Bad Dreams | Hurt/Comfort | {BYOA}

Nov 04, 2011 01:28

It was all so clear. Despite everything around her being dark, blending into the night, the scene before her was vivid, almost as if surrounded by an unearthly glow to highlight it in the blackness. Yes it was right in front of her, and yet she could do nothing but stare; the scream of panic, a body falling to the floor, the glint of a blade as it ( Read more... )

pairing: f/f, pairing: f/m, series: slayers

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roamin_emotion November 6 2011, 00:22:00 UTC
Well, she wasn't the only one that was out in the halls at the moment. A young woman with pink hair suddenly made the wheelchair she was riding in stop once she reached said hallway, but it wasn't the sight of the other girl leaning against the wall that caught her attention; it was... more of the emotions she felt from her that make her eyes soften with worry. She felt... fear, sorrow, painful memories... and it gave her skin a bit of a chill.

Those were generally intense emotions, and for one that had blessed them to the world, it was natural that the sprite make her way over to see if she could offer some way to help ease things, if only for a while; the hotel returned her to looking quite expectant, so she didn't want to be away from her own room for too long. Oh well, the elevator down that other hall would still have to wait some time for her to take a ride.

"E-excuse me..." After bringing herself closer, the emotions were much stronger; despite this, Mesprit spoke softly so as not to scare her away. "Do you need some help?"

... )


healsforjustice November 6 2011, 00:44:13 UTC
Amelia was still very much lost in thought, so Mesprit's approach when unnoticed until Amelia heard the soft voice beside her. Turning her gaze, she blinked out of her daze as she looked down at the girl in the wheelchair. Thankfully, she shook off the surprise fairly quickly, feeling rude for staring, especially since the other female was obviously concerned over why she was standing the hall so late.

"Well...yes and no." she mumbled, trying to straighten out her appearance before speaking properly to the young woman, offering a polite smile as she tried to disperse her lingering melancholy. "I'm having trouble getting back to sleep, but not much can be done about something like that." she replied.

Why she had been so open in her admittance she wasn't sure. Perhaps it was just that honest expression, the sincerity in wanting to help. Whatever it was, Amelia felt bad for wasting Mesprits time nonetheless. "I'm sorry for delaying you. You don't need to worry about me, honest."

[ooc: Not at all, I welcome it. <3]


roamin_emotion November 6 2011, 01:31:31 UTC
"So, you're not delaying me at all; I'm not in that much of a hurry." Mesprit shook her head. It's not like she had anything else to do at the moment other than being in her wheelchair or laying out in her room. At least she was being useful to someone. "I... I know we just met, but maybe I can help you out with your problem. Your emotions..." Her golden eyes closed for a moment before opening them again. "I can tell that something's on your mind... and that it's bothering you."

The sprite knew that she just admitted her ability to sense feelings, but there was something else about Amelia that she noticed too. Perhaps it was that power that also drew the Guardian to her...? But for now, comforting someone that was feeling sad was more important.

[OOC: Awesome...!]


healsforjustice November 6 2011, 01:43:32 UTC
She could have said more, but the princess chose to keep her mouth shut, not wanting to interrupt. Oddly enough, something told her it was for the best to just listen, and she was right. Her eyes widened a little at the declaration. That was certainly not an ability she had heard of. Still, considering the capable powers in her own world, she couldn't dismiss the notion. She knew how powerful emotions could be. Her positive ones were often enough to make Xellos feel unbelievably ill, a rather taxing weakeness for the monster.

It seemed that dancing around the matter would do no good, and Amelia knew how bad she was at lying, might as well be honest in the hope that it would help. After all, how could she deny the other when she looked so desperate to assist?

"I've been having bad dreams, I just...don't want to go back to sleep right now. I don't want to dream about those things again." she murmured, shaking slightly as she spoke.

[ooc: ;3]


roamin_emotion November 6 2011, 02:12:11 UTC
"I see..." That did explain the sudden rush of emotions; nightmares could be painful to deal with for a while afterwards. "It makes sense that you don't want to go to sleep after something like that is still on your mind."

Mesprit, noticing the tremble, reached out a caring hand to calm her down. It must have been something really jarring to leave someone in such a state. "If you want, maybe we could go somewhere to talk about it...?" She paused, quickly changing her words. "Ah, I mean... we don't have to talk about that if you don't want to. It could always be about something else instead!"


healsforjustice November 6 2011, 02:32:37 UTC
She nodded in confirmation, gently rubbing her arms as her form continued to shiver, unable to think of what else to say on the matter. Thankfully, the light touch both gave a distraction and a reason to speak again. She honestly did feel rather touched by the gesture, appreciative of the selfless offer, managing a small smile and shaking her head to assure the other female she hadn't been offended.

