Bad Dreams | Hurt/Comfort | {BYOA}

Nov 04, 2011 01:28

It was all so clear. Despite everything around her being dark, blending into the night, the scene before her was vivid, almost as if surrounded by an unearthly glow to highlight it in the blackness. Yes it was right in front of her, and yet she could do nothing but stare; the scream of panic, a body falling to the floor, the glint of a blade as it ( Read more... )

pairing: f/f, pairing: f/m, series: slayers

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healsforjustice November 4 2011, 10:28:30 UTC
Amelia was in a daze herself, only registered the footsteps when they were right in front of her. Even at that she didn't intend to say anything, since he seemed rather focused on wherever he was headed, despite his tired shambling walk. Of course, hearing him address her changed that.

Lifting her head, she blinked a moment, his question rather odd, but not unwarranted really. It was a bit unusual to simply stand in the hall rather than stay in her room. In the hotel, it was like there was much in the way of fresh air due to the aphrodisiacs that were being pumped in, but the open space did feel a bit less suffocating for her.

"Not particulary. I just...don't feel like going back to sleep right now." she sighed, running a hand through her hair absentmindedly. "I take it you have a similar problem?" she enquired, leaving it open for him to give as little or as much detail as he wished. She didn't want to pry after all.


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healsforjustice November 4 2011, 18:12:23 UTC
She startled a little at the noise, looking rather surprised before covering her mouth with her hand to suppress a small laugh. Well, that at least put her in a better mood, a small smile managing to form on her features.

Nodding in understanding, though deciding to be polite and not quiz him on a foodstuff she hadn't heard of before, Amelia pondering over the idea a moment before answering. "Well, truthfully I'm awake for a different reason, but thank you anyway. It's more of a personal choice, my staying awake." she replied. It was nice of him to offer, but she was a horrible liar, and doubted she could bring herself to eat with the scene from her dream still fresh in her mind. Of course, she still wanted to be polite about her decline, smiling softly at him.


Have someone with a similar problem <^o^> bigredz November 4 2011, 21:15:09 UTC
Zero paced down the hallway stiffly, his shoulders tense to stop that infernal shaking that lingered after he had woken up from his own nightmare. It was recurring: He'd wake up in a capsule in a familiar-yet-unfamiliar place, and the silhouette of an old man in a white labcoat would be there to greet him. He gave orders to destroy his "nemesis", whoever that was, and like so many times before he'd demand to know who that old man was before excrutiating pain erupted in his forehead. He'd see flashes of some of his oldest memories, feelings of bloodlust, and blood on his hands. Sometimes, he could hear the old man's mad cackling laughter spurring him on in the background. Masterpiece, indeed ( ... )


Aww, mutual comforting~ healsforjustice November 5 2011, 00:28:08 UTC
Naturally, Amelis did not expect anyone to be wandering around at such a late hour, so had settled for drifting off into her own world, thinking about the images replaying in head, while at the time trying desperately to forget them. Sadly, this was not working, leaving her shaking a little in frustration and uncertainty. Perhaps it was fortunate then, that the sound of someone calling out disrupted her thoughts, making the girl lift her head to see where the voice had come from.

"Oh...yes, I'm fine." she replied, rubbing her eyes a little, which were already starting to show telltale signs of dark circles under them. "Don't worry, I just couldn't sleep, that's all." she shrugged, attempting to shrug off the lingering worries. She had to wonder if the stranger before her had the same problem, but didn't want to be rude in prying about it.


best kind there is: "I know that feel" bigredz November 5 2011, 00:35:20 UTC
Zero looked her over while she replied, noting the dark circles beginning to form. Like hell she was "fine", but he knew that some just didn't want to indulge such personal thoughts and feelings to a complete stranger. Or, like X, they didn't want others to worry and just kept all the worrying for themselves.

It was that thought that made him stay rather than walk onward. It was more likely she was more like X, even in just looking at her.

Zero hesitated a moment, then walked across the hall and occupied the wallspace beside Amelia and said, "You're hardly 'fine'. Did you need to talk about anything?"


healsforjustice November 5 2011, 00:50:33 UTC
Truth be told, it was a little of both that was keeping her from simply admitting anything. However, Amelia was also hopeless when it came to lying, so when confronted, she couldn't really deny anything. She glanced up at him as he moved closer, eyes flickering back and forth between Zero and floor, uncertain of what to do.

