Bad Dreams | Hurt/Comfort | {BYOA}

Nov 04, 2011 01:28

It was all so clear. Despite everything around her being dark, blending into the night, the scene before her was vivid, almost as if surrounded by an unearthly glow to highlight it in the blackness. Yes it was right in front of her, and yet she could do nothing but stare; the scream of panic, a body falling to the floor, the glint of a blade as it ( Read more... )

pairing: f/f, pairing: f/m, series: slayers

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flirtatiouslion November 6 2011, 03:21:25 UTC
Loke was walking around the building, finding it rather hard to sleep, seeing he was shocked and surprised that he was not exhausted from being away from the Gate for to long. Here, it was almost like he was a normal human. Though it was night, he still kept his sunglasses on, giving his regular green eyes a blue tint to them. He was obviously looking for his owner, Lucy ( ... )


healsforjustice November 6 2011, 03:44:45 UTC
Being royalty, Amelia had come to expect those sort of lines, but never took to them well. Mostly she was often weary about the meaning behind them, since she often related them to nobles back home trying to get into her or her fathers good graces. Still, that wasn't the case, so she could appreciate it in a new light. Hence, when the young man approached, offering the rose, she was surprised, though not offended.

While she still often held doubts on receiving those sort of compliments, her face tinted pink all the same. At least he was trying to be nice. Thus, she gently plucked the rose from his hand, offering a tired by sincere smile.

"Thank you, though you don't need to flatter me like that." she replied with a soft shake of her head, inhaling the scent from the bloom as she kept her gaze on the stranger. It did make her forget, at least for a little while.


flirtatiouslion November 6 2011, 03:59:06 UTC
Well, since he didn't know her of being royalty or who her father was; he wasn't even human to even consider those things. He honestly just wanted to make the girl smile and feel better, and he knew no matter how mean or shy a girl was, they enjoyed being complimented on. And that was exactly what Loke was doing.

Poor guy didn't like seeing the girls so sad or hurt. He was not surprised by the blush though, but kept his expression neutral with a smile. Especially when she had accepted the rose he offered for her.

Loke looked to the girl and then said, "I am glad to make you smile, even just a little. Though, you are much more beautiful with a smile, you should keep it." Loke spoke nothing but the truth when it came to his flirting or even talking in general. "My name is Leo. May I know your name?"


healsforjustice November 6 2011, 13:10:51 UTC
It was likely that she would ever be conscious about compliments, no matter where she was. Her naive nature meant she really didn't register her own appeal, which often left the girl rather embarrassed whenever someone said something nice about how she looked. Still, she could appreciate the sincerity of the words, and it did help in pushing the thoughts of her dream to the back of her mind for the moment.

Twirling the stem in between her fingers, she shook her head lightly, only giving a slight nod in recognition of the new compliment. She simply wished to maintain some modesty, though did naturally answer when he started the introductions.

"Amelia, it's nice to meet you. And thank you, I'm sorry if I distracted you from where you were going." she said politely.


flirtatiouslion November 6 2011, 20:23:54 UTC
Loke looked to her and smiled, "Amelia? Pleasure is mine to be in the presence of such a beauty." It wasn't wrong to stop his search to help a pretty girl out, right?

He blinked and smiled as he shook his head and a wave of his hand, "Don't worry, mi'lady; I wasn't heading anywhere. Just searching for my stellar mage is all." If the flirts were helping her get distracted from what scared her, than he would be happy to continue.

He was the king of compliments in his world.


healsforjustice November 6 2011, 20:43:14 UTC
While his intentions were good, if he did keep up those comments about her looks, her face was going to be perminantly stained red. It was already leaving her without response, and Amelia didn't want to seem rude when he was being so nice to her.

Perhaps, fortunately for Amelia, his remark distracted her enough to let the blush die down, allowing her to focus on something else that perked her curiosity.

"Mage? Like a sorcerer?" she enquired, hoping she wasn't prying too much.


flirtatiouslion November 6 2011, 21:22:19 UTC
Oh no, he wouldn't let it bother him had she meant it to be rude, instead would have kept the flirting up, until she stopped being rude or hit him. One of the two. He was comfortable with both, having been through both options. She did look cute with that blush on her cheeks, though.

He nodded and then said, "Something like that. A stellar mage summons beings to fight for them. I am one of those summons." Though he did look human, he wasn't anywhere near human.

Just his looks.


healsforjustice November 6 2011, 21:59:35 UTC
It simply wasn't in the princess to be anything but nice and friendly to everyone, well, apart from villains of course. So, he was likely still going to have her being very courteous regardless of anything said.

