But What About the Hotel Staff? | (Wo)Men at Work! | Mild Aphro

Dec 24, 2011 03:25

The festive season was in full swing, and even in a place like the hotel, it seemed like everything was just a touch more pleasant. The staff had gone through a lot of trouble in making special Christmas havens for the residents, just places to relax and soak in the spirit of the season. They were the perfect holiday escape, they had everything; ( Read more... )

pairing: f/f, pairing: f/m, series: slayers

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foolishcleric December 29 2011, 09:18:17 UTC
Not alone, but not with a stranger, either. Aldray sits on the bed nearby, having been waiting to see who was in the chimney before he went anywhere after arriving here this time. He looks a little worse for the wear compared to when he last crossed paths with Amelia, but he's smiling - he can't help it, as seeing Amelia (literally) getting her hands dirty to help out was a rather adorable sight to say the least.

"Long time, no see, my friend."


healsforjustice December 29 2011, 11:44:41 UTC
Her ears perked up at the familiar voice, eyes widening on recognising the man. Of course, a smile soon spread across her face, her own mirth making her miss how he looked, though only for the moment.

"Mr Aldray!" she called in excitement, unable to contain herself as she rushed over, all but tackling the cleric as she embraced him tightly. It had been a while since she saw him, so this was a welcome and happy surprise. She kept her head nuzzling his chest, only to remember how dirty she was, and now was making him.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Mr Aldray! I didn't realize...I mean, I was just so glad to see you." she apologised, looking a little embarrassed at her behaviour.


foolishcleric December 31 2011, 14:06:40 UTC
The impact of Amelia's hug, coupled with the slight weariness about him caused him to be knocked back into a laying position - he returned the embrace snugly, rather happy that the hotel had dropped him off here rather than near a stranger. He'd call it holiday generosity, if he was familiar with the season.

He shakes his head as Amelia apologizes, keeping his grip around her tight. "Don't worry about it, Amelia - clothes and people can be cleaned."


healsforjustice December 31 2011, 14:12:20 UTC
Her small form was still sprawled on top of him, appreciative of the tight and comforting hold. Well, if he wanted her to stay there, and didn't mind getting dirty, then she was more than happy to comply.

"Alright. It's still wonderful to see you Mr Aldray. It feels like it's bee a long time." she replied, smiling as she curled up against his chest. "What have you been doing with yourself of late." she enquired. After all it had been weeks, if not a month or so since they spoke last right? The hotel was a big place, so it was hard to keep track of one another, though Amelia wanted to make an effort with those she had a fondness for, and Aldray was certainly high on that list.


foolishcleric December 31 2011, 14:31:12 UTC
A little soot wasn't going to hurt anything. After all, one would make a lousy adventurer if they were bugged by getting dirty now and then.

"I returned home for a time," he answers after a pause - he's hesitant to to bring that up, given that he doesn't know if Amelia's had such a chance, and knowing how homesick she had been before, but there was a good bit of news to share of it. "It seems the rumors of returning to the moment you left hold true, in my experience - it was as if I'd never been gone. A bit disorienting to say the least."


healsforjustice December 31 2011, 14:36:23 UTC
Well, that was a surprise to say the least. She blinked, processing the information before smiling broadly at him. Of course she would never begrudge someone else for having the chance to go back home, and she was happy for Aldray, it was just a pity they had pulled him back. Still, secretly she felt a little guilty at being a bit relieved; she really would have been sad if he had left for good without getting to say goodbye to him.

"That's good to hear, and are things alright at home? How long were you there for?" she asked curiously.


foolishcleric December 31 2011, 15:00:48 UTC
Admittedly, Amelia wasn't the only one having some guilt over Aldray's return - while he knew there were things to be done at home, he had come to enjoy his time here a bit. Knowing that his return would happen the moment he left lessened the guilt a bit, however.

"As well as can be expected. I think it was close to a month - my employer has kept our group rather busy, so I'm not certain of the period of time for certain," he answers, his grip on Amelia loosening enough to let one hand run up and down her back slowly.


healsforjustice December 31 2011, 15:27:05 UTC
Nodding as she listened to him, she couldn't help but snuggle up close, even with the loosening hold. It just felt right, comfortable in being curled up near the cleric. Yes, she was glad she hadn't be left not knowing what had happened to him; he was one of the people she was closest to in the hotel, and cared for him dearly. Just having him disappear would have been greatly upsetting.

"So you've been working hard, spreading justice in all your actions I hope." she smiled, lulling against him as he stroked her back, peering back through half lidded eyes.


foolishcleric January 4 2012, 02:48:10 UTC
Aldray nods in return. "I have been doing my best to do so," he answers, then tightens his hold on her again with a light sigh. "It's not without its challenges, however. Admittedly, coming here is a bit of a relief. Having the respite is nice."


healsforjustice January 4 2012, 20:35:56 UTC
"You don't mind being stuck here again?" she asked in surprise, peering up at him in slight confusion. "There isn't much to miss, just the same old same old, though I guess at least you don't have as much danger." she mused, considering the options between the locations. Still, no point in dwelling on the matter. He did look tired, so she intended to offer some assistance there.

"Well, if you want some way to relax, perhaps I can help." she chimed, smiling as per usual, no doubt making it a bit difficult to figure out if her ideas were entirely innocent, though she always would put his well being first.


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