Eventually, she did lift her head wearily, biting on her lip. "It was just a bad dream, that's all. I'm probably just overreacting, I'm sorry for disturbing you." she replied, running her fingers through her hair.


divine_streak November 4 2011, 22:08:17 UTC
Being a knight meant that Flynn rarely had something that could be called a regular sleep schedule. And since he had taken it upon himself to patrol the hotel for people in need of whatever help or protection he could provide, he decided to add in the occasional night-time patrol. He knew he couldn't have any chance of protecting every single denizen of the hotel all the time, but until he could find like-minded individuals to join him, he had vowed to do whatever he could. Each day he patrolled random areas of the hotel at random times, so his presence was hard for the more sinister elements of the hotel to predict.

Today, his patrol happened to take him by the door of Amelia's room. While Flynn would never dream of disturbing her this late, he was pinged by seeing her leave her room dressed in only a nightie.

"Amelia?" Flynn asked, concern evident in his voice. "Are you alright?"


healsforjustice November 5 2011, 00:34:49 UTC
Amelia barely had any time to slip into her hazy thoughts, a radical attempt to try and fight the images in her head to get rid of them, before the sound of her name being called drew her back into reality. Turning her head to the side, she blinked, still somewhat dazed as her eyes took in the sight of a familiar person standing nearby.

"Sir Flynn..." she droned, before apparently awakening fully, shaking her head lightly as she tried to make her appearance less dishevelled. "Yes, I'm alright. Just having trouble sleeping." she waved a hand in dismissal, not to be callous, but simply to show he didn't need to worry. It wasn't a complete lie, which was alright, since the princess couldn't lie to save herself without being obvious. Hopefully, she would be able to prevent the knight fretting; the last thing she wished to do was burden someone else with her silly paranoia.


divine_streak November 5 2011, 17:45:45 UTC
Unfortunately for Amelia, fretting was practically a default setting for the blond knight. He doesn't want to smother the young woman, but he doesn't want to ignore someone in trouble either.

"Are you certain?" Flynn asked, immediately feeling guilty for pursuing something his conversation partner clearly did not. "Forgive me for prying, but it's dangerous to be outside your room wearing so little."

The unspoken message was, and it take more than trouble sleeping to bring one outside.


healsforjustice November 5 2011, 17:57:20 UTC
She appreciated the fact he wanted to help, but it wasn't something anyone could do, including herself. It was just a dream after all, she was probably taking the matter too seriously. Thus, she tried to reassure Flynn as best she could.

"Oh don't worry, I'm not defenceless you know. I can handle anyone who gets any wrong ideas." she insisted, nervously trying to laugh off any concerns to try and show she was alright. Even so, she still hugged her arms around her form a bit tighter as she spoke, trying to suppress shivering.


roamin_emotion November 6 2011, 00:22:00 UTC
Well, she wasn't the only one that was out in the halls at the moment. A young woman with pink hair suddenly made the wheelchair she was riding in stop once she reached said hallway, but it wasn't the sight of the other girl leaning against the wall that caught her attention; it was... more of the emotions she felt from her that make her eyes soften with worry. She felt... fear, sorrow, painful memories... and it gave her skin a bit of a chill.

Those were generally intense emotions, and for one that had blessed them to the world, it was natural that the sprite make her way over to see if she could offer some way to help ease things, if only for a while; the hotel returned her to looking quite expectant, so she didn't want to be away from her own room for too long. Oh well, the elevator down that other hall would still have to wait some time for her to take a ride.

"E-excuse me..." After bringing herself closer, the emotions were much stronger; despite this, Mesprit spoke softly so as not to scare her away. "Do you need some help?"

... )


healsforjustice November 6 2011, 00:44:13 UTC
Amelia was still very much lost in thought, so Mesprit's approach when unnoticed until Amelia heard the soft voice beside her. Turning her gaze, she blinked out of her daze as she looked down at the girl in the wheelchair. Thankfully, she shook off the surprise fairly quickly, feeling rude for staring, especially since the other female was obviously concerned over why she was standing the hall so late.

"Well...yes and no." she mumbled, trying to straighten out her appearance before speaking properly to the young woman, offering a polite smile as she tried to disperse her lingering melancholy. "I'm having trouble getting back to sleep, but not much can be done about something like that." she replied.