This startled her more, the revelation something that truly had her fairly speechless. In her world, summons were certainly done, but never with anything that was, or at least looked human. The only exception was when people would summon a member of the monster race to make some sort of contract. That put her a bit on edge, but she was fairly sure he wasn't one of those. He wouldn't have cheered her up if that was the case, since positive feelings made members monster race sick. She had to guess it was, once again a different variation of summoning from a different world she was dealing with.

"I see. I'm sorry if I am keeping you when you're trying to find your stellar mage. I should probably try and will myself to go back to sleep anyway." she apologised again.


flirtatiouslion November 6 2011, 22:45:16 UTC
He did make contracts to the mage, that wasn't the difference, but the way spirits are, it's usually based on how their owners treated them. He's had experience with his past owner's abuse to the spirits, but talking about that owner brought back the bad side of him.

So far, his current owner was the first kind and respectful mage. Those were very rare to find now-a-days. He hated the abuse his best friend had received and if it weren't for his current owner, he'd be dead and gone for all eternity. Just walking through space for Eternity without going to the gate or human world.

Loki was surprised when he heard her and then shook his head and said, "Don't worry. I'll find her, plus all she has to do is summon me, so I'll show up where she is." He then asked, "So, you being unable to sleep is the reason for such a sad aura coming around?"


healsforjustice November 6 2011, 23:07:15 UTC
While Amelia didn't perform summons, she'd see how they worked, and grasped the logistics of them. They weren't the easiest things to pull off by any means, but could be effective in a tight spot. She had never seen abuse of such ability, though there was an occassion where there was a mass amount of low level summons that nearly wrecked a town, all because two bickering guild masters were trying to one up each other. That could somewhat count; after all, those creatures didn't deserve to be used in that manner.

Nodding in understanding, she smiled back, glad she wasn't causing him any inconvenience. However, when the mention of her sleeping came up, she did shift a little uncomfortably. "Well yes...that and the nightmares. But it's fine, it's silly being scared of dreams." she shrugged, trying to brush off the tremble in her voice.


flirtatiouslion November 7 2011, 01:16:29 UTC
Loke looked to her and then said, "That doesn't make it silly. Everyone is afraid of something. That just means that you're afraid of your mind." He was afraid of his past, so nothing could be as silly as that. But, if he were able to move on from that and not be afraid anymore, than she can do it as well.

"Just have to not think about it so much."


healsforjustice November 7 2011, 01:22:41 UTC
As her fingers toyed with the hem of her robe, she leaned back against the wall, appreciative of the comfort, though still a bit ill at ease. It was strange that her fears also related to the past, though while she had moved on, it was her progressing that made the girl so shaken up. Without being able to be at home for her mother's anniversary, she felt like she neglecting her memory, not something she wished to do.

"I suppose so. It's just rather tricky when I have to think about going back to sleep." she replied, trying to shake off her paranoia on the matter.


flirtatiouslion November 7 2011, 01:31:39 UTC
Loke just crossed his arms as he listened to her, watching her rather carefully. He blinked a few times, as he then asked, "Do you wish to talk about it? I don't mind if you don't, just thought you may want to talk about it. It helped me when I spoke my fears with my current owner." It was like a bunch of weight left his shoulders that time.

"It may not be enough, but it should help a little bit."


healsforjustice November 7 2011, 01:38:28 UTC
Truthfully, the prospect had crossed her mind, though being the way she was, she hated the thought of imposing her burdens on someone else. However, he was being kind in offering to listen, leaving her to wring her hands together, deep in thought before lifting her head to look back at him and nodding.

"It'd probably be better if you came in then." she replied, nodding towards the door and holding it open for him. After all, if she was going to open up, she'd rather it be in a more private place.


flirtatiouslion November 7 2011, 01:53:38 UTC
Loke was exactly the same way, until his owner followed him that day to his nightmare's grave. Since then, he didn't hide things like him being a stellar spirit or of the wrongs that he has done. Now, he can feel free to speak about anything. Well... not the past, but everything else.

He gave her a nod and said, "I understand." He brought an arm out for her to take, so he can escort her inside of the room. No matter the situation, he will never stop being a gentleman.


healsforjustice November 7 2011, 02:08:52 UTC
Though the manners made her smile a bit more, taking his arm without hesitance as they went inside, she had to admit feeling a little self conscious. Considering her being only in sleepwear, the scenario just made her more than a little flustered again. Still, that was no one's fault, so she fought down that embarrassment.

"Take a seat wherever you like Mr Leo." she said, adjusting her garments as she shut the door behind them.


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