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Scenario A masterofmany November 20 2011, 01:59:46 UTC
How the hell had it come to this?

Sure, there was a scerrik of logic in there somewhere, and with diplomatic immunity in addition to his resourcefulness, Roland himself wasn't in any real danger. But this was a positively ludicrous political power-play by the Queen of his homeland, one she only had limited support for - when he and the Association had dug their heels in over the idea, some of her own retainers had crossed the floor to vote against it with him, but somehow, it had still gone through, and he'd been put on this mission.

Really, even if executed perfectly, there wasn't a single way this could end well. He found himself with very little faith Queen Sophia had thought this all the way through. He shook his head, resuming his pacing of the opulent lounge.

[ooc: So Roland's a diplomat sent to offer his "services" to give Carnava a political foothold. Amelia can recognize him if you want, but he'll only vaguely recognize her at first.]


healsforjustice November 20 2011, 02:13:44 UTC
On her way down the halls towards the meeting place, another councillor had filled Amelia in on the details of the diplomat waiting to speak to her. Usually they made appointments ahead of time or arranged to stay in the castle to properly discuss matters, not simply turn up without warning. Still, considering the circumstances of the country, it wasn't too surprising. Her own memories of the difficulties in Carnava in the past made her all too aware of the trying times they had gone through. Of course, she could never turn her back on others, as long as it did no harm to her own people ( ... )


masterofmany November 20 2011, 02:48:55 UTC
Amelia herself had a role in how well-off Roland was today. His time with her, however brief, had been enough for him to open up to the people around him again and accept their help. Some wounds never completely healed, but in the intervening years he'd collected himself enough to become the Master he was expected to be, a stable and rational man who fondly remember a first love with a tragically short life ( ... )


healsforjustice November 20 2011, 03:00:37 UTC
Hearing anyone be so formal with her still sounded alien to Amelia, but that came with her position now. It was probably just more peculiar with people with whom she had previously had no need to be so strict with in regards to titles for the sake of good manners. Still, Roland apparently didn't recognise her, so there was no real surprise there. It had been a long time after all. He was doing well, that was what was important ( ... )


masterofmany November 20 2011, 04:27:42 UTC
She was quite a pretty and elegant young woman, Roland caught himself thinking. Indeed, as Dia had pointed out, this wasn't altogether the least pleasant task he could have been saddled with. On the other hand it wasn't something he wanted to rush into under any circumstances.

Roland had gotten better at the political game, not giving anything away when she questioned his reason for being there. "Queen Sophia sent me here as a representative of our country, in an effort to improve our political relations," he told her. Strictly speaking, it wasn't a lie, either.


healsforjustice November 20 2011, 12:10:13 UTC
While she had learned to be more formal and restrained, Amelia still didn't see any other way but to be honest in such situations. Treaties based on agendas was not something she wanted to base her rule on. She would act because of the honest wish to help other people in need, as she had always done, and as she had done for Roland all those years ago.

"I see. Well, if there is a way we can assist, then you're more than welcome to make a request." she answered honestly, pausing briefly before speaking again. Perhaps this wasn't the best time, but she wanted to show her understanding regardless. After all, she had seen first hand how things had been in Carnava, so she was taking this seriously. It didn't hurt to drop a subtle hint on her identity either. "I am familiar with how difficult things have been for your land in the past, and if I can prevent further hardship, I will do my best to do so."


masterofmany November 20 2011, 12:35:10 UTC
The only hidden agenda here was Roland talking around what services he;d been volunteered to offer. Sophia's goals, while perhaps more deserving of the negative connotations of the word, were far more blatant - get and irrefutable political link to her neighbors' royal line.

Roland ignored the invitation for a moment, instead scrutinizing the young queen. "I have to commend your awareness of events," he said. "Your kingdom had a strict non-interference policy at the time and all but ignored our emissaries. That said, your people's contribution to the rebuilding efforts was much appreciated."

Roland met her eyes. "I'm afraid I haven't heard your name, you highness."


healsforjustice November 20 2011, 12:50:32 UTC
Despite all the remarks made, Amelia had been resilient on the matter of an heir, saying she wanted think about things, allowing herself time to find the best way to handle the situation. She had guessed some advisors might have spread word to try and sway her interest, though she would never have thought things could end up out of her hands. She wouldn't just obey for convenience sake, that was a fact ( ... )


masterofmany November 20 2011, 13:04:37 UTC
While Roland's objections to the plan had been mostly personal (his friend Rasche put it best - it took balls of steel to suggest to someone they go knock a stranger up) the idea that victim target other ruler might not have been keen on having a foreigner's child had also entered the ethical debate. Since ethics had been blowed over in the political shoot-out, though, nothing had come of it.

"Amelia..." Roland repeated, searching his memory. His gaze abruptly intensified as he recognized the name, and he began absently fidgeting his hands. If Amelia was observant, she'd note he was moving the same way one might play with a ring if they weren't wearing gauntlets.

