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Comments 102

Abel Nightroad | Trinity Blood | M/*, 20+ falsicrimen October 21 2011, 22:58:59 UTC
Character Description:
A horrible dorky priest who just wants everyone to get along, Abel is a cowardly (but loyal) failure whose only real talent seems to be consuming anything and everything remotely edible. Very friendly, too trusting, bad at his job, and pretty irritating all around. Breaking him out of his cheerful/plaintive/idiotic façade takes a lot, and it’s probably safer just not to.

Scenario #1:Caught in the rain - it’s pretty typical, isn’t it? One minute, the beach is bustling with activity: sunbathing, games of volleyball, the surf packed with swimmers. The next, that ominous cloud bank far off on the horizon has swept in faster than anyone can blink, and those who haven’t evacuated ahead of the downpour are either booking it for proper shelter or ducking under anything strong enough to hold up beneath such a merciless beating. For the latter, only hopes that the bad weather is sure to blow off again soon and relative sanctuary reassure ( ... )


Scenario 1 demifemme October 24 2011, 18:52:45 UTC
"Fucking hell," is the answer he gets from the young tattooed woman who just barged in. She's carrying a tray from the resort bar around groin level, and probably for a good reason, if the fact that her white bikini top has become quite sheer in the rain is any indication. She lets herself fall into the chair by the man. "Of course I had to be working the beach right then."


falsicrimen October 24 2011, 19:58:44 UTC
"O-Oh my." That's hardly the most unpleasant curse he's ever heard (far from it, after years of working in tandem with Father Leon), and it's safe to assume that the reason he turns a little red, anyway, carefully averting his eyes, is not for such heated language. At any rate, he's quick to take the towel from off his own shoulders and offer it out to her -- a little damp, but still quite warm. And hopefully preferable to that woefully inadequate serving tray.

"That's remarkably bad luck! You have my sympathies." Not that he isn't stuck in (mostly) an identical predicament, but it sounds just a little better to his ear than the even more obvious assertion that she might need the towel a little more than he did, at the moment. His shorts' one saving grace was that they weren't at all see-through.


Sam Winchester | Supernatural | M/F exorsus October 21 2011, 23:58:26 UTC
Character DescriptionSam Winchester seems like your average guy. Polite and eloquent, he's not setting off any warning bells. Looks can be deceiving, though. He's actually been trained since a young age to hunt the monsters and demons many don't know lurk in the dark. Despite having left this life for a few years to go to school, a family dilemma and a personal tragedy has pulled him back in. Now he's trying his best to do right in the family business.

He's friendly, but keeps most people out of his personal life for a multitude of reasons. When he does let his guard down, though, there's a great deal of passion.

More info here.

Scenarios① So you've decided to get away from it all. How much more "away" can a tropical jungle be? Whether you're looking for new animal and plant specimens (you budding brainiac, you), enjoying the clear blue pools, or just wanting some privacy, this is your day ( ... )


Re: Sam Winchester | Supernatural | M/F healsforjustice October 23 2011, 17:53:24 UTC
How in the world has she thought that she could deal with this ( ... )


omg this is a really good idea. and lol lj notifs. hopefully you'll see this. exorsus October 25 2011, 02:36:56 UTC
Sam's eyes narrowed as he approached the door to their room. That whole trip downstairs had turned out to be a bust, of course. He possessed as much knowledge now as he had trudging out of bed this morning. And they were very, very nice beds. The only thing he had gained was a bag of fruit from the continental breakfast buffet. At least there was that. It'd be better than the McDonald's coffee they'd been chugging the last few weeks ( ... )


Glad you think so <3 I usually check my threads anyway due to the way LJ can be.~ healsforjustice October 25 2011, 07:37:48 UTC
By the time Sam had returned, Amelia had ended up sprawling on the large bed, lying on her stomach as she read through the clippings. Despite her age and the recent developments between them, it seemed that she still tended to miss the obvious implications in her position. That innocence, somehow, was very genuine, and more often than not had left her rather surprised when her partner would suddenly kiss or touch her, not that she minded. Even so, it did knock the breath out of her on occassion due to the differences in size between them. She wasn't sure if he still held back a bit for worry of hurting her, but each time it did seem that he was less and less fearful about how fragile she was ( ... )


Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun | Slayers | Open healsforjustice October 22 2011, 01:32:48 UTC
Character Description:
While a princess from the white magic capital of her homeworld, Amelia is no damsel in distress. Not only is she versatile in many different spells, from white magic to black, shamanism and astral, but she's also trained in hand to hand combat, and thus is much stronger than her small frame might lead one to believe.

A self proclaimed champion of justice, she will go to any length to do the right thing, and with the amount of energy she has, that can be a force to be reckoned with. Rarely is she seen without a smile, though at times can be naive for an eighteen year old. Nevertheless, her optomistic and bubbly nature makes her work hard to see the best in people, making her a loyal friend and supportive person through and through.

Scenario #1:The resort is rather lively right now, no doubt due to the royal visit taking place. Security is rather tight though, so there's little chance of getting up close and personal with the nobility ( ... )


the_a_la_mint October 22 2011, 01:53:44 UTC
Mint couldn't sleep. No matter how much she tossed and turned, sleep wouldn't come to her. Frustrated, she had thrown on a loose dress and sandals before venturing out for a walk. Her feet led her downstairs, out the lobby, and towards the vast pool. And then the splash hit her ears.