"'s alright. It might help. I mean standing here fretting hasn't done me much good." she sighed, glancing at her door before looking back at Mesprit. "Will here do, or would you prefer somewhere else?" she asked.


roamin_emotion November 6 2011, 04:05:52 UTC
At least she saw a smile shine through a little. Well, that was a start... a good one! Maybe later, the sprite could give her a hug to help out some more; from her own experiences, hugs were always something that always made her feel happy, so it was worth a try.

"Oh... here is fine. As long as you're comfortable - that's all that matters to me." Mesprit smiled back, letting Amelia lead the way.


healsforjustice November 6 2011, 13:02:21 UTC
Amelia was genuinely an affectionate person a lot of the time, so the hug would more than likely be welcomed. Already she felt a lot more at ease; it seemed as if Mesprit's keen sense of emotions also allowed her to make people feel comfortable very easily. Needless to say, Amelia didn't have any qualms with getting to know her companion better.

Nodding in recognition, she held the door open for the other girl, smiling a bit more brightly now. "Then please, this way."


roamin_emotion November 7 2011, 03:15:29 UTC
"Thanks!" Amelia may have noticed that the sprite wasn't using her hands to move that wheelchair into the room... and that her legs seemed to work just fine. Hooray for having Psychic powers.

"I'm sorry this thing's such a pain. It's better than me levitating around like I usually do!" She chuckled a little, but at least she apologized for her current condition.


healsforjustice November 7 2011, 14:28:46 UTC
"Oh, that's alright. It's good to know you aren't really injured at least." she smiled, shutting the door once the chair was had passed through. Once that was taken care of, she moved to sit down on one of the chairs, waiting for Mesprit to move near enough before spreaking.

"So...where to start?" she sighed, her tiredness showing a bit more now as she laid back in the seat, wondering how best to go about venting without babbling incoherantly.


roamin_emotion November 7 2011, 15:10:17 UTC
Maybe later she'd explain about her current condition, but for now, Amelia was her main focus. Easily, she brought herself close enough so that they'd both be close enough should the sprite's plans of lots of comforting hugs come into play.

"Wherever you feel comfortable, I guess." Mesprit gasped suddenly, remembering one important detail. How come she always tends to forget that? "Oh, but I forgot... I don't even know your name yet! I'm Mesprit, by the way."


healsforjustice November 7 2011, 18:05:45 UTC
Blinking briefly in confusion, Amelia did quickly realize what the girl was talking about, laughing quietly. She must have been really out of it due to her dreams to forget to introduce herself.

"Amelia, it's nice to mee you Miss Mesprit." she smiled, offering a friendly hand to her companion. "And thanks for going through such trouble for me."


roamin_emotion November 8 2011, 02:25:50 UTC
"Nice to meet you too, Amelia!" Mesprit allowed their hands to meet, shaking it gently as a sign of a new-found friendship. She could keep a hold of it for as long as she wanted if it would help.

"Oh, it's no trouble at all! I can't bear to feel someone in pain..." Her smile quickly faded as her head fell. "I'm really sensitive to emotions like that, so I couldn't help but to get involved somehow." After a couple of breaths, the sprite lifted her head and returned to a normal composure so that they could get somewhere. "So, I guess we can start wherever you want now...?"


healsforjustice November 8 2011, 21:00:31 UTC
For the moment, Amelia decided to let go, though depending on how things went, Mesprit touching her in a friendly gesture would likely not be unwelcome. it all hinged on how strongly her emotions would well up.

"I see, I...hope mine didn't cause you discomfort." she apologised, looking a little worried that she might have done damage by being in such close range to the other girl. It made her feel more guilty that Mesprit was still trying hard to help her regardless.

Nodding a moment, she inhaled deeply, wondering where best to start. Well, best to just vent what she could. "It's a bit silly really, if I think logically about it. I can't change the past, but what's bothering me, is that I'm not at home to show respect to the memory of it...Of my mother's passing."


roamin_emotion November 9 2011, 06:57:10 UTC
"Don't worry; I can manage... especially when I've been in a place like this." She eased her, chuckling just a bit so reassure the princess that she was okay. It didn't take long before the giggles ceased and a serious expression took over, ready to hear her out ( ... )


healsforjustice November 9 2011, 22:14:58 UTC
"Ah, it must be difficult at times." she replied, looking at Mesprit sympathetically, though didn't let herself frown. The other girl obviously was doing her best to make the most of the situation, she could at least respect that and not pester her on the matter ( ... )


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