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bravestknight November 20 2011, 02:43:21 UTC
Flynn had been wandering around the kingdom and heard great things about the rulers of Seyruun. It was nice to hear of a place like this, though not entirely sure if he should take it upon himself to come in and meet the royalty. Things in his past had made him wary of others especially nobility, but after hearing again and again that the young Queen of Seyruun was a just and noble person, the tall knight had finally come to meet her.

It had been easy enough to ask for an audience, and the knight found himself led to a nice lounge. Moving towards the window, his gloved hand touched the pane as he looked out at the scenery as he waited. His finger tips caressed the pane as he waited for her.

What am I doing here?

There seemed to be a lot that Flynn wasn't sure about these days.


healsforjustice November 20 2011, 02:51:52 UTC
It was true that the royal family had an admirable reputation, despite the personal trauma's due to family disputes over the throne in the past. That had died out now for the most part, since there were no other relatives to bicker over Amelia being in charge. Even if that had happened, considering her skills in magic and fighting, it was unlikely anyone would succeed to forcing her to give up her duty to protect her homeland.

Flynn wouldn't have to wait too long before the doors swung open, revealing a young woman who was quite at ease, smiling openly as she entered the room and approached the guest.

"So, may I know who has asked to see me?" she enquired as she looked up at the knight.


bravestknight November 20 2011, 02:59:54 UTC
Looking down at Amelia, Flynn blinked. She looked around his age, maybe a little younger but she seemed friendly enough. Turning around, the blond nodded his head and smiled to her, "Excuse me for such a abrupt audience, I heard so many great things about the rulers of this land, I decided to see for myself what type of person was on the throne. I'm Flynn Scifo ( ... )


healsforjustice November 20 2011, 03:10:39 UTC
Despite growing, she was still rather petite, despite her rather ample form. Of course anyone could testify she was far from weak, and even with the need for her to be more rigid in her formality, she still tried to keep an air of accessiblity. She never thought of herself as above others, and certainly didn't want others to believe it either ( ... )


bravestknight November 20 2011, 05:26:13 UTC
"I didn't think I had done anything a normal person wouldn't have done." Flynn smiled down at her as she took a place by his side at the window. He continued to look down at the kingdom, his features relaxing as he stayed silent for a moment just watching the sun set, and also the way that things seemed to be going on below in the streets. Everyone seemed happy, and that was a good thing.

Unlike the huge political and economic struggles of his own land, Flynn felt that if he had Yuri had been brought up in a place like this, then maybe things would have been a little more peaceful. The other wouldn't have had to take on so many burdens, and Flynn could have grown up truly giving everything to the people. Even more so than he did now.

"It's beautiful, and I think you've really sated my curiosity anyway. I just had to come see for myself what the ruler of Seyruun was like up close." He found he hadn't been disappointed either. She was a beautiful and polite young woman.


healsforjustice November 20 2011, 12:30:51 UTC
"It's still a rare way of acting in the name of good, and a most valiant one." she replied, honest in that opinion considering how she herself felt on such matters. It would likely be quite surprising to Flynn however, to find out that the woman before him used to climb to great heights to shout proclamations of justice before beating up bandits on the open road ( ... )


bravestknight November 20 2011, 22:01:56 UTC
It probably wouldn't have surprised him much, after all Estellise had ended up journeying with his friend and she had been a candidate for the throne before Ioder had been picked. Taking a soft breath he listened to her words, and then turned from the window. It was painfully obvious how much they really cared about this place, and that made his pulse beat a little quicker. Stepping away from the window, he sighed and rubbed the back of his neck ( ... )


healsforjustice November 20 2011, 22:13:47 UTC
Naturally she was unaware of any such thoughts, but shared the sentiment of wishing there was more chances for them to talk. Since the advisors were much more strict and diplomatic in comparison to her justice loving self, it would have been nice to have someone around who shared in those ideals, if only for a little while.

Hearing him speak more added to that desire. Clearly he hadn't been so fortunate in his homeland, and she was curious to learn more. His appreciation for the way things were in Seyruun showed he was a noble individual, one she certainly would not mind getting to know on a less formal level. Without dwelling on that, she approached his back, speaking softly.

"You're more than welcome to stay if you like. It is getting rather late, so if you don't have any ready accomodation in town, I'm sure we could spare a room for the night." she offered, tone betraying some hope that she'd have someone to talk to for the evening.


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