But What About the Hotel Staff? | (Wo)Men at Work! | Mild Aphro

Dec 24, 2011 03:25

The festive season was in full swing, and even in a place like the hotel, it seemed like everything was just a touch more pleasant. The staff had gone through a lot of trouble in making special Christmas havens for the residents, just places to relax and soak in the spirit of the season. They were the perfect holiday escape, they had everything; decorations, gifts, food, a warm fire...

Yes, those fireplaces that had been set up were just the thing to keep you warm and toasty. Of course, they had to be maintained and cleaned properly in order to keep them looking so inviting and working well. Now how do you suppose that is done?

Well, it seems the answer to that mystery can be found easily enough, in one of the rooms that was still getting prepared for guests.The hotel seemed to want to add a personal touch, so they had selected one of the more gullible and helpful of the residents to do the job. Of course, it wouldn't be known who it was right away, as the chimney sweep was...in the chimney, oddly enough. Yes, she was nothing if not thorough, levitating inside the narrow shoot in order to brush things up as far as she could go. There was definitely activity going on, that much was clear from the gentle fall of soot down to the fireplace, even if there was no one in sight.

Of course, that didn't last very long either, as suddenly a large plume of black cloud flared from the opening, and down dropped a young, petite princess, wearing form fitting denim overalls with soot smeared on her arms and face. Still, she merely dusts herself down, letting out a little cough as she stepped out onto the white sheets surrounding the fireplace, now stained black. Amelia did not seem that fussed at all. Why should she be? After all, while she was still trying to understand the holiday in question, it certainly sounded like a joyful event. If she could make things a bit nicer for the other guests, there was no reason to not help out.

As the last of the air settled, she grabbed another brush, intending to go back up the chimney, only to turn her head, suddenly aware she was not actually alone any longer.

[ooc: So yes, it took a bit of thinking, but I managed to tie in the event with something related to Christmas, so have at folks. Feel free to come across Amelia through wandering, walking up in the setting, anything you can come up with. Your choice if you want her to clean up a bit before anything happens or not. Anyway, men and women are both welcome for CR or smut, whether a castmate, past CR or new person all together. Usual no's of bathroom/gore/death apply, though if you like, I can finally after spending so much time getting links to old threads for CR sake offer you more specific pref's for Amelia here. Just get in touch with me if you have any questions. Happy Holidays TLH.~]

pairing: f/f, pairing: f/m, series: slayers

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