"Do you mind if I remove some of this armor? It seems needless at this point." Roland's tone was direct, making it clear this was no simple non sequitur. He had a sniff of something and intended to follow it through.


healsforjustice November 20 2011, 13:12:14 UTC
Borders and boundries wouldn't really have been an issue with Amelia. Where someone came from didn't really matter to her, as long as they were an upstanding person. It was really the manner of the whole situation that was troubling her. It was talked of in such a sterile fashion, another duty she needed to perform. She didn't want to bring a child into the world based on political need, out of necessity or work. That was not the way she wanted to raise any offspring, it was her body, and her choice to make when and where the time was right.

She only gave a fleeting glance at the twitch in his hands, but felt she had stirred something in telling him her name. Still, the next request was one she wouldn't have expected, but of course there was no harm in allowing it surely.

"If it will make you more comfortable, go right ahead." she nodded, waiting to see where this would lead.


masterofmany November 20 2011, 13:30:08 UTC
It was an opinion they shared, but unfortunately not one in tune with the Carnava royal line's value system: being entirely matriarchal by law, having an heiress out of convenience was necessary when the female relative first-in-line was a disaster waiting to happen. That was the second law Roland was going to attempt to amend after this debacle. (The first was a bill to give the Master less duty to the throne so Sophia couldn't twist his arm like this again.)

"Thank you." Roland simply removed his gauntlets and placed them on the table. Underneath he wore an inordinate number of rings, so it would seem to someone unfamiliar with his station. The only one he was interested in right now was the matching pair of dull red rings on his left ring finger. Removing one, he placed it on the table close enough for her to take and inspect if she wished. He still watched her carefully, searching for any sign she recognized it.

[[it's the Unity ring she returned to him last thread.]]


healsforjustice November 20 2011, 13:39:32 UTC
She supposed that in many ways, her family were fortunate in how they worked through the lines, even if she had to bury a few relatives who tried to get rid of her father. The bad feelings were at ease now, though it was that in-fighting that had resulted in how her mother died, and what lead Gracia to leave and never come home, not wanting to be a part of the whole mess. Despite that, Amelia loved her kingdom, and wouldn't let them down, even with the pressures being put on her. Hopefully, her example could change things outside Seyruun as well ( ... )


masterofmany November 20 2011, 14:27:35 UTC
"So you..."

Roland never finished the question, letting it hang as he waited for his thoughts to organize themselves. His memories of Amelia weren't completely clear - not much from around that time was, intense grief had that effect. But he remembered that she'd given him her ring back, and stayed to let him talk. That had left a lasting impression.

Roland's demeanor changed - he sat back, straightening up but relaxing considerably. He gaze softened, scrutinizing her every move less and meeting her eyes less directly. Altogether, the effect was like he was letting his guard down considerably.

"I owe you might thanks, Amelia. You helped me out of a really bad place." For the first time all evening, he smiled. "Thank you."


healsforjustice November 20 2011, 14:41:31 UTC
The silence was not uncomfortable, so she more than content to let it stay for the moment. The sight of Roland relaxing was well worth that, now that recognition had settled in finally. The sight of him apparently more at ease than she had ever seen him was a welcome thing.

She could have asked how he was, how he had managed in the time since they last met coping with his loss, but knew better. Digging up those old memories was not her choice to make, lest she disturb him by making him relive the pain. The fact he was comfortable carrying her ring was enough of a sign he had made peace with her death, that was enough.

"There's no need for that, honestly. I said at the time I was glad to help, and I meant it. I'm just pleased things have worked out for you." she replied, waving a hand in friendly dismissal.


masterofmany November 20 2011, 14:49:45 UTC
"I have a lot of very good friends. You helped point me towards remembering that," he told her. "It got easier after her sister tracked me down and told me she was the one who gave you her things to pass on. She was the one I was worried would blame me."

It was nice to be able to speak more openly; he knew the woman who would sit and talk with a grieving stranger and show the same respect to a treasured possession years later was somebody he could trust on principle. It did tighten the squiggly knot of his reasoning for coming here.

"..Oh, right," he said out loud as a thought occurred to him. "If your guards report seeing a shadow skulking around, it's nothing to worry about. Said sister probably heard why I was coming here and followed me."


healsforjustice November 20 2011, 14:59:08 UTC
"Well good, it's nice to hear she's well also." came the reply, thinking back to the young woman who had given her the instructions that day at the medical camp. She was grieving too, but obviously in a different manner in how she dealt with those emotions. Still, having a sister herself, Amelia could understand the difficulty in accepting such a loss.

However, the mention of the fact there was someone apparently hiding on palace grounds did cause a dumbfounded expression. There was no threat of course, but well, anyone would question that sort of behaviour surely.

"Oh, I see." she nodding, though obviously looking a little confused, brow raised as if trying to process the logic of the situation. "Can I ask what reason she would have for following you while you're on diplomatic business? She wouldn't be unwelcome if she had just asked to see you." she remarked, clearly puzzled by the bizarre scenario.


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