
Jan 01, 2008 13:30

The purpose of this post is communication! The mods want people to have a place to voice concerns and offer suggestions for the game, but we also know that for some people, approaching us directly via email or IM or leaving a comment in a post where everyone in the game can see it can be a little intimidating. We're hoping to make that a little easier with this post. All replies are screened, and you may comment knowing only the mods will see it. Anon is also enabled. Have an idea you think would improve the game? Unsure about certain policies? Dissatisfied with the way we're running things? Let us know! We want to listen to the entire game, but it can be difficult to know there's an issue when no one brings it to our attention. We hope this post will make that a little easier!

The second purpose of this post is to provide a community HMD. Many of the players in our game already have permanent HMDs in their characters' journals, so please check there first. However, if you have suggestions for a character who does not have their own HMD, you may use the following form to leave your crit here, and the mods will pass it along. Crit may be left logged-in or anon; once again, all comments are screened, so only the mods will see it. Comments made while logged in will still be anonymous to the recipient, unless stated that they don't wish to remain anon. However, please make sure what you are leaving is constructive criticism; obviously the mods will be seeing this first, and flames and the like will be discarded and not shown to the player at all. In short, be helpful, not wanky! The purpose of HMDs is to help us improve, after all.

Crit for: [character name & journal]
Do you wish to remain anon?: [yes/no]
Would you like a response?: [In the case that your recipient _chooses_ to respond to your crit, we can pass that along so you may reply again if you wish. However, it will require you to leave us a journal name or email so that we may pass along the response privately. Please remember as well that you are not entitled to a response if you ask for one; whether or not they respond is up to the individual.]
Crit: [Please try to offer suggestions for improvement on areas you think need work. Leaving comments about what you like and think they are doing well are also a-okay!]
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