Birthday Gift | Locked to onlysanechimera

Oct 28, 2011 07:49

It appeared that things were on the calmer side around the hotel today, which was a relief for Amelia. Luck appeared to be on her side, if only for a little while, but the timing was pretty fortunate. She didn't want anything to spoil today, not after the effort she had put into her idea.

It was tricky enough keeping time to make sure she didn't let the date pass her by, but the planning in itself to make the whole thing work had taken a good bit of research, not to mention the work she had to do for the hotel staff at the last festival in order to get her hands on what was needed. The princess was just relieved that her 'good track record' as they called it, had meant they were willing to let her off with the minimum level of work for the exchange. Yes, that work had been doing a dragon dance covered in body paint, and was rather embarrassing, but it would be worth it.

Smiling softly, she stopped outside one of the doors, checking the number written on the slip of paper she held, just to be sure she had the right place. Zelgadiss had given this to her himself, so she knew she could trust the information, and so knocked firmly on the door. There was no response, but the door did creak open, apparently ajar. Considering the way the hotel worked, that wasn't surprising.

"Mr Zelgadiss?" she called, pushing the door open more as she stepped inside, glancing around, only to see no trace of the chimera in sight. Sighing, she moved further into the room, rather disappointed he wasn't there. Well, she could always return later, but the very least she could do was make sure he had a nice surprise waiting.

Moving towards the nightstand, she placed a small box on the surface, along with an envelope for him to find when he returned. She could only hope he would like it as much as she believed he would, giddy at the thought. Of course, being that distracted by her musings, she failed to hear footsteps approaching behind her.

pairing: f/m, series: slayers

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