Sunday Night, Room 308, Never Using Madrox Moving Services Again

Jun 01, 2008 23:41

Back to the dorms! She'd miss the cabins, but going back to the dorms was pretty cool. And she had hit up the Madrox Moving Service to make sure all her stuff got back safe and --

She froze in the doorway. Hermione's old half of the room was empty, which still seemed wrong, and her half of the room was filled with someone else's stuff.

Oh, man, did Jamie get the wrong room number? Now she had to figure out who had her stuff, and there were all these boxes and boxes of files and charts and graphs and .... okay, probably Turtle, then. Somewhere to start, at least.

That's when she saw Petey, lying on the floor, duct-taped in a blanket with just his head sticking out. And next to him was an enormous block of ice, filled with her bras and underwear and some she didn't even recognize.

"Jamie. Madrox. Must. Die," Rikku announced darkly.

First step: to Turtle's room, to see if Turtle had her stuff. And then: to plot Jamie Madrox's doom.

... She left Petey in the blanket, though. He seemed to not mind so much.

(OPEN if anyone wants to deal with the cranky Al Bhed! Turtle's stuff and Jamie's evilness were totally modded with permission.)

places: room 308, people: turtle, cuban petey, grrrrr, people: jamie

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