Why she had been so open in her admittance she wasn't sure. Perhaps it was just that honest expression, the sincerity in wanting to help. Whatever it was, Amelia felt bad for wasting Mesprits time nonetheless. "I'm sorry for delaying you. You don't need to worry about me, honest."

[ooc: Not at all, I welcome it. <3]


roamin_emotion November 6 2011, 01:31:31 UTC
"So, you're not delaying me at all; I'm not in that much of a hurry." Mesprit shook her head. It's not like she had anything else to do at the moment other than being in her wheelchair or laying out in her room. At least she was being useful to someone. "I... I know we just met, but maybe I can help you out with your problem. Your emotions..." Her golden eyes closed for a moment before opening them again. "I can tell that something's on your mind... and that it's bothering you."

The sprite knew that she just admitted her ability to sense feelings, but there was something else about Amelia that she noticed too. Perhaps it was that power that also drew the Guardian to her...? But for now, comforting someone that was feeling sad was more important.

[OOC: Awesome...!]


healsforjustice November 6 2011, 01:43:32 UTC
She could have said more, but the princess chose to keep her mouth shut, not wanting to interrupt. Oddly enough, something told her it was for the best to just listen, and she was right. Her eyes widened a little at the declaration. That was certainly not an ability she had heard of. Still, considering the capable powers in her own world, she couldn't dismiss the notion. She knew how powerful emotions could be. Her positive ones were often enough to make Xellos feel unbelievably ill, a rather taxing weakeness for the monster.

It seemed that dancing around the matter would do no good, and Amelia knew how bad she was at lying, might as well be honest in the hope that it would help. After all, how could she deny the other when she looked so desperate to assist?

"I've been having bad dreams, I just...don't want to go back to sleep right now. I don't want to dream about those things again." she murmured, shaking slightly as she spoke.

[ooc: ;3]


flirtatiouslion November 6 2011, 03:21:25 UTC
Loke was walking around the building, finding it rather hard to sleep, seeing he was shocked and surprised that he was not exhausted from being away from the Gate for to long. Here, it was almost like he was a normal human. Though it was night, he still kept his sunglasses on, giving his regular green eyes a blue tint to them. He was obviously looking for his owner, Lucy ( ... )


healsforjustice November 6 2011, 03:44:45 UTC
Being royalty, Amelia had come to expect those sort of lines, but never took to them well. Mostly she was often weary about the meaning behind them, since she often related them to nobles back home trying to get into her or her fathers good graces. Still, that wasn't the case, so she could appreciate it in a new light. Hence, when the young man approached, offering the rose, she was surprised, though not offended.

While she still often held doubts on receiving those sort of compliments, her face tinted pink all the same. At least he was trying to be nice. Thus, she gently plucked the rose from his hand, offering a tired by sincere smile.

"Thank you, though you don't need to flatter me like that." she replied with a soft shake of her head, inhaling the scent from the bloom as she kept her gaze on the stranger. It did make her forget, at least for a little while.


flirtatiouslion November 6 2011, 03:59:06 UTC
Well, since he didn't know her of being royalty or who her father was; he wasn't even human to even consider those things. He honestly just wanted to make the girl smile and feel better, and he knew no matter how mean or shy a girl was, they enjoyed being complimented on. And that was exactly what Loke was doing.

Poor guy didn't like seeing the girls so sad or hurt. He was not surprised by the blush though, but kept his expression neutral with a smile. Especially when she had accepted the rose he offered for her.

Loke looked to the girl and then said, "I am glad to make you smile, even just a little. Though, you are much more beautiful with a smile, you should keep it." Loke spoke nothing but the truth when it came to his flirting or even talking in general. "My name is Leo. May I know your name?"


healsforjustice November 6 2011, 13:10:51 UTC
It was likely that she would ever be conscious about compliments, no matter where she was. Her naive nature meant she really didn't register her own appeal, which often left the girl rather embarrassed whenever someone said something nice about how she looked. Still, she could appreciate the sincerity of the words, and it did help in pushing the thoughts of her dream to the back of her mind for the moment.

Twirling the stem in between her fingers, she shook her head lightly, only giving a slight nod in recognition of the new compliment. She simply wished to maintain some modesty, though did naturally answer when he started the introductions.

"Amelia, it's nice to meet you. And thank you, I'm sorry if I distracted you from where you were going." she said politely.


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