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onlysanechimera October 29 2011, 10:48:37 UTC

Zelgadiss could move quite quietly when he wanted to, so it wasn't surprising that she hadn't heard him, focused on her thoughts as she was. He was standing in the doorway, looking a bit surprised at her presence - of course, he'd given her his room number, but he hadn't expected her to seek him out. He had lost track of time, easy as that was to do in the hotel, and was completely unaware of the date.

He stepped inside carefully, pushing the door shut behind him. He was afraid, if she'd come to find him like this, that something must be wrong... but he was confident enough that he'd be able to deal with it, and the hotel offered a whole variety of things going wrong that it was better to have the door closed for. "Are you alright?" he asked softly, approaching her.


healsforjustice October 29 2011, 10:59:14 UTC
The sudden sound of his voice made her jump in surprise, though fortunately her clumsiness didn't overtake her sense of balance, so she avoided falling over. Turning around to face him, she laughed awkwardly, a little embarrassed at being found like this. Still, it was good she wouldn't have to wait till later to see him.

"Oh, there you are Mr Zelgadiss. I'm sorry, the door was open so..." she began to explain, only to blink and stop as he asked out how she was. "Huh? Course I'm alright, why wouldn't I be? I just came by like I promised I would."

Before he had a chance to ask questions, she had closed the distance between them, wrapping small arms around the chimera and snuggling close. The gift was left forgotton for the moment, Amelia back to her usual cheery disposition as she smiled up at him warmly. "Happy Birthday Zelgadiss."


onlysanechimera October 29 2011, 11:34:19 UTC
He was about to explain his apprehension... right up until her pronouncement. Instead, he laughed sheepishly and embraced her in reply, smiling back down at her. "You know, I completely forgot today was that day? It's hard to keep track of time here. Thank you, Amelia..."

He leaned down and kissed her gently, holding her close for a moment. This was everything he needed, right here. The package could wait - in fact, he hadn't even noticed it yet. Feeling Amelia in his arms was all the birthday present he needed.


healsforjustice October 29 2011, 11:42:18 UTC
She found herself giggling as he returned the embrace, though was understanding of him forgetting. The hotel didn't make it easy to keep track of time. "I know, it took some work making sure I didn't let the day pass." she mumbled, about to say more before being cut off by his lips.

Her head fell back as the held him firmly, sighing contentedly as they kissed. While it would have been nice to simply revel in the moment, she knew it would be a waste not to give him the actual gift. Reluctantly, she drew back, though still nuzzled into him as she spoke.

"You're welcome. So do you want your present now?" she asked, clearly giddy at the thought of giving it to him.


onlysanechimera October 29 2011, 11:47:40 UTC
He raised an eyebrow as he reached up to stroke her hair. "My present? I thought I was already holding my present right here." He kissed her forehead lightly. "You know you don't need to get me anything."

Though, knowing Amelia, she'd probably put a lot of work into this, and even if he didn't need a present he could hardly disappoint her. So he smiled at her and gave her one last squeeze. "But if you insist, I suppose now's as good a time as any."


healsforjustice October 29 2011, 11:56:26 UTC
Leaning into the touch, she hummed at the feeling on his fingers in her hair, face heating up at his words and feeling his lips on her forehead. Still, the smile on her features was enough to show she appreciated the compliment. Of course she knew that she hadn't needed to do this, especially considering Zelgadiss wasn't the easiest person to shop for, but hopefully, what she had come up with would mean something to him.

"I know, but...well I've been thinking about this for a while, so I decided now was the best time." she spoke softly, drawing out of the hold and retrieving the box, placing it in his hand. She held on to the envelope with the instructions she have been given for now, instead waiting to see his first reaction to the gift.


onlysanechimera October 30 2011, 20:48:05 UTC
He opened the box slowly, eyes widening as he saw what it contained. He certainly hadn't expected anything like that, and if they'd been somewhere where currency was actually an issue, he'd have been concerned about how much she'd paid for it.

As it was, he just smiled back at her. "It's beautiful, Amelia. Thank you." He wasn't entirely sure what she meant by 'the best time', but he'd let her explain that if she thought it needed to be explained.


healsforjustice October 30 2011, 20:58:55 UTC
Her hands clasped the envelope, resisting the impulse to crumple the paper due to her nerves. After all, the instructions weren't going to be of much use to him if she had scrunched them into a ball. Thankfully, hearing he liked it made her ease her grip a little, smiling happily.

