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Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun | Slayers | Open healsforjustice October 22 2011, 01:32:48 UTC
Character Description:
While a princess from the white magic capital of her homeworld, Amelia is no damsel in distress. Not only is she versatile in many different spells, from white magic to black, shamanism and astral, but she's also trained in hand to hand combat, and thus is much stronger than her small frame might lead one to believe.

A self proclaimed champion of justice, she will go to any length to do the right thing, and with the amount of energy she has, that can be a force to be reckoned with. Rarely is she seen without a smile, though at times can be naive for an eighteen year old. Nevertheless, her optomistic and bubbly nature makes her work hard to see the best in people, making her a loyal friend and supportive person through and through.

Scenario #1:
The resort is rather lively right now, no doubt due to the royal visit taking place. Security is rather tight though, so there's little chance of getting up close and personal with the nobility...

You would be mistaken though, as the Seyruun princess has opted to do a bit of exploring along the beach without someone shadowing her every move. When and where will you run into her, and just what will you take the chance to talk about, or do for that matter?

Scenario #2:
Oh dear, it looks like you've came back to your room a little too early. The maid is still there, taking care of the afternoon cleaning. Don't worry, she'll be gone once she's fixed the bed and left fresh towels.

Then again, do you really want her to leave? You were considering ordering something from the desk anyway, perhaps this is just your lucky day, having the opportunity to see just how good the service at the resort is.

Scenario #3:
Whether in need of fresh air, or just wishing to admire how the landscape looks at night, you've decided to take a nice stroll outside as the place gets dark. But wait, was that a splash of water you just heard?

Apparently so, as if you veture to the pool, you may notice someone enjoying a swim under the stars. Approach, admire for afar, perhaps even join her in the water, the choice is yours.


the_a_la_mint October 22 2011, 01:53:44 UTC
Mint couldn't sleep. No matter how much she tossed and turned, sleep wouldn't come to her. Frustrated, she had thrown on a loose dress and sandals before venturing out for a walk. Her feet led her downstairs, out the lobby, and towards the vast pool. And then the splash hit her ears.

Turning, she moved towards the deeper end of the large pool, eventually crouching down near the edge. Maybe it was the dim light, but swimming in the water was one of the prettiest girls she'd ever seen. She just watches, afraid to speak, as if the vision before her would disappear if she did.

[OOC: Sorry for the dropped tags on the last post. Sob, life.]


healsforjustice October 22 2011, 02:03:12 UTC
For the moment, Amelia was unaware that she was being watched, diving lower under the surface of the water until her body skimmed the bottom of the pool. She did need air though, and soon headed to opposite edge from where Mint was.

Resurfacing, she sharply inhaled to regain her breath, head falling back as her fingers pushed the soaked black strands of hair away from her face. Finally opening her eyes, she reached for the towel she had left nearby, still not noticing her admirer just yet.

[ooc: No worries, it happens to everyone sometimes. ^_~]


the_a_la_mint October 22 2011, 02:14:15 UTC
Her words come out a whisper as the breeze blows her pink hair. "So beautiful..." Mint couldn't tear her eyes away, and subconsciously moved forward. Of course, she was already on the edge, and the inevitable happened. She fell forward with a cry, which was cut off by a loud splash as Mint fell forward into the water.


healsforjustice October 22 2011, 02:20:48 UTC
The whisper was so soft that Amelia honestly thought she was hearing things. However, the same couldn't be said for the splash. Whipping around, she stared a moment at the ripples in the water, taking note of someone sinking into the water.

"Hold on!" she shouted as she swam across as fast as she could. Ducking under the surface, she grabbed the stranger the arms, pulling her above the water, before awkwardly paddling towards the steps with the girl in tow, hoping she was breathing and conscious. "Hey, are you alright?!"


the_a_la_mint October 22 2011, 02:30:37 UTC
Mint coughed as she was brought up out of the water, feeling her arms being pulled by someone. At the words, she nodded. "I-I'm okay... I didn't mean to fall in." All she was wearing was that dress, the soaked white material sticking to her slender body.

She wiped the water from her eyes, only to see that her savior was the very girl she was admiring before. She blushed red, backing away on instinct. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to trouble you like this!"


healsforjustice October 22 2011, 02:39:46 UTC
It probably didn't help Mint's nerves that, due to the way Amelia was leaning over, checking to see if she was okay, all her curves were on display in the slim fitting white swimsuit she was wearing. Naturally, the dark haired girl failed to notice, her concern overriding everything else.