Turning, she moved towards the deeper end of the large pool, eventually crouching down near the edge. Maybe it was the dim light, but swimming in the water was one of the prettiest girls she'd ever seen. She just watches, afraid to speak, as if the vision before her would disappear if she did.

[OOC: Sorry for the dropped tags on the last post. Sob, life.]


healsforjustice October 22 2011, 02:03:12 UTC
For the moment, Amelia was unaware that she was being watched, diving lower under the surface of the water until her body skimmed the bottom of the pool. She did need air though, and soon headed to opposite edge from where Mint was.

Resurfacing, she sharply inhaled to regain her breath, head falling back as her fingers pushed the soaked black strands of hair away from her face. Finally opening her eyes, she reached for the towel she had left nearby, still not noticing her admirer just yet.

[ooc: No worries, it happens to everyone sometimes. ^_~]


the_a_la_mint October 22 2011, 02:14:15 UTC
Her words come out a whisper as the breeze blows her pink hair. "So beautiful..." Mint couldn't tear her eyes away, and subconsciously moved forward. Of course, she was already on the edge, and the inevitable happened. She fell forward with a cry, which was cut off by a loud splash as Mint fell forward into the water.


Kira Ford | Power Rangers: Dino Thunder | F/M ptera_fy October 22 2011, 02:21:24 UTC
Character Description:
At first glance, Kira wouldn't seem all that different from your average teen. She's a bit of a tomboy, and though she's friendly to just about anyone she meets, she can get tongue-tied around someone she's attracted to. A musician at heart, she hopes to further her music career after graduation, and to that end, she often performs various gigs at the local cyber cafe.

She's also the Yellow Dino Ranger, which means she has to pull a disappearing act whenever the city is threatened by Mesogog or one of his minions. She's come to enjoy her role as a protector despite the reservations she held in the beginning, but man, being the only girl on the team really sucks sometimes.

Scenario #1:Relaxing by the pool really is nice, huh? There's less noise to worry about, it's a lot closer to your room, and it's less crowded than the beach. In fact, there's only one other person there right now ( ... )


Mesprit // Pokemon // OTA roamin_emotion October 22 2011, 05:55:12 UTC
Character Description: The Legendary Guardian of Sinnoh's Lake Verity ever since the beginning of Time and Space, Mesprit is a sprite with a Naive nature and a kind-hearted spirit that believes in returning favors to anyone she encounters. She is very sensitive to emotions, and despite being Psychic, she rarely read minds, preferring to her power to protect first and attack when necessary.

It's hard not to miss her side ponytails of long pink hair, her two tails from behind her as she levitates, and the bright-red gem set a bit above her golden eyes. She looks to be about 18 years old, though she's much, much older.

#1 - Oh dear, the pink-haired sprite wants to go exploring out off of the shore for a bit... or maybe it's down the river, deeper into the wilds of the rainforest, but oh no, there's no more boats left to ride in! Hey, there's a single person in a boat... Maybe if you give her a little tour, her payment might be worth it.

#2 - The beach is much too crowded in the daytime, so perhaps a starlit dip would be ( ... )


2 pink_is_back October 26 2011, 05:14:41 UTC
The beach was too crowded during the day time, and as much as Black Lady enjoying showing of her figure, there were other things on her mind. The sun had since set, the sky dark overhead. Except for the full moon hanging high in the sky, casting a bright white light about the beach and over the water's surface.

Black Lady hovered inches above the water, a good twenty to thirty feet away from the shore. Her head was bowed, long pink locks resting motionless at her back. Her mind was rather blank, which for her was quite a peaceful feeling. Though she wore a two piece red bathing suit, it was currently concealed by a modest black robe.


roamin_emotion October 29 2011, 05:11:42 UTC
It was hard to tell from above the water that someone else was enjoying the privacy of the waves, one that had lived mostly all her life underwater as if she were a mermaid. Or one with long, thin tails and not a single piece of fabric covering her.

She could feel someone's presence above her, one that felt... familiar. It didn't take long before the pink crown of the sprite's head pierced the water and golden eyes peered upward. A blushing smile would join that gaze soon enough as a name quickly returned to her mind.

"Ah! Black Lady...! Are you out for a night swim too?"


pink_is_back October 29 2011, 16:22:45 UTC
The air swept around her figure, causing her pigtails to sway silently behind her. Peace wasn't a sensation she was used to feeling anymore, so she was going to make the most of it. The good and bad within her, dark and light energies, for that brief moment were in perfect balance. If Mesprit timed it just right, she might have even seen a smile on the taller girl's face.

Black Lady opened her crimson eyes, her expression falling flat as she searched the water until spotting unmistakable pink hair. She'd met this person once, and the name came slowly as her mind went to work. "Mesprit," she uttered, nodding to her, still a little dazed. "I was looking at the moon." Her eyes closed again and she lowered slowly, her feet touching the water. "I don't remember why I came here, but a swim doesn't sound like a bad idea."


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