Jays2 'verse - Master Post (WIP)

Jul 13, 2010 10:32

Title: Jays2 - For The Win
Genre: J2 RPS, AU
Pairing: Jensen/Jared although - Heh! You know major league teams have 25-man rosters, right?
Rating (overall): Adult
Warnings (overall): Language, Baseball, Schmoop, Angst, Crack and Boy-Sexin’ (wait, what kind of warning is that?)
Word Count (overall): 65K and counting.
Disclaimer: Fiction not fact. All these beautiful guys belong to themselves. Jensen and Jared belong to each other, we all know that :D Only the words are mine. No copyright infringement intended for the use of the MLB teams/players/logos, the Toronto Star, or Rogers Sportsnet. This is for fun, not profit.

A/N: Updates are getting a bit bulky, so I decided to go ahead and make a temporary Master Post for easy catching up. I will put links at end of every chapter when I have a little more time on my hands. The soundtrack will also be posted later.

For those of you a bit wary of this story because it's a sports AU, don't worry. The baseball heavy bits are written commentary-style and can be skipped/skimmed over.

Enjoy! Comments = Love!

Summary: Jensen and Jared join an all-star cast in this story about life and love and laughter and oh yeah, Toronto Blue Jays baseball. Come and play with the J's in the JAYS2 (square) 'verse: do a little dance, make a little love and have fun tonight.

|   1  |   2  |   3  |   4  |   5  |   6  |   7  |   8  |   9  |   10  |

|   11  |   12  |   13  |   14  |   15  |   16  |   17  |   18  | 19  |   20  |

|   21  |   22  |   23  |  24  |

qbfic, rps, jays2 verse, j2

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