Turtle and Canary: Thursday

May 29, 2008 02:45

Jamie was behind the counter eating a bowl of Count Chocula cereal and contemplating his latest business venture:

Don't want to lug your stuff back to the dorm?

Then Hire:
Madrox Moving Service

We do the heavy lifting for you*

Negotiable Rates!

A Turtle and Canary Affiliated Company**

*Madrox moving service is not liable for any damaged, lost or misplaced property. Use of service is at your own damn risk and if you have cool stuff Jamie has dibs on it.
**Madrox Moving Service is not affiliated with Turtle and Canary in any form, shape or fashion. It just sounds really cool.

Today's Squishies: Count Chocula, Boo Berry, Grape Judas

sundries, jamie madrox

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