woo! big_whoop September 8 2009, 20:01:44 UTC
Fleeeeeee oh hey safe house.

*huff* *puff* This... *puff* isn't a standard thing around here isn't it? I'm kind of allergic to psychotic beings of ultimate power.


big_whoop September 8 2009, 22:25:23 UTC
So kind of like dominoes, but with less bloodshed. Got it.


the_5th_doll September 8 2009, 22:30:47 UTC
Hmm, it seems that destroying geo panels and blocks raises the bonus meter, getting one more items. So the choice is, use the geo panels to help us, or destroy them to get prizes.


big_whoop September 8 2009, 22:32:23 UTC
Awwww man, I HATE the tough choices.


the_5th_doll September 8 2009, 22:45:32 UTC
Well, we will come to that choice when the time comes.

*grabs another book.

Hmm it seems the dungeons are between 30 to 100 floors, filled with monsters, pirates, mystery rooms, and treasure chests.


big_whoop September 8 2009, 22:57:40 UTC
*in order:* Ew. Yipe. Ooh. OOH! Oooooh.

Who has time to clear 100 floors of anything in one go, though?


the_5th_doll September 8 2009, 23:08:37 UTC
There is an item called a Mr. Gency Exit, which will take you out of the dungeon instantly. Then you can start back at that same floor right away when you want to.


big_whoop September 8 2009, 23:38:35 UTC
Gotcha. Man, this stuff's COMPLICATED. I'd just give it up if it wasn't way more interesting than a desk job.


the_5th_doll September 8 2009, 23:55:37 UTC
But a lot more dangerous. Is that better?


big_whoop September 9 2009, 00:17:51 UTC
You kidding? Mighty Pirates LIVE for danger. Ha ha! Though I'd rather not DIE for danger, but that's not the point.


the_5th_doll September 9 2009, 01:02:33 UTC
Well thats good, because it says there is a 75% mortality rate there.


big_whoop September 9 2009, 01:44:14 UTC
Look, just... just stop right there, okay? I'm trying to NOT just hide under the bed sucking my thumb.


the_5th_doll September 9 2009, 01:49:14 UTC
Well, that's if we go to a high level dungeon. We will be fine in a low level one. The treasure won't be as good, but its a good starting point


big_whoop September 9 2009, 02:02:15 UTC
Works for me! Maybe we oughta get a few more people who can make with the hitting of things for this first, though.


the_5th_doll September 9 2009, 02:05:45 UTC
Ok, so who should we get?


big_whoop September 9 2009, 02:08:42 UTC
Er... I dunno. I was kinda hoping you'd know someone.


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