Suburbia (Holiday Season) | Illness/Baby It's Cold Outside | {Mild Aphro}

Dec 28, 2011 22:40

Even though it was still only mid-way through the afternoon, the sky had already began to darker, the Christmas lights being switched on to help brighten up the snowy streets. Unfortunately, even with the bright colours shining from the houses that lined the street, the flurries of snow that were gradually getting worse still made it hard for those ( Read more... )

pairing: f/f, pairing: f/m, series: slayers

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healsforjustice February 10 2012, 17:48:32 UTC
Well, this was the biggest obstacle that had stood between Amelia and her job, and one she likely would not be able to dismiss so easily. It was fortunate then that she was so close to someone who understood her dedication, but also knew from experience there was no shame in backing down and taking things easier. It might take some work to force in into her head, but there was hope that Amelia would realize in the long run, it was better to rest and let others fuss over her once in a while if needed, and there was nothing wrong in requesting assistance sometimes ( ... )


healsforjustice March 14 2012, 03:10:03 UTC
It was true, Amelia likely needed to learn about white lies. While her honesty was always well intentioned, there were moments where it wouldn't have hurt if she had the ability to be less direct. Like right now, instead of politely not pointing out Ami's stare, she focused on it, blinking in confusion. Yes, it was partially due to her general obliviousness of what was bothering her friend, but still.

"Really?" she questioned, glancing down as if thinking something was on the clothes drawing Ami's attention. Well, to her mind it might have been the case, failing to see how her bust could be the cause. Well, at least, the other medic wasn't getting feverish again from what she could tell. Still, what was the matter then? That touch to her face was definitely not Ami's usual behaviour. "Oh? Well...should to get out of your way then? I don't want to make you feel off when you've just started recovering after all..."


mizunosenshi March 14 2012, 03:31:09 UTC
There was no lie that could hide the way Amelia's figure shone through the gown she'd selected. Ami was finding it hard not to look at her chest, and that troubled her because she knew it was rude and yet her eyes kept going right back there. She'd never thought those kind of things before, not for Amelia, so she was naturally confused on top of it all.

Despite that, she took a step closer rather than moving away, settling a hand upon Amelia's shoulder. This was no fever, she knew that much, and it felt good whenever she touched her friend. Before she knew it, both hands were resting upon Amelia's shoulders, and any semblance of personal space was tossed out of the window. "You're not in my way," she whispered, her face practically glowing. "I think I'd like to sit beside you by the fire. You can tell me about yourself."


healsforjustice March 15 2012, 13:23:20 UTC
Fortunately Amelia didn't jump to any inclusions, or catch on to the staring at her chest in particular. For her, it just seemed like her friend was spacing out a bit, leaving her to worry if she was starting to feel ill again.

The touch on her shoulders however, well she couldn't really think of a reason for that. She could only stare back in bewilderment and concern at Ami, feeling a little flustered herself at the sudden closeness. Even so, she still answered the other girl with the same good natured clueless expression. "About myself? Why? I mean there's nothing much to tell anyway..."


mizunosenshi March 24 2012, 04:28:07 UTC
Ami was spacing out in the worst possible way. Her fever was gone but a new heat was overtaking her sensibilities. She wanted to be closer to Amelia, and for the moment that was relatively innocent in nature. That brought her closer, feet sliding along the carpet as her fingers gently squeezed Amelia's shoulders. It was nothing more than a friendly rub or massage, as if trying to convince herself she needed to help Amelia relax a little.

Though she liked the closeness, she wanted to go by the fire like she'd said. Ami dropped her hands, one sliding along Amelia's arm until grasping her hand. She headed for the fireplace and the carpet situated in front of it. "I've never asked you where you grew up or where you studied."


healsforjustice March 25 2012, 23:48:49 UTC
While being able to pick on something not quite fitting, Amelia still lacked the full sense of comprehension to understand the meaning behind the behaviour she was witnessing. All she knew for certain was this was not like the Ami she knew and worked with, and that was enough to cause some degree of concern. With the closing of space between them, she was getting a good view of the strange quirks her friend was displaying, though finding herself almost anticipating them rather than being weary.

She did follow as silently requested, though still much more hesitant than the other girl in regards to body language as she sat down. Blinking at the request for information, she thought it best to play along for now, if only to maybe steer things in such a way as to maybe get some answers. "Oh, Seyruun in both cases, though I spent a good bit of time wandering around to different area's, getting on hand experience."


mizunosenshi March 25 2012, 23:57:16 UTC
Ami would have been in the same predicament if their situations had been reversed. At the moment she was doing whatever came to her, without crossing any lines just yet. The heat was subtle, her thoughts controlled enough to keep her from simply pouncing the poor girl. All she wanted was to be close, maybe to touch her a little, but the idea of kissing her was growing stronger too.

