Is it wrong that I'm currently much more creeped out by Maya than by Sylar?
I predicted that Alejandro wouldn't be long for this world during "The Line." I think the only reason he lasted as long as he did was because he's only been in two eps since then: one was a flashback and the other was a cameo that he slept through while Sylar fondled his sister's hair.
It's certainly nice to see Sylar being himself (i.e., a thundering loony) again. And so calculating. Alejandro's power was useless without Maya's, but Maya's was plenty useful without Alejandro's, but only if she could stop it herself. Sylar goaded Maya into seeing if she could control her abilities on her own without Alejandro to stop her. Once he saw that Maya could start and stop her abilities on her own, suspicious Alejandro was no longer necessary. Bye-bye, Alejandro. And now Sylar has Molly. I wonder if he knows she has an ability?
The scenes between Maya and Sylar made me squirm. Maya is so unbelievably gullible at times and so calculating at others (like when she helped Alejandro break out of jail) that for awhile, I was wondering if she had a Niki/Jessica split personality thing going. Now I think she's just as many buckets of crazy as Sylar is. Like calls to like. The icing on the creepy cake was the hug where Sylar was petting Maya's lovely brain and dreaming of the day when it will be his. ::shudders::
I know that the story of the Bennets is pretty much the story of Claire and Noah, but Lyle has been reduced to the level of scenery. I think he had more lines in one episode last season than he's had in this entire season combined. Granted, the actor who plays Lyle has never impressed me overmuch, but there are scenes like the dumping of Noah's supposed ashes into the ocean where Lyle's complete lack of dialogue is really jarring. He was so far in the background of his own father's memorial that he wasn't even in focus. But yay! for Badass!Sandra! She looked like she meant business with that gun when Bob delivered the urn.
After many episodes of photos and hints about Victoria Pratt, she finally showed up only long enough to be crowned Miss Exposition, 2007. It seemed like a waste of the character after all the build-up. Between Victoria saying that Adam was locked up to prevent him from releasing the virus and Adam saying he just wanted to save everyone, why didn't Peter just do a little mind-reading to find out who was telling the truth? Clearly, he had and could use the ability, since he pulled the PrimaTech location out of Victoria's head. I hope Peter figures out that Adam is up to no good very, very soon.
My online program guide said that Nathan was going to be in this episode, so I was very disappointed that he wasn't. Half a season is way to long to wait for the Petrelli brothers to reunite.
Mohinder really has become a Company man. I'm surprised he shot Noah, not because he didn't have it in him, but because I didn't think his aim was that good. A shot right through the eye isn't easy to make with a pistol, especially when you have no experience handling one. I wonder if Bob really is on board with Mohinder's plan to destroy all versions of the virus? Will they run into Adam's unknown accomplice before they can do it? Is Bob Adam's unknown accomplice?
Poor Monica. I guess she should've watched a few more Bruce Lee DVDs before her breaking and entering stint. I actually like her, so I hope she's okay.
One more episode to go. The commercials better not be lying to me this time about Peter and Nathan screen time.