Suburbia (Holiday Season) | Illness/Baby It's Cold Outside | {Mild Aphro}

Dec 28, 2011 22:40

Even though it was still only mid-way through the afternoon, the sky had already began to darker, the Christmas lights being switched on to help brighten up the snowy streets. Unfortunately, even with the bright colours shining from the houses that lined the street, the flurries of snow that were gradually getting worse still made it hard for those travelling to see that far in front of them. Naturally, the storm had made conditions for travel quite dangerous, with many people being advised not to leave home unless absolutely neccessary.

Amelia however, was stubborn. Well, some would think that, she called in dedication, and doing the right thing. Most would think that of her in braving the cold in order to travel into the local surgery she worked in, despite the distance to walk in through the ice and snow. Most would think that of her for staying in all day to see to all her patients, and even hanging around in case of people wandering in with an emergency without an appointment. Well, with the lack of visibility, accidents were bound to happen, not to mention the freezing temperatures making a lot of people come down with some sort of illness, no matter how strong their immune system. For all that, no one had the heart to tell the young nurse she was going overboard. That came when, just as they were finishing, a call came in. An appointment was cancelled because the person couldn't leave their house. Whether it was due to the snowstorm or just how ill they were, Amelia didn't know, Regardless, she didn't need to. She already had made up her mind by the time she put the phone down.

That was how she had ended up here, trudging through the streets, before coming up to a house in a quiet, peaceful suburb. Once she was sure she had the right address, she made her way carefully up the icy garden path, knocking at the door. Thinking back on her colleagues insisting that if it was that bad, the patient could just call for an ambulance, her gloved hand gripped her medical bag tighter. With the roads so slippery, she didn't want to take the chance that something might be wrong. It would weigh on her conscience if she didn't at least check. Apart from that, it was the holiday season. No one should have be stuck inside, ill or injured, feeling helpless and sad while others were enjoying the festivities.

Knocking again, she shivered, huddled further into her coat at snow stuck to her eyelashes. Hopefully they could hear the door; at this rate, she was going to be one in need a medical assistance.

[ooc: Have a helpful district nurse making a house call in the cold weather. Feel free to get creative with the premise, as I'm happy to play out different scenario's. Any suitable profession, age, marital status, personal situation, relation to Amelia, I'm happy to work with. Are you the patient, or is it a family member/roommate that needs seen to? Is this the first time you've met the local nurse, or are you fairly familiar with one another by now? In any case she'll be staying for longer than planned, whether due to the bad weather, the need to observe the patient overnight, or your own means of persuading her some other way. Men and women are welcome for CR or smut, castmates/past encounters/new people all loved, and apart from bathroom stuff, gore or death, I'm fine with most things, though feel free to ask me questions or consult my pref's. Also, this is cross posted to DW's Love Hotel if you prefer answering there.]

pairing: f/f, pairing: f/m, series: slayers

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