"I'm glad you like it, though that's not the entire gift." she murmured, hesitantly holding out the envelope to him. "You'll be needing these to tell you how to use it." she finished, left waiting again. She had checked them over before putting them in the envelope, and it seemed simple enough to make the charm work. Amelia just hoped her lack of words at the moment wasn't a cause for concern. After all, she really didn't know how best to tell him this. Honestly, considering how big of a deal this was, she thought it might be wiser to let him to find out from the note, then explain her reasoning if he was still confused.


onlysanechimera October 30 2011, 21:48:35 UTC
He looked slightly confused as he accepted the envelope. He'd thought that it was just a pretty piece of jewelery, but if it was an actual charm, well... he wasn't complaining, exactly, but it seemed like even more effort that really hadn't been necessary. He opened the envelope and pulled out the instructions to read them, curious as to what they might say.


healsforjustice October 30 2011, 22:01:14 UTC
It was all fairly simple, but it held a pretty big impact. Amelia had to admit that placing the spell on the talisman had been a bit difficult, wanting to get it exactly right, but she wasn't about to go into that; she didn't wish to make him feel obligated to go through with this ( ... )


onlysanechimera November 2 2011, 05:37:41 UTC
"Amelia..." His hand closed around the charm, clasping it tightly. It was, well... it was a chance he'd honestly never really expected to get. He really had come to accept his body - even if he'd been back at home, he didn't really think he'd keep up his search for a way to break the spell after all this - but... here was a way to change back, if only for a while.

After a moment, though, his grip on the charm loosened and he looked back up at her, smiling softly. "Maybe... I think this is something to save for later. I think it would feel strange, after all this time, and I want to remember this without any distractions."


healsforjustice November 2 2011, 08:29:46 UTC
In all honesty, she hadn't neem sure about what to expect from him, how he'd react. Still, this was likely the best she could have hoped for, seeing him happy and settled. Perhaps if she was fortunate, she would get to see him when he did decide to use the spell, if only to hug him happily on seeing him.

"Alright, whatever you think is best." she smiled back, leaning up to quickly kiss his cheek. "Is there anything else I can do for you? Anything to help you enjoy your birthday a bit more?" she asked, not knowing how he would have spent the day, though it would likely have been low key, or if he wished for the company.


onlysanechimera November 2 2011, 21:34:40 UTC
He flushed a little as she kissed his cheek, smiling happily and reaching out to embrace her. "Well, I wouldn't mind it if you stayed with me for a while."

He really had no idea what to do - he didn't actually usually celebrate his birthday at all. He certainly wouldn't have planned to do so today, if only because he hadn't remembered the date. Right now he just really wanted to be with her.


healsforjustice November 2 2011, 21:44:47 UTC
Naturally, she put up no resistance, happy to return the embrace.

"If that's what you want. It's your birthday, so we can do whatever you like." she replied sincerely, snuggling close into the hold. Honestly, even if that was an admittance of compliance, Zelgadiss knew her well enough to know Amelia was more than happy to do anything asked if it was to dote on him. Considering the day, she felt she had a good reason to fuss. The chimera hardly ever requested anything for himself, so in her mind, he deserved to be spoiled a bit for the day.


Sorry for lateness, just got my computer out of the shop! onlysanechimera November 7 2011, 03:57:29 UTC
He smiled, leaning down to kiss her softly. "Mm. Even if I have to spend my birthday in this place, I'm glad it's with you, Amelia." It was nice just feeling her return his affection, even if nothing came of it - given that this was the hotel, perhaps that should have been especially if nothing came of it. Knowing that she was happy to snuggle up to him made his heart skip a beat.


Tis fine, don't worry. healsforjustice November 7 2011, 11:52:47 UTC
"Then I want to be sure you have the best birthday possible." she giggled, kissing back as she pressed in close to him, tender and affectionate. She was glad that, if anything happened, it was on their terms, that it happened because they wanted it to. Inwardly she had to thank the hotel for not taking matters to extremes by dressing her up in nothing but ribbons and offering her as a literial gift to Zelgadiss.

"You did like your present, right?" she asked, nuzzling gently against him. While she was sure she had nothing to worry about, Amelia thought it best to clarify. After all, she didn't wish to give the impression she thought he needed to change; it was just that he deserved the option if he desired it, especially with all he had gone through.


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