Seated on the carpet, she took hold of Amelia's hand and smiled to her, listening to the sound of her voice. "Now you're here, studying with me," she added, still blushing. The heat from the fire was a pleasant contrast to the way she was feeling, but it wasn't taking her mind off anything. "What's it like in Seyruun? Are there storms like this there?"


healsforjustice March 26 2012, 00:09:43 UTC
Honestly she didn't know if the derailment into small talk was a blessing or curse. On the one hand, it was easy enough to maintain chatter and keep focused on observing any further changes in Ami's behaviour. On the other hand, the ease allowed her thoughts to wander and dwell on things too, such at the touch of her friend's hand, making her skin tingle. And that wasn't the only thought that crossed her mind, just the one she permitted herself to acknowledge.

"W-Well, yes we both know that." she stammered, trying to maintain eye contact despite the rising heat in her face. "And no, not to this scale. Things are much more mild there for the most part. I'm going to assume it's a place you haven't been, right?"


mizunosenshi March 26 2012, 00:14:45 UTC
It was a double edged sword, because Ami did want to know more about the girl. The problem was it also let her thoughts wander even more, since she wasn't trying as hard to keep them back. Sitting so near to Amelia, Ami started to lean closer until their shoulders bumped together. Blue eyes lifted, gazing upon Amelia's face. Her cheeks were still warm, and very much red.

"No, I've never been there before, but I'd like to see it some time. Perhaps we could go together," she said, looking into Amelia's eyes. Without even realizing, she'd licked her lips in the process. "From what I hear, there are many healers and scholars there. It sounds like a wonderful place."


healsforjustice March 28 2012, 23:26:43 UTC
While a voice in her head told Amelia to move back, get some space in order to maintain her composure, she found herself practically frozen to the spot, only able to feel the heat rise in her face further with each inch closed and each accidental touch.

"W-Well, I suppose you can come with me the next time I got to visit Daddy, w-when I'm taking time off, if you like..." she stammered, finding her gaze wandering to the motion of Ami licking her lips. Her throat suddenly felt dry, and all she could do was nod to the rest of the girl's statements about her birthplace, trying not to squirm in her seat. What was she supposed to do?!


mizunosenshi March 28 2012, 23:48:25 UTC
A similar voice was quietly whispering in Ami's mind, but it was overwhelmed by the curious heat that was practically shouting over everything else. Ami found herself leaning closer to the other girl, lost in her eyes. She'd never realized how pretty they were before, but more than that why was she so drawn to Amelia's lips?

"I'd like that very much," she replied, her voice much softer than before. Her heart was practically beating in her ears. Ami felt excited in a way she'd never expected being with Amelia, and it showed ho sign of fading away. Lifting her hand up, she rested it on Amelia's shoulder and turned her entire body in her direction.

"H-have you ever had the urge to do something completely radical and outside your normal routine? That is..." She wasn't sure what she was trying to say, but Ami was certain she'd kiss Amelia if the girl didn't turn away. Which was why she suddenly leaned in, aiming to touch their lips together in a quick, experimental kiss.


healsforjustice March 29 2012, 15:27:46 UTC
There was no way to move. Even if Amelia could have mustered the will within herself to move her body, there was little space she could back off into, unless she wanted to topple over, rigid with nerves. The intensity in her friends face as she looked back at her unwaveringly, it just made it all the more hypnoitising, causing Amelia to simply look back in the same way.

Her form somehow tensed more at the touch to her shoulder, her breath hitching as she swallowed heavily, mouth dry and lips feeling chaffed. Of course, it seemed that would be remedied soon enough with Ami leaning in so close...

Why couldn't she move? She had time, she could see it coming, and yet she didn't budge, nor make a sound as the gap between them closed, with the girl unlikely to fully register what was going on until the gentle bit of skin on skin contact actually hit.


mizunosenshi March 29 2012, 16:03:35 UTC
Ami had never felt such a pull before, such desire to touch and do so much more. What was even more alarming was how focused it had all become upon Amelia. What if the girl hadn't shown up, would she have been left alone with these feelings? No matter, that wasn't the case and she didn't have the free space in her head to ponder possibilities. What mattered was Amelia was there, now, with her, sitting near the very warm fire and wearing her clothes.

She took it as encouraging that Amelia didn't pull away, but Ami couldn't tell what the other girl was thinking. There was something about her lack of movement that concerned the blue-haired girl. Ami shifted closer, fingers brushing along Amelia's cheek. "I-I can stop if this makes you uncomfortable," she whispered, lips still dangerously close to Amelia's own.


healsforjustice March 30 2012, 14:12:50 UTC
For Amelia, everything had froze in those few seconds, meaning it had felt like hours had passed while she watched Ami move closer to her. Admittedly, her friend's clothes were already a snug fit, but now they felt unbearably tight as her heart pounded against her ribs, breathing shallow as the material clung even more to her skin. She was nervous, a little scared, anxious even, but still not wanting to really draw back, eyelids drooping before that whisper broke through the haze for a moment.

Ami would receive a slow shake of the head in response, before the nurse found her own body taking action, and closing the gap between them. It seemed her suspicions had been right, she wasn't against this at all, as feeling Ami's lips on hers just about made her melt from the inside out.


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