Bad Dreams | Hurt/Comfort | {BYOA}

Nov 04, 2011 01:28

It was all so clear. Despite everything around her being dark, blending into the night, the scene before her was vivid, almost as if surrounded by an unearthly glow to highlight it in the blackness. Yes it was right in front of her, and yet she could do nothing but stare; the scream of panic, a body falling to the floor, the glint of a blade as it ( Read more... )

pairing: f/f, pairing: f/m, series: slayers

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healsforjustice November 4 2011, 10:28:30 UTC
Amelia was in a daze herself, only registered the footsteps when they were right in front of her. Even at that she didn't intend to say anything, since he seemed rather focused on wherever he was headed, despite his tired shambling walk. Of course, hearing him address her changed that.

Lifting her head, she blinked a moment, his question rather odd, but not unwarranted really. It was a bit unusual to simply stand in the hall rather than stay in her room. In the hotel, it was like there was much in the way of fresh air due to the aphrodisiacs that were being pumped in, but the open space did feel a bit less suffocating for her.

"Not particulary. I just...don't feel like going back to sleep right now." she sighed, running a hand through her hair absentmindedly. "I take it you have a similar problem?" she enquired, leaving it open for him to give as little or as much detail as he wished. She didn't want to pry after all.


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healsforjustice November 4 2011, 18:12:23 UTC
She startled a little at the noise, looking rather surprised before covering her mouth with her hand to suppress a small laugh. Well, that at least put her in a better mood, a small smile managing to form on her features.

Nodding in understanding, though deciding to be polite and not quiz him on a foodstuff she hadn't heard of before, Amelia pondering over the idea a moment before answering. "Well, truthfully I'm awake for a different reason, but thank you anyway. It's more of a personal choice, my staying awake." she replied. It was nice of him to offer, but she was a horrible liar, and doubted she could bring herself to eat with the scene from her dream still fresh in her mind. Of course, she still wanted to be polite about her decline, smiling softly at him.


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healsforjustice November 4 2011, 18:23:38 UTC
He certainly struck her as one of the more well adjusted people she had seen in the hotel, obviously quite at ease, even if he was still half asleep. That was why seeing him stop and hang around, when he clearly had a place to go was all the more puzzling. Even so, she couldn't say she objected. The company at least took her mind off things.

Her features depicted confusion at to how exactly he had jumped to those conclusions, though the panicked last stuttered words came out before she could quiz him further. For the moment, the priority was reassuring him he didn't need to be scared of her.

"No, that's not it. I just don't really want to go back to sleep just case I start dreaming again." she admitted, rubbing her arms a little through the sleeves of her robe.


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And likely last tag until I get back from work.~ healsforjustice November 4 2011, 18:38:34 UTC
Oddly enough, if she hadn't been so preoccupied with her dream, if they had met in other cirumstances, Amelia probably would have very quickly appreciated the ninja, since they did share some traits. While a princess, Amelia was a great lover of justice, and as such was one to get into a number of scrapes, all in the name of helping others. Needless to say, she would have very much approved of his views.

She silently listened, glad he wasn't scared any longer, listening politely as her smile never faultered. He did seem to be able to make her feel better without even trying, which was why she felt much more at ease talking about something that was, well, very personal to her.

"I know there's plenty of reason to have them here. But's more to do with my home than the hotel." she answered.


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healsforjustice November 5 2011, 00:20:50 UTC
Despite the difficulties in her own family, Amelia considered herself very fortunate in her life. Hearing Naruto made her shift a little against the wall, chewing on her lower lip thoughtfully. Compared with the notion of being stuck in another world while your own was at war; it was a horrifying possibility. Truthfully, she felt rather bad in all the fuss she was making over something that couldn't be changed. At least he could go back and make a difference, he was needed. Why was she letting this get to her so much?

"Not at the moment. The dreams are about events from a long time ago." she explained, fingers gripping the fabric of her sleeves, before looking back at him in sympathy. "I'm sorry about the trouble you're dealing with, I do hope you'll get to go home and protect everyone." she said softly. Somewhat naive, but she couldn't bring herself be anything less than hopeful. Besides, Naruto struck her as someone who wouldn't quit until he accomplished what needed to be done.


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healsforjustice November 5 2011, 12:43:22 UTC
Somehow, that positive outlook brought a small smile back to her face. He certainly didn't need any encouragement from the sounds of it, considering how optomistic he was already. It made her feel somewhat better, though Amelia still lacked any idea of how to deal with her own problems. It was kind of him to offer to help though.

"Honestly, I don't even know what I can do, but thank you. Besides, I've kept you long enough." she answered, not wishing to cause any more inconvenience. After all, there was no point to holding Naruto up when she didn't have any real idea how to help herself anyway.


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healsforjustice November 5 2011, 21:04:44 UTC
Having turned her gaze to the floor, expecting him to leave, she looked a little surprised when his footsteps stopped, looking back up to catch him staring. It didn't make her uncomfortable, but she was rather confused, oblivious to how obvious the lack of sleep and worry over nightmares was affecting her. This left her more dumbstruck when he came back, looking even more jovial than before.

"Well, there are a lot of people here, it would be really hard to meet them all." she reasoned, about to insist he didn't need to trouble himself by sticking around, before being cut off by the hasty introduction. That grin was impossible to dismiss, leaving her to return it with more enthusiasm than she had felt in a while.

"Amelia, a pleasure." she replied, placing her smaller hand in his. While a bit on the petite side, her own hands did show she had gotten into a few fights herself, a little uncharacteristic for a princess.


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healsforjustice November 5 2011, 21:24:14 UTC
Just listening to him rattle off ways in which to help her fall asleep both made Amelia feel touched and guilty at the same time. Since he was going to that trouble, it was only fair to be honest with him on the matter. She wouldn't wish to waste any of his efforts pointlessly.

"It's nice of you to offer, but really...I don't know if I want to go back to sleep. At least not right now." she admitted, fingers running through dark hair in a somewhat anxious manner. Would it be weird for her to admit that she was actually rather scared to go back to sleep? Fearful that she might dream again?

She could simply request some company, but thought better of assuming. That would be taking advantage of Naruto's good nature after all, and that was the last thing she wanted to do.


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