"Don't be silly, it was an accident, these things happen." she insisted, walking up the steps and past Mint, only to return a moment later to wrap her towel around the other girl. "Mind you, it might be a good idea for you to get out of those clothes before you catch a chill."


the_a_la_mint October 22 2011, 02:50:48 UTC
Mint's blush showed no signs of fading as she pulled the towel around her form. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to be so sneaky. But you're just so beautiful. I had no idea how to break the ice." She looked down a bit, gazing at the water. "Just watching you was breathtaking." She knew she was nowhere near as pretty as this girl, but hopefully the brunette wouldn't laugh at her too much.


healsforjustice October 22 2011, 10:59:17 UTC
It was Amelia's turn to blush on hearing the confession, though doing her best to not to start twitching and stuttering. Honestly, she wasn't used to compliments at the best of times, nevermind ones that sound so sincere and heartfelt. Truth be told she found it hard to believe anyone could think of her like that, but it would be rude to dismiss the words when Mint obviously struggled to say them in first place. The best she could do now was make the most of this.

"Well, this is certainly an unusual way to meet, but nice all the same." she smiled, offering a hand to the stranger. "I'm Amelia, what's your name?"


the_a_la_mint October 22 2011, 18:47:51 UTC
Smiling, Mint took the hand in her own. "I'm Mint. It's nice to meet you, Amelia." It was more than nice, honestly. Her soaked clothes didn't feel near as cold anymore, either. "You can go back to your swim, if you want. I'd join you, but... I'm not wearing anything underneath this." She motioned to the clinging white dress, her long hair sticking to her neck and shoulders.


healsforjustice October 22 2011, 19:00:03 UTC
Smiling back, Amelia gently shook Mint's hand, though took a moment before letting go. Honestly, it was nicer than she thought, having someone to talk to for the evening, thought it was hard not to take notice of the way the other girl's clothes were sticking to her like a second skin.

Tilting her head to the side, she pondered over things for a moment, understanding the predicament, but still feeling a bit disappointed at the prospect of Mint leaving. Naturally though, the obvious solution to that problem made her go all the redder; no way could she suggest that...right?

"Well, I would appreciate the company. Perhaps we can think of a compromise..." she suggested.


the_a_la_mint October 22 2011, 19:14:59 UTC
Mint couldn't fight her smile, the way her face lit up at Amelia's suggestion. More than anything, she wanted to stay. "Anything! I mean, I'd love to stay here... With you..." Mint blushed again, looking away slightly. She knew she was acting far from her usual self, but at the same time, she couldn't help it. She was a treasure hunter, and this girl, frankly, looked like a princess. It was like pearls before swine.


healsforjustice October 22 2011, 19:21:31 UTC
"Well...no one else is likely to come out this hour, so...why not just forgo the swimsuits?" she murmured, rather flustered to even voice the idea. She was asking quite a bit after all, but of course didn't intend to just expect Mint to blindly agree, it had to be fair.

"You don't have to, I'd understand, though of course I wouldn't expect you to be the only without anything on." she assured her companion, toying with one of the straps on her own bathing suit.


the_a_la_mint October 22 2011, 19:27:30 UTC
Mint blinked up at Amelia, and then... smirked. "I always did want to go skinny dipping." Setting the towel aside, Mint slipped back into the water before shimmying out of her dress, the water hiding her body with only her shoulders and head poking out. Lifting out the thin dress, she wrung out the water the best she could before laying the garment flat on the side of the pool. Hopefully, it would dry a bit before she had to go back in.

Turning to Amelia, she grinned. "Your turn!"


healsforjustice October 22 2011, 19:33:39 UTC
She definitely took it better than Amelia had expected, though she supposed that was a good thing, considering she didn't wish for Mint to suddenly be upset with her. Odd really, how someone she barely knew, but undeniably cute could sway her so much.

Nodding at the request, she slipped back into the water herself, ducking down as she managed to wriggle out of the tight costume, quickly wringing it and tossing it to the side. Once that was done, she paddled her way over to Mint, smiling softly. "I don't suppose you had any particular plans in mind for staying out here did you?"


the_a_la_mint October 22 2011, 19:37:39 UTC
Mint giggled. "Not really; the word 'plan' doesn't really exist in my vocabulary..." She couldn't help but look over Amelia; well, as much of her body as she could see anyway. Her next words come out a soft murmur. "God, you're beautiful." Of course, she blushes immediately after saying them, averting her gaze.

[OOC: Have to run a few errands! Will tag when